The Effective Executive
The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials)
Peter F. Drucker
Discover the key habits of mind essential to business effectiveness in this insightful book. Learn how to manage your time, prioritize tasks, and make effective decisions that contribute to the success of your organization. Peter F. Drucker, a renowned business expert, draws on his extensive experience to provide fresh insights into old and seemingly obvious business situations. Whether you're an executive or aspiring to be one, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their effectiveness in the workplace.
Publish Date
first published in 1966
Goodreads Rating
Though the parts on computers feel a little dated, this slim 1969 guide to managing yourself and others in the knowledge economy is otherwise incredibly on point. Drucker writes about first principles and makes things seem obvious — once he explains them in his straightforward way. – source2018-05-30T23:20:55.000Z
Another formative read for me. I devoured this book while in college. I can’t say that I’ve always been an effective executive, but Peter Drucker was a hero of mine. – source2013-09-25T00:00:00.000Z
Five business books that lit a bulb 💡
- Blue Ocean Strategy: Build something novel.
- Maverick: You can be different.
- The Intelligent Investor: Fundamentals are eternal.
- The Effective Executive: You’re wasting most moments.
- Drive: How to keep going. – source2018-05-30T23:20:55.000Z
2/ The Effective Executive. Drucker is one of the greatest business thinkers of the last century. He deeply understands people and that business is first and foremost about people. In this book he shows you how to execute - whether as a solo executor or senior manager. – source2018-05-30T23:20:55.000Z
The first book rec of the year: The Effective #Executive- by Peter Drucker- a perfect kick-off to the new year! I started reading it then learned one of my clients gave it to his executive team! Effective or just busy? #results – sourceI was very honored to have the opportunity to write the foreword to the 50th anniversary edition. – source