The War of Art
Steven Pressfield
Unleash your creativity with a guide to overcome the greatest enemy: resistance. Discover unique and helpful ways to express yourself with the support of bestselling author Steven Pressfield.
Publish Date
first published in 2002
Goodreads Rating
@TheLoge It's called "The War of Art" it's a great book about harnessing creativity – sourceI have a little sign on my desk here that says, 'Beat the resistance.' So, I’ve given The War of Art out a lot too. – source
Are you a writer who doesn’t write, a painter who doesn’t paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture? Then you know what “Resistance” is. This book is about that. Read it. – source
The essential no-bullshit guide for anyone who battles self-doubt or struggles to bring any important project to life. – source
my QUARANTINE BOOK GIVEAWAY. I'm giving away to 6 people 6 of my favorite "quarantine books". All u have to do is share your favorite books in the comments to my IG post here: (going to start doing this every month). Lots of good suggestions already. – source2019-01-20T19:46:32.000Z
@gwhits I know that book well. It's brilliant. Steve will be on my podcast soon. – source2019-11-12T19:30:31.000Z
I’m asked all the time what books I suggest. These are the best of the best. Links to each book are here #marketing #entrepreneur – source2020-12-03T03:33:22.000Z
Resistance by definition is self-sabotage."" - The War of Art. Great book on the continous struggle to unlock our creative potential. – source2022-12-31T18:40:43.000Z
📚 My favorite books
These are not the most-influential or most-important books of all time [at least not all of them] — just the ones I like the most; or the most-important to me.
I have almost certainly forgotten a whole bunch. – sourceHalf drill sergeant, half Zen voodoo master, the author shot me out of my stupor and taught me the meaning of creative discipline. – source