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Conversations with People Who Hate Me
12 Things I Learned from Talking to Internet Strangers
"Conversations with People Who Hate Me" is an inspiring exploration of difficult conversations and how to navigate them. From his acclaimed work on promoting social justice, creator and producer Dylan Marron invites his detractors to chat on the phone. The resulting conversations provide surprising and thought-provoking insights, showing how having difficult conversations can help us connect with others during times of division. This candid and earnest guide is essential for anyone looking to bridge the gap with those who disagree with them.
Aparna Nancherla
Begin Again
James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own
Explore the struggle for racial justice in America through the lens of James Baldwin's life and writings. In the aftermath of the civil rights movement, Baldwin transformed into a more politically-engaged writer, at personal and professional cost. In "Begin Again," Eddie S. Glaude Jr. delves into the challenge of confronting America's lies about race, exploring the after times of today's Trumpian era intersecting with Black Lives Matter movement, and how Baldwin's journey offers guidance and hope through disillusionment and despair. This searing exploration is both a powerful interrogation of what we must ask of ourselves and an indispensable part of America's much-needed political and cultural reckoning.
Aparna Nancherla
2021-01-19T01:52:46.000ZUn centro comercial invadido por hordas de consumidores zombis durante el Black Friday; un parque temático en el que los blancos simulan que asesinan a presuntos delincuentes negros; un mundo postapocalíptico donde una catástrofe nuclear se repite cada día en un bucle eterno. Los doce impactantes relatos de este libro son un retrato distópico de la Norteamérica contemporánea que denuncian, entre la sátira y la crudeza, los horrores del consumismo, las desigualdades de clase, la brutalidad del racismo... En el corazón de estas historias, personas corrientes intentan mantener la sensatez y la integridad mientras todo se desmorona.
Escrito con una afilada prosa que atrapa al lector para sacudirlo con fuerza, el extraordinario debut de Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah sobre la violencia, la injusticia y el absurdo de la realidad actual se ha convertido en un éxito en todo el mundo. Aclamado por autores como Colson Whitehead y George Saunders, ha sido comparado con clásicos de la talla de Kurt Vonnegut.
Aparna Nancherla
2021-01-19T01:52:46.000ZThis collection of stories by Nafissa Thompson-Spires tackles the complexities of black identity and the contemporary middle class. With a writing style that echoes Paul Beatty and Junot Díaz, these boundary-pushing vignettes explore the simmering tensions around race and the vulnerability of the black body. Some stories are darkly humorous, while others are devastatingly poignant. Thompson-Spires fearlessly delves into these issues, making her an original and necessary voice in modern fiction.
Aparna Nancherla