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Battling the Big Lie
How Fox, Facebook, and the MAGA Media Are Destroying America
Disinformation Nation by a #1 New York Times bestselling author offers a guide on how to combat political truth decay and the Right Wing propaganda machine. The book exposes the tactics used by the Right Wing to amass power and prevent a shared understanding of reality. With step-by-step guides on spotting fake news and becoming your own fact checker, readers are equipped to fight back against disinformation. A compelling read for those interested in the truth behind the immense polarization and division in America.
Barack Obama
2022-08-10T16:42:47.000ZThis book tells the story of Martin Luther King Jr.'s imprisonment in the days leading up to the 1960 presidential election, and the efforts of three of John F. Kennedy's civil rights staffers who went rogue to free him. This move changed the face of the Democratic Party and propelled Kennedy to the White House. The book covers the nine extraordinary days that followed King's arrest, which were integral in changing the course of one of the closest elections in American history. It's a gripping tale filled with electoral machinations, moral courage, and important lessons for our own time.
Barack Obama
2021-02-19T21:04:07.000ZEl Ministerio del Futuro una obra maestra de la imaginación. Narra a través de testimonios ficticios cómo nos afectará a todos el cambio climático. Su visión no es la de un mundo desolado y apocalíptico, sino la de un futuro que ya se nos echa encima… y cuyos desafíos tal vez consigamos superar por los pelos.
Es una novela actual e impactante, descorazonadora y esperanzadora a partes iguales, y es uno de los libros más poderosos y originales que jamás se hayan escrito sobre el cambio climático.
Creado en el año 2025, el objetivo del nuevo organismo era sencillo: Defender a las futuras generaciones de la humanidad y proteger a todos los seres vivos, del presente y del futuro. Enseguida empezó a ser conocido como el Ministerio del Futuro, y esta es su historia.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000Z"Missionaries" by Phil Klay is a gripping novel that delves into the aftermath of America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Set in Colombia, the book follows four lives that become entangled as they navigate the violence and power struggles of the region. Mason, a U.S. Army Special Forces medic, and Lisette, a foreign correspondent, are drawn to Colombia and the adrenaline of war despite their past traumas. Meanwhile, Juan Pablo, Mason's counterpart in the Colombian military, and Abel, a lieutenant in a local militia, grapple with their own perspectives and loyalties in the midst of chaos. As they navigate a landscape where drug cartels, militias, and the state are blurred, a power vacuum emerges, leaving all the characters vulnerable to forces they cannot control. With geopolitical sophistication and powerful insights into the human heart, "Missionaries" is an electrifying artistic reckoning with the unpredictable and devastating consequences of America's global projection of power.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000Z"Jack" by a Pulitzer and National Humanities Medal-winning author Marilynne Robinson is a masterpiece of American contemporary fiction, exploring the themes of love, race, and religion. Set in segregated St. Louis after World War II, Jack's heart-wrenching love story with an African American teacher, the daughter of a preacher, is one of the author's greatest accomplishments. The novel delves into the dilemmas and promises of American history, the impact of racial inequality, and the deep-rooted religious belief that continues to resonate in our national character.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000Z"Homeland Elegies" is a thought-provoking exploration of hope and identity in a nation that is falling apart, blending fact and fiction to tell an epic story of belonging and dispossession in the aftermath of 9/11. This gripping book is part family drama, part social essay, and part adventure, following a father and son as they navigate a changing world. Author Ayad Akhtar has created a powerful new narrative voice that captures a country where debt and finance have taken over, a TV star is president, and immigrants live in fear. Through the lens of a gripping family story, Akhtar makes sense of this chaotic new reality, sparing no one in the process.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000ZRecomendado por
Robert BenzieIn this book, Isabel Wilkerson gives us a portrait of an unseen phenomenon in America as she explores, through an immersive, deeply researched narrative and stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings.
Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people's lives and behavior and the nation's fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more. Using riveting stories about people--including Martin Luther King, Jr., baseball's Satchel Paige, a single father and his toddler son, Wilkerson herself, and many others--she shows the ways that the insidious undertow of caste is experienced every day. She documents how the Nazis studied the racial systems in America to plan their out-cast of the Jews; she discusses why the cruel logic of caste requires that there be a bottom rung for those in the middle to measure themselves against; she writes about the surprising health costs of caste, in depression and life expectancy, and the effects of this hierarchy on our culture and politics. Finally, she points forward to ways America can move beyond the artificial and destructive separations of human divisions, toward hope in our common humanity.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000ZA young black woman navigates contemporary sexual and racial politics while stumbling her way through her twenties and trying to make it as an artist. When she meets Eric, who is in an open marriage, Edie becomes embroiled in his family life and becomes a friend to his wife and a role model to his adopted daughter. This sharp, darkly comic, sexually charged, and socially disruptive debut novel is a haunting and aching portrayal of the challenges of self-discovery in a tumultuous era.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000Z"Memorial Drive" is a memoir that delves into how the author's teenage years were upended when her former stepfather killed her mother. Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Natasha Trethewey shares her journey through grief and explores how this traumatic event shaped her as an artist. She reflects on her own upbringing as a "child of miscegenation" in Mississippi and her mother's history in the deeply segregated South. This book is an intimate portrayal of pain, loss, and resilience.
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000ZUn análisis demoledor sobre el panorama político actual.
El mejor libro del año según The Washington Post y The financial Times
Las democracias occidentales modernas están bajo asedio y el auge del autoritarismo es una cuestión que debería preocuparnos a todos. En El ocaso de la democracia, Anne Applebaum (premio Pulitzer y una de las primeras historiadoras que alertó de las peligrosas tendencias antidemocráticas en Occidente) expone de forma clara y concisa las trampas del nacionalismo y de la autocracia. En este extraordinario ensayo explica por qué los sistemas con mensajes simples y radicales son tan atractivos.
Los líderes despóticos no llegan solos al poder; lo hacen aupados por aliados políticos, ejércitos de burócratas y unos medios de comunicación que les allanan el camino y apoyan sus mandatos. Asimismo, los partidos nacionalistas y autoritarios que han ido tomando relevancia en las democracias modernas ofrecen unas perspectivas que benefician exclusivamente a sus partidarios, permitiéndoles alcanzar unas cotas de riqueza y poder inigualables.
Siguiendo los pasos de Julien Benda y Hannah Arendt, Applebaum retrata a los nuevos defensores de las ideas antiliberales y denuncia cómo estas élites autoritarias utilizan las teorías de la conspiración, la polarización política, el terrorífico alcance de las redes sociales e incluso el sentimiento de nostalgia para destruirlo todo y redefinir nuestra idea de nación.
Escrito de forma magistral, y de lectura urgente y necesaria, El ocaso de la democracia es un brillante análisis pormenorizado del terremoto que está sacudiendo el mundo y una apasionante defensa de los valores democráticos.
La crítica ha dicho...
«¿Cómo se torcieron nuestras democracias? Applebaum nos ofrece una respuesta en este extraordinario ensayo.»
Timothy Snyder
«La experiencia histórica y el conocimiento de Applebaum de la Europa contemporánea y de los Estados Unidos iluminan lo distintivo y eterno de los peligros políticos que enfrentamos hoy [...]. El ocaso de la democracia ofrece muchas lecciones sobre la antigua lucha entre los conceptos de democracia y de dictadura. Pero quizás lo más importante es lo frágil que es la democracia: su supervivencia depende de las decisiones que toman cada día las élites y la gente común.»
Sheri Berman, The Washington Post
«Un relato a menudo aleccionador, a veces impactante, pero nunca desesperante del auge del autoritarismo en Occidente.»
