So Good They Can't Ignore You
Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love
Cal Newport
This book challenges the conventional wisdom that following your passion leads to a fulfilling career. Instead, the author argues that becoming excellent at something valuable is the key to developing a compelling career. Through interviews with successful individuals from various industries, Cal Newport provides a blueprint for creating work that you love. This manifesto will change the way you think about careers and the crafting of a remarkable life.
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Goodreads Rating
For people who are trying to figure out career decisions, there’s a very interesting one: “So Good They Can’t Ignore You.” That gives a valuable perspective on how to select a path for one’s career. – source2012-10-07T00:00:00.000Z
Shockingly smart thoughts about your career. A must-read for anyone who is not loving their work, wanting to quit their job, and follow their passion, or not sure what to do next. I'm recommending this many times a week to people who email me with these kinds of questions. Best book I've ever read on the subject. See https://commoncog.com/blog/so-good-they-cant-ignore-you/ for a better summary. – sourceWhat you really want to do is to master something and to use your mastering of something as a way to get to your passion. – source