The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene
Discover the ultimate guide to power and manipulation in this cunning and instructive book that draws on the teachings of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz. With historical examples of notorious statesmen, warriors, seducers, and con men, this amoral and ruthless guide will teach you the 48 Laws of Power.
Publish Date
first published in 1998
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This book is so interesting that I plan to read it again in this break.
Go get it and read. You will totally enjoy it. – source2003-05-06T00:00:00.000Z
Warning: some think this book is pure evil. But power exists, so it can only help to understand it better, even if you choose not to wield it. – source2016-12-13T23:45:12.000Z
@lainface @Quora love the book. Also, "48 Laws of Power" by Robert is one of the best books interweaving history with real-life lessons. – source2017-01-15T11:13:04.000Z
The 3 most important books I've read: The Snowball by Warren Buffett, 48 Laws of Power, How to Win Friends & Influence People. – source2020-01-06T20:57:30.000Z
No book can harden you, it's a personal decision. But the two books by Robert Greene named: 48 Laws of power, Art of Seduction and the best of all 'Superlative Persuasion' will do u a lot of good.
Human are complicated and its best to understand why they act the way they do – source2017-08-29T00:00:00.000Z
https://www.neilstrauss.com/books/my-home-library/I cannot express how immensely valuable this book is, when absorbed into an open mind. – source
I think that this book is a great tool to get into the hands of women and get that positive thinking going. – source
@livingrightco @mkobach If you do that you ultimately become one of the transgressions examples. Re-read the book :) – source2021-01-04T13:00:54.000Z
Some of my favorite business books, comment one book that changed your life – source