The True Believer
Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
Eric Hoffer
The True Believer delves into the theme of political fanaticism, examining how individuals become extremists. Written by San Francisco dock worker, Eric Hoffer, this book is a landmark in the field of social psychology. With praise from Arthur Schlesinger Jr., it offers a visionary, provocative look into the mind of a fanatic, and is an essential read for understanding today's world. This is the first and most famous book within the Harper Perennial Resistance Library series, a collection of excellent classic works that reveal the nature of truth, resistance, and authoritarianism.
Publish Date
first published in 1951
Goodreads Rating
10. The True Believer by Eric Hoffer -- a brilliant book on the nature of mass movements and collective psychology. – source2020-11-11T16:53:02.000Z
@RealMarkCecil One of the most quotable books I've ever read. I think about it often. – source2018-09-19T18:40:13.000Z
"Behind the Curtain" Book #4: The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements by Eric Hoffer.
An all-time favorite book on influence and culture. – source2016-08-17T00:00:00.000Z
I couldn't wrap my head around it until I read Eric Hoffer's The True Believer. I've read and re-read this book countless times ever since, grabbing it off my bookshelf during the various "revolutions" that have happened over the past ten years, and have never been disappointed by Hoffer's insights into the mind and motivations of people who participate in mass movements. – source2023-01-04T21:23:25.000Z
@TonyClimate I think you would massively appreciate Eric Heller's, "The True Believer." It is about mass movements--how they start, where they get their fuel from (fanatics), and why people join in. The book climbed into my brain and camped out. Climate changers are a classic. – source