The Selfish Gene
40th Anniversary Edition (Oxford Landmark Science)
Richard Dawkins
Explore the fascinating world of evolutionary thought with this classic exposition. The author offers a gene’s eye view of evolution, placing the importance on the units of information that persist, and viewing organisms as vehicles for their replication. This powerful and stylistically brilliant work galvanized the biology community, generating much debate and stimulating whole new areas of research. This 40th anniversary edition includes a new epilogue from the author discussing the continuing relevance of these ideas in evolutionary biology today, as well as the original prefaces and foreword. Join the millions of readers worldwide who have fallen in love with The Selfish Gene.
Publish Date
first published in 1976
Goodreads Rating
Mind blowing book. “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins. But warning you, it’s too true for most people to handle... – source2019-02-07T16:39:33.000Z
One of the earliest books I remember reading on evolutionary biology was The Selfish Gene, which I found “unspeakably beautiful” in its own way. I wonder what younger me would think of seeing this tweet. – sourceAn explanation of evolution since the beginning of life that explains things from the perspective of individual genes. – source
@philoinvestor @SridharanAnand There are many books on this but the ones I like the most are quite old. Selfish gene and blind watchmaker. Both by Dawkins. – source2020-08-09T09:57:59.000Z
@radioriley @RichardDawkins Yes, excellent book, also his The Blind Watchmaker. – sourceTurned evolutionary biology on its head and was written like a great detective story. – source
I had to read the Selfish Gene twice before I fully understood it and there were things I believed all my life that weren't so and I think it's just wonderful when you have those experiences. – source