27 books on the list
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Uncover the shocking story of how it took 140 years for scientists to fully prove and understand the existence of Ice Ages. Follow the fascinating journey of Louis Agassiz, who passionately presented his evidence in 1837 to a skeptical audience. Learn how Agassiz's perseverance eventually led to the discovery of glaciation on hard rocks, which ultimately proved the Ice Age theory.
Charlie Munger
2014-12-15T00:00:00.000ZExplore the life of history's first billionaire and America's most famous dynasty patriarch in this captivating biography. Ron Chernow, the award-winning biographer, breaks down the true nature of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. with uncommon objectivity and literary grace while offering startling revelations. From his humble beginnings to the creation of America's most powerful monopoly, Standard Oil, Rockefeller was a controversial figure surrounded by scandals and investigations. Chernow presents a nuanced and human portrait of the icon while also documenting a pivotal moment in American history. With appearances by notable figures such as Mark Twain and J. Pierpont Morgan, Titan weaves together a vivid tapestry of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that is as insightful as it is dramatic.
Charlie Munger
The Warren Buffett Portfolio
Mastering the Power of the Focus Investment Strategy
Discover the investment strategies behind the incredible success of Warren Buffett with Robert Hagstrom's practical guide, The Warren Buffett Portfolio. Learn how to build a superior and profitable portfolio through focus investing, a strategy based on the economic principles of a company. Hagstrom breaks down this technique, used by Buffett himself, into easy-to-understand terms suitable for any level of experience. Don't miss out on the next wave of investment strategy to achieve the best possible results.
Charlie Munger
The Blind Watchmaker
Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design
Explore the theory of natural selection and evolution in The Blind Watchmaker. Richard Dawkins offers an elegant rebuttal to creationism by illustrating how Darwinian natural selection is an unconscious, automatic process. Using simple organisms to show how complexity, diversity, and beauty developed over time, he asserts that nature's "watchmaker" is blind, operating without foresight or purpose. This seminal text is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand evolution today.
Charlie Munger
1996-01-19T00:00:00.000ZExplore the fascinating world of evolutionary thought with this classic exposition. The author offers a gene’s eye view of evolution, placing the importance on the units of information that persist, and viewing organisms as vehicles for their replication. This powerful and stylistically brilliant work galvanized the biology community, generating much debate and stimulating whole new areas of research. This 40th anniversary edition includes a new epilogue from the author discussing the continuing relevance of these ideas in evolutionary biology today, as well as the original prefaces and foreword. Join the millions of readers worldwide who have fallen in love with The Selfish Gene.
Charlie Munger
Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field
How Two Men Revolutionized Physics
Delve into the fascinating world of Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell, two brilliant scientists of the 19th century, who discovered the electromagnetic field, revolutionizing our understanding of the world. Discover how their collaborative efforts paved the way for groundbreaking technological advancements and theoretical breakthroughs that still impact us today. This engaging narrative interweaves their biographical details and scientific achievements, showcasing the remarkable lives of these two scientific giants.

The Outsiders
Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success
Discover the traits and methods of exceptional CEO performance in this insightful book. Author Will Thorndike evaluates the performance of companies and their leaders, highlighting the returns for shareholders over the long term. Meet eight individualistic CEOs whose firms’ average returns outperformed the S&P 500 by a factor of twenty, and learn their striking traits that put them on winning trajectories, such as a focus on per share value and a talent for allocating capital and resources. This eye-opening book offers a compelling alternative model for leading or investing in a company, with lessons that can reap extraordinary returns.
Charlie Munger
This book explores the world of high-achievers and what makes them different. Gladwell argues that we focus too much on successful people themselves and not enough on the unique culture, family, and experiences that set them apart. From software billionaires to great soccer players, Gladwell explores what factors contribute to exceptional success. The book is both entertaining and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for anyone interested in achieving greatness.
Discover the science behind persuasion with this insightful book. Co-written by the world's most quoted influence expert, it presents fifty surprisingly effective strategies to help you become a more persuasive communicator at work and in your personal life. From using one word to increase persuasiveness by over 50% to inconveniencing rivals, this book offers little-known but proven wisdom to help you avoid common pitfalls and have a greater impact in moving others in your direction.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns (Little Books. Big Profits)
Discover the key to successful investing with The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. Mutual fund expert John C. Bogle reveals the simplest and most effective investment strategy for building long-term wealth: low-cost index funds. Bogle's principles have endured through market ups and downs, and this tenth anniversary edition includes updated data and additional guidance on asset allocation and retirement investing. Supported by Warren Buffett and other financial experts, this guidebook offers a solid strategy for anyone looking to build a broadly diversified, low-cost portfolio without the risks of individual stocks or sector rotation.
Influence by Robert B. Cialdini
Genome by Matt Ridley
The Third Chimpanzee by Jared M. Diamond
Deep Simplicity by John Gribbin
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
A Matter of Degrees by Gino Segre
How the Scots Invented the Modern World by Arthur Herman
Benjamin Franklin, Volume 1 by Carl van Doren
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David S. Landes
Fiasco by Frank Partnoy
Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew S. Grove
Models of My Life by Herbert A. Simon
Living within Limits by Garrett Hardin
Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher
Andrew Carnegie by Joseph Frazier Wall
Three Scientists and Their Gods by Robert Wright