The Undoing Project
A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
Michael Lewis
Discover how two Israeli psychologists challenged our understanding of decision-making and altered the way we see the world in this revolutionary book by Michael Lewis. Learn how their groundbreaking research debunked assumptions about the human mind and created the field of behavioral economics. Explore their fascinating collaboration and how it impacted medicine, government, and technology. With incredible insight into the complexities of the human mind, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in psychology, economics, or innovation.
Publish Date
first published in 2016
Goodreads Rating
If you like Daniel Kahneman’s work, especially his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, you will absolutely love this book by Michael Lewis that delves into the background of his work. Brilliant piece of writing I enjoyed last year. – source2018-01-04T00:00:00.000Z
Half biography of two researchers, half summary of their work on human fallacies and predictable cognitive deficiencies. Kills the idea of “the rational human” and replaces it with a much more nuanced picture of a faulty human that makes mistakes in similar ways, which you can learn to identify and counter. – source2018-09-09T21:33:10.000Z
@chronic_trader I tried but I cant do ten and there isn't enough room for a full list so books Ive recently enjoyed are:
Homo Deus
The Silk Road
The Lean Start Up
Trust me Im lying
Chaos Monkeys
David Bowie - A life
Why Minksy Matters
The Sheltering Sky
The Undoing Project – source2017-03-02T17:28:15.000Z
@Bradley_James2 Misbehaving? Thinking Fast and Slow. Undoing Project. – source2021-07-16T22:45:45.000Z
Michael Lewis’ book The Undoing Project about the friendship and partnership between Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman is a hoot. I recommend it highly to anybody who has an interest in cognitive psychology or decision making. – source