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In The Rational Male® – Religion, author Rollo Tomassi explores the connection between human mating imperatives and the spiritual beliefs that influence society today. Tomassi poses thought-provoking questions about religion and masculinity, examining why religion and premarital sex are linked and why marriage can be detrimental to men. He also addresses the impact of romantic love on modern churches and the assimilation of patriarchal religions. As a "Godfather of the Red Pill", Tomassi pulls no punches in his exploration of the roots of old order thinking and how we can correct our course for the future.

Finding Darwin's God
A Scientist's Search For Common Ground Between God And Evolution (P.S.)
Exploring the intersection of science and religion, this book delves into the groundbreaking and sometimes contentious theories of Charles Darwin. The author seeks to close the divide between the two by addressing human evolution, making for a thought-provoking read.
Rollo Tomassi
2019-09-07T14:51:43.000ZAn insightful book using evolutionary psychology to explain how religion has been shaped by our past and how it can lead to violence and oppression. The author examines religious scriptures, rituals, and canon law to demonstrate how our evolutionary legacy has influenced the development of religion. The alpha male concept seen in primate society is reflected in the image of God as the dominant male in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The book highlights the impact of male-dominated social hierarchies on religion and how it can lead to discrimination and violence.
Rollo Tomassi
2019-08-08T17:39:23.000ZDiscover the power of mastery with this New York Times bestselling book. Drawing on research from previous international bestsellers, the author looks at past and contemporary masters to debunk myths about genius and reveal the secret to greatness. With tools and wisdom gained from the ages, readers will unlock their passions and become masters themselves.
Discover the ultimate guide to power and manipulation in this cunning and instructive book that draws on the teachings of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz. With historical examples of notorious statesmen, warriors, seducers, and con men, this amoral and ruthless guide will teach you the 48 Laws of Power.