The Digital Shopfloor - Industrial Automation in the Industry 4.0 Era
Performance Analysis and Applications (River Publishers Series in Automation, Control, and Robotics)
John Soldatos
Discover the future of manufacturing with this comprehensive guide to Industry 4.0. The digital transformation of industrial processes, propelled by Cyber-Physical Production Systems and Industrial Internet of Things technologies, offers unprecedented opportunities for hyper-efficient and highly flexible plants. However, deployment and maintenance costs, lack of awareness and knowledge, and uncertain business benefits have hindered progress. In response, the Digital Shopfloor Alliance provides leading edge digital automation solutions and guidelines for successful deployment, validated by three European Commission-funded projects. This book offers a detailed overview of the Alliance's solutions, including digital simulation and complementary assets, making it an indispensable tool for manufacturers seeking to benefit from Industry 4.0.
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Free open access book on Industry 4.0, factory automation and Edge: The Digital Shopfloor: Industrial Automation in the Industry 4.0 Era looks like a great free open access book by John Soldatos, Oscar Lazaro and… #DataScience #BigDataAnalytics #AI – source