Craig Brown
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Dr. Craig Brown is a top Techpreneur and Technology expert covering 30+ years of various technological and innovative projects for top fortune 1000 companies. He is also a Big Data, Data Science and Data Analytics subject matter expert. Brown has doctoral degrees from University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University, an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and BS degrees from University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Brown has earned 25 professional certifications in technology & business and is a leading expert in the IT arena.
3 books on the list
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The Digital Shopfloor - Industrial Automation in the Industry 4.0 Era
Performance Analysis and Applications (River Publishers Series in Automation, Control, and Robotics)
Discover the future of manufacturing with this comprehensive guide to Industry 4.0. The digital transformation of industrial processes, propelled by Cyber-Physical Production Systems and Industrial Internet of Things technologies, offers unprecedented opportunities for hyper-efficient and highly flexible plants. However, deployment and maintenance costs, lack of awareness and knowledge, and uncertain business benefits have hindered progress. In response, the Digital Shopfloor Alliance provides leading edge digital automation solutions and guidelines for successful deployment, validated by three European Commission-funded projects. This book offers a detailed overview of the Alliance's solutions, including digital simulation and complementary assets, making it an indispensable tool for manufacturers seeking to benefit from Industry 4.0.
Craig Brown
2019-12-04T20:11:32.000ZThis book explores the fascinating world of deep learning, which teaches computers to understand the world through a hierarchy of concepts. It covers mathematical and conceptual background, techniques used in industry, and research perspectives. Readers will learn about relevant topics in linear algebra, probability theory, and more, as well as practical applications in areas like natural language processing and computer vision. Perfect for students or engineers looking to incorporate deep learning into their work. Supplementary material available on the website.
Craig Brown
Python Machine Learning
Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow 2, 3rd Edition
Discover the exciting world of machine learning and how it powers innovative breakthroughs in technology. With the help of Python, learn the fundamentals of transforming data into knowledge and developing algorithms efficiently. This book covers problem-solving with a focus on classification, regression analysis, and clustering. Build your machine learning system for sentiment analysis and embed it into a web app for the world to see. Gain practical knowledge and improve your skillset with the best practices of machine learning.
Craig Brown
2018-10-18T18:39:09.000ZRecommended by
Kirk Borne