Una educación
The Horus Heresy SeriesA Memoir
Tara Westover
Nacida en las montañas de Idaho, Tara Westover ha crecido en armonía con una naturaleza grandiosa y doblegada a las leyes que establece su padre, un mormón fundamentalista convencido de que el final del mundo es inminente. Ni Tara ni sus hermanos van a la escuela o acuden al médico cuando enferman. Todos trabajan con el padre, y su madre es curandera y única partera de la zona.
Tara tiene un talento: el canto, y una obsesión: saber. Pone por primera vez los pies en un aula a los diecisiete años: no sabe que ha habido dos guerras mundiales, pero tampoco la fecha exacta de su nacimiento (no tiene documentos). Pronto descubre que la educación es la única vía para huir de su hogar. A pesar de empezar de cero, reúne las fuerzas necesarias para preparar el examen de ingreso a la universidad, cruzar el océano y graduarse en Cambridge, aunque para ello deba romper los lazos con su familia.
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I thought I was pretty good at teaching myself—until I read Tara Westover’s memoir Educated. Her ability to learn on her own blows mine right out of the water. I was thrilled to sit down with her recently to talk about the book. – fuente2019-02-09T00:00:00.000Z
Sat down in my plane seat, didn't feel take-off, 6 hours of flying, or landing. Unreal. Thank you, Tara Westover. Consider me educated. – fuente2020-01-03T00:39:46.000Z
Just finished reading “Educated”.This was an amazing book that shows the role culture plays in a person’s life & the importance of an education.@tarawestover personal account of no formal education to receiving a PhD from Cambridge is extraordinary.Inspiring & touching read! – fuente2019-07-27T19:34:55.000Z
If you read or listen to only one book this summer, this is it. Bloody brilliant! Every word, every sentence. Rarely do I go through a book with such a rollecoaster of emotion, from love to hate. Thank you for sharing @tarawestover #Educated – fuente2019-05-16T22:59:45.000Z
@dhaber @tarawestover @gauravkapadia The best book I read last year ( thanks Obama quite literally ) – fuente2019-02-06T05:15:56.000Z
The books of my life. I’ve been wanting to assemble them for a long time. The stack is not complete, but each one of these books is written into my mind and heart and soul. Each one is a little part of who I am. Thank you, authors. – fuente2020-05-08T14:34:13.000Z
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew. – fuente2022-08-20T12:31:01.000Z
@derjue You’ve probably already read “Educated,” by Tara Westover, one of the best books of the past 10 years. – fuente