The Lord of the Rings
50th Anniversary, One Vol. Edition
J. R. R. Tolkien
Embark on a perilous quest with hobbit Frodo and his companions as they journey across Middle-earth to destroy the powerful One Ring, which threatens to fall into the hands of the evil Dark Lord, Sauron. Follow the journey of the Fellowship of the Ring, made up of a wizard, hobbits, dwarves, elves, and soldiers, as they battle through forests, mountains, and dark towers to save their world. Discover the epic tale of good versus evil, courage, friendship, and sacrifice in this timeless classic.
@Legit_bacon @mcannonbrookes Looking forward to it. I know it's cliche, but LotR is my favorite book ever :) Want to see the set and take my kids on tour of greater NZ. – source2019-03-24T16:08:11.000Z
The gift that keeps on giving. Remember that there are two books that can greatly influence teenaged boys: Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is about a fantasy world whose unrealism can seriously warp your personality and outlook. The other is about orcs. – source2014-03-05T00:48:42.000Z
Q: Any book recommendations for young adults? PG: The Lord of the Rings – source