Los Angeles Review of Books
Barack Obama
2020-12-20T00:00:00.000ZLa mitad evanescente by Brit Bennett
Trust Exercise by Susan Choi
Los chicos de Hidden Valley Road by Robert Kolker
Cuánto oro esconden estas colinas by C Pam Zhang
El hotel de cristal by Emily St. John Mandel
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
Deacon King Kong by James McBride
Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn
Esplendor y vileza by Erik Larson
El largo río de las almas by Liz Moore
A Different Way to Win by Jim Rooney
Tough Love by Susan Rice
El instituto Topeka by Ben Lerner
The Education of an Idealist by Samantha Power
The Anarchy by William Dalrymple
Inland by Téa Obreht
The Yellow House by Sarah M. Broom
Falso espejo by Jia Tolentino
Los chicos de la Nickel by Colson Whitehead
The Sixth Man by Andre Iguodala
Florida by Lauren Groff
Horas cruentas by Casey Cep
Exhalación by Ted Chiang
Niña, mujer, otras by Bernardine Evaristo
No hay vuelta atrás by Melinda Gates
Gente normal by Sally Rooney
Cómo no hacer nada by Jenny Odell
Finding My Voice by Valerie Jarrett
Un caballero en Moscú by Amor Towles
Lot by Bryan Washington
Solitary by Albert Woodfox
No digas nada by Patrick Radden Keefe
The Source of Self-Regard by Toni Morrison
Desierto sonoro by Valeria Luiselli
American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson
Maid by Stephanie Land
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee by David Treuer
La era del capitalismo de la vigilancia by Shoshana Zuboff
Mi historia by Michelle Obama
Frederick Douglass by David W. Blight
Heartland by Sarah Smarsh
Washington Black by Esi Edugyan
American Prison by Shane Bauer
Arthur Ashe by Raymond Arsenault
Immigrant, Montana by Amitava Kumar
Ni aquí ni allí by Tommy Orange
The World as It Is by Ben Rhodes
Warlight by Michael Ondaatje
Futureface by Alex Wagner
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
In the Shadow of Statues by Mitch Landrieu
Una educación by Tara Westover
Feel Free by Zadie Smith
Un matrimonio americano by Tayari Jones
Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday
Cómo mueren las democracias (Ariel) by Steven Levitsky
El favor de la sirena by Denis Johnson
Truth Decay by Jennifer Kavanagh
Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick J. Deneen
El poder by Naomi Alderman
Grant by Ron Chernow
Baloncesto (y otras hierbas) by Shea Serrano
Five-Carat Soul by James McBride
La canción de los vivos y los muertos by Jesmyn Ward
Vida 3.0 by Max Tegmark
Coach Wooden and Me by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami
The Broken Ladder by Keith Payne
Anything Is Possible by Elizabeth Strout
Janesville by Amy Goldstein
Bienvenidos a Occidente by Mohsin Hamid
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
El ferrocarril subterráneo by Colson Whitehead
The Return by Hisham Matar
Dying by Cory Taylor
Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
Desahuciadas by Matthew Desmond
Años salvajes by William Finnegan
Entre el mundo y yo by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
La chica del tren by Paula Hawkins
La Sexta Extinción by Elizabeth Kolbert
H de Halcón by Helen MacDonald
La luz que no puedes ver by Anthony Doerr
The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
We Live in Water by Jess Walter
El huérfano by Adam Johnson
The New Geography of Jobs by Enrico Moretti
Superficiales by Nicholas Carr
How to Read the Air by Dinaw Mengestu
Washington by Ron Chernow
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
En la corte del lobo by Hilary Mantel
The Shadow of Sirius by W. S. Merwin
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
La canción de Salomón by Toni Morrison
Cien años de soledad by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
A House for Mr. Biswas by V. S. Naipaul
Four Great Tragedies by William Shakespeare
El largo camino hacia la libertad by Nelson Mandela
New American Standard Bible by The Lockman Foundaiton
Todo se desmorona by Chinua Achebe
A Grain of Wheat by Ngugi Wa Thiong'O
Abraham Lincoln by Abraham Lincoln
Parting the Waters by Taylor Branch