9 libros en la lista
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Discover How to Love Unconditionally Despite Political Differences. This book takes a closer look at the evangelical reaction to cultural and political shifts in recent years, and how it revealed their relentless drive to win. Discern how to make a stand with humility, view politics through the lens of faith, and apply Jesus’s teachings to modern-day challenges. Learn to follow Jesus’s command to love others unconditionally rather than fighting for power or asserting your rights. Explore the powerful message of this book and discover a new perspective on love and acceptance.
Joe Scarborough
First Principles
What America's Founders Learned from the Greeks and Romans and How That Shaped Our Country
Explore the classical education and literature that shaped the thinking of America's founding fathers in this revelatory new book by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. The author delves into the works of ancient Greek and Roman philosophers, including the Iliad, Plutarch's Lives, and those of Xenophon, Epicurus, Aristotle, Cato, and Cicero, to reveal the ideals that formed the cornerstone of American democracy. Drawing on indepth research, First Principles provides fresh new insights into the lives and thinking of these legendary leaders, unveiling startling new portraits of men we thought we knew.
Joe Scarborough
2020-12-09T10:32:49.000ZUn análisis demoledor sobre el panorama político actual.
El mejor libro del año según The Washington Post y The financial Times
Las democracias occidentales modernas están bajo asedio y el auge del autoritarismo es una cuestión que debería preocuparnos a todos. En El ocaso de la democracia, Anne Applebaum (premio Pulitzer y una de las primeras historiadoras que alertó de las peligrosas tendencias antidemocráticas en Occidente) expone de forma clara y concisa las trampas del nacionalismo y de la autocracia. En este extraordinario ensayo explica por qué los sistemas con mensajes simples y radicales son tan atractivos.
Los líderes despóticos no llegan solos al poder; lo hacen aupados por aliados políticos, ejércitos de burócratas y unos medios de comunicación que les allanan el camino y apoyan sus mandatos. Asimismo, los partidos nacionalistas y autoritarios que han ido tomando relevancia en las democracias modernas ofrecen unas perspectivas que benefician exclusivamente a sus partidarios, permitiéndoles alcanzar unas cotas de riqueza y poder inigualables.
Siguiendo los pasos de Julien Benda y Hannah Arendt, Applebaum retrata a los nuevos defensores de las ideas antiliberales y denuncia cómo estas élites autoritarias utilizan las teorías de la conspiración, la polarización política, el terrorífico alcance de las redes sociales e incluso el sentimiento de nostalgia para destruirlo todo y redefinir nuestra idea de nación.
Escrito de forma magistral, y de lectura urgente y necesaria, El ocaso de la democracia es un brillante análisis pormenorizado del terremoto que está sacudiendo el mundo y una apasionante defensa de los valores democráticos.
La crítica ha dicho...
«¿Cómo se torcieron nuestras democracias? Applebaum nos ofrece una respuesta en este extraordinario ensayo.»
Timothy Snyder
«La experiencia histórica y el conocimiento de Applebaum de la Europa contemporánea y de los Estados Unidos iluminan lo distintivo y eterno de los peligros políticos que enfrentamos hoy [...]. El ocaso de la democracia ofrece muchas lecciones sobre la antigua lucha entre los conceptos de democracia y de dictadura. Pero quizás lo más importante es lo frágil que es la democracia: su supervivencia depende de las decisiones que toman cada día las élites y la gente común.»
Sheri Berman, The Washington Post
«Un relato a menudo aleccionador, a veces impactante, pero nunca desesperante del auge del autoritarismo en Occidente.»
Los Angeles Review of Books
Joe Scarborough
Begin Again
James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
Explore the struggle for racial justice in America through the lens of James Baldwin's life and writings. In the aftermath of the civil rights movement, Baldwin transformed into a more politically-engaged writer, at personal and professional cost. In "Begin Again," Eddie S. Glaude Jr. delves into the challenge of confronting America's lies about race, exploring the after times of today's Trumpian era intersecting with Black Lives Matter movement, and how Baldwin's journey offers guidance and hope through disillusionment and despair. This searing exploration is both a powerful interrogation of what we must ask of ourselves and an indispensable part of America's much-needed political and cultural reckoning.
Joe Scarborough
2019-12-03T14:04:22.000ZDiscover the captivating story of how Robert F. Kennedy turned tragedy into hope in the aftermath of JFK's assassination. In The Revolution of Robert Kennedy, journalist John R. Bohrer provides intimate details of Bobby's life between 1963 and 1966, as he navigated mourning his brother and competing with Lyndon Johnson for control of the Democratic Party. From Attorney General to champion of the underprivileged, Bobby's journey helped shape the themes of his eventual presidential campaign. This insightful biography invites readers to explore the mind and heart of one of America's most inspiring leaders.
Joe Scarborough
The Immoral Majority
Why Evangelicals Chose Political Power over Christian Values
This book explores the possible reasons why evangelicals are losing the culture war, and if they are to blame for their decline. Written by Ben Howe, this book delves into the history of the Christian Right and how it led to the current state of the conservative movement. Howe examines the intellectual dishonesty and manipulative rhetoric that evangelical leaders use to convince Christians to follow the Republican Party line. He argues that unless evangelicals prioritize persuasion over power, they will continue to lose influence in the world. The Immoral Majority urges readers to value the eternal over the ephemeral, humility over ego, and resist the temptation of political power.
Joe Scarborough
2019-08-13T11:54:35.000ZRecomendado por
Joe Walsh"Reset" is a must-read for anyone experiencing job loss or hoping to maintain job security. Dwain Schenck infuses personal experience and expert advice into a candid account of his journey through unemployment. This book provides valuable techniques and insights on dealing with the emotional phases of job loss, networking, and reinvention. With a dash of humor, Schenck touches on serious topics and extracts wisdom from successful leaders like Donald Trump and Mika Brzezinski. "Reset" will help you get back on your feet and thrive in a buyer's market.
Joe Scarborough
2017-11-26T19:15:01.000ZExplore the enduring relevance and power of one of America's most beloved literary classics in So We Read On. With a fresh perspective that highlights its literary achievements, path to classic status, and commentary on race, class, and gender, book critic Maureen Corrigan offers a rousing consideration of The Great Gatsby. Drawing on her experience as a reader, lecturer, and critic, Corrigan's insightful exploration will leave you inspired to re-experience this great novel in an entirely new light.
This memoir dives into the author's experiences as a young athlete and the defining season that shaped the rest of his life. We follow his journey as he and his Citadel basketball team struggle to find their place in the world, while Conroy navigates the complicated relationships with his coach and father. Through both exhilarating games and heartbreaking defeats, readers will be reminded of the important lessons that come with failure, and the power of finding one's self in the midst of it all.
Joe Scarborough