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Discover the groundbreaking theory that aging is a disease and is treatable in this fascinating book by a leading authority on genetics and longevity. Exploring research from Harvard, the author reveals how activating vitality genes can slow down or even reverse aging. Prepare to be enlightened on this bold new approach to aging.
Seth MacFarlane
Sometimes Brilliant
The Impossible Adventure of a Spiritual Seeker and Visionary Physician Who Helped Conquer the Worst Disease in History
Sometimes Brilliant is the inspiring story of a young doctor and revolutionary hippie who works with the World Health Organization to eradicate smallpox, a disease that killed over half a billion people in the 20th century alone. Larry Brilliant’s experiences with spiritual teachers, cultural heroes, and tech innovators across the world, including Steve Jobs and the founders of Google and Facebook, make for a riveting epidemiological adventure and moving spiritual memoir. A testament to love, faith, and service, this book explores life’s most important questions and embodies the power of positive change.
Seth MacFarlane
2020-11-09T19:34:27.000ZA tech pioneer's persuasive argument for deleting your social media accounts. In Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Jaron Lanier explains how social media brings out the worst in us, manipulates our behavior, twists the truth, and disconnects us from reality. Lanier offers powerful and personal reasons for leaving these dangerous online platforms, and envisions a humanistic approach to social networking that can lead to a richer and fuller way of living.
Seth MacFarlane
2020-09-21T04:22:19.000ZExploring the importance of scientific thinking in our technology-driven world, this Pulitzer Prize-winning book by acclaimed astronomer Carl Sagan dismantles the myths of pseudoscience and highlights its threat to our democracy. Using examples from history and contemporary culture, Sagan debunks popular fallacies like witchcraft and demon possession, while warning against the growing allure of conspiracy theories and unreason that threaten our fundamental freedoms. A must-read for anyone seeking to make informed decisions in a world awash with misinformation.
Seth MacFarlane