The Broken Ladder
Keith Payne
someone said "Keith Payne’s book Broken Ladder completely changed my understanding of the psychology of inequality and the connection between the feeling of powerlessness and control. It’s a must #rethinkreading recommendation
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning
Laurie Lee
As I read the comment about this book
"The idea you could step out of your front door and explore the world and have adventures and all you needed was you. That your own self was sufficient. That was everything. A wonder."
Los 5 lenguajes del amor
Gary Chapman
Atrévete a no gustar
Ichiro Kishimi
Cómo piensan los ricos
Morgan Housel
El sutil arte de que te importe un caraj*
Mark Manson
El obstáculo es el camino
Ryan Holiday
Una educación
Tara Westover
No hay vuelta atrás
Melinda Gates
Cuando todo se derrumba
Pema Chodron
La liberacion del alma
Michael A. Singer
Piénsalo otra vez
Adam Grant
Deberías hablar con alguien
Lori Gottlieb
No me puedes lastimar
David Goggins
Mente Zen, Mente de Principiante
Shunryu Suzuki
El cuerpo lleva la cuenta
Bessel van der Kolk
The Antidote
Oliver Burkeman
Todo tiene solución
Marie Forleo
More Than Enough
Elaine Welteroth
Conversaciones Dificiles
Douglas Stone
Este dolor no es mío
Mark Wolynn
La rebelión de Atlas
Ayn Rand
Hour of the Witch
Chris Bohjalian