The Demon-Haunted World
Science as a Candle in the Dark
Carl Sagan
Exploring the importance of scientific thinking in our technology-driven world, this Pulitzer Prize-winning book by acclaimed astronomer Carl Sagan dismantles the myths of pseudoscience and highlights its threat to our democracy. Using examples from history and contemporary culture, Sagan debunks popular fallacies like witchcraft and demon possession, while warning against the growing allure of conspiracy theories and unreason that threaten our fundamental freedoms. A must-read for anyone seeking to make informed decisions in a world awash with misinformation.
Publish Date
first published in 1996
Goodreads Rating
Gonna start posting book suggestions, as we’ve got lots of time to READ! This is one of my favorites: – source2021-07-15T14:53:36.000Z
This book is phenomenally prescient. It should be read in tandem with Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here, with Thurber’s short story, “The Greatest Man in the World” as a palate cleanser. – source2017-08-02T17:34:16.000Z
@nature Sagan died a year after the book was published, but his words still offer wisdom & clarity at a time when science & reason are under threat. – source2020-05-22T20:16:48.000Z
Today’s 2 books on one topic: my two favorite published works by Carl Sagan.
“The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark” – source2020-02-26T15:30:41.000Z
@TheChilterns Even if you profoundly disagree with Clarke, it’s very detailed. The classic is of course ‘The Demon Haunted World’ by Carl Sagan. When I’m Prime Minister it will be compulsory reading at school! Best book on what science is/isn’t and why we think the way we do. 👍 – source