El Ministerio del Futuro
A Novel
Kim Stanley Robinson
El Ministerio del Futuro una obra maestra de la imaginación. Narra a través de testimonios ficticios cómo nos afectará a todos el cambio climático. Su visión no es la de un mundo desolado y apocalíptico, sino la de un futuro que ya se nos echa encima… y cuyos desafíos tal vez consigamos superar por los pelos.
Es una novela actual e impactante, descorazonadora y esperanzadora a partes iguales, y es uno de los libros más poderosos y originales que jamás se hayan escrito sobre el cambio climático.
Creado en el año 2025, el objetivo del nuevo organismo era sencillo: Defender a las futuras generaciones de la humanidad y proteger a todos los seres vivos, del presente y del futuro. Enseguida empezó a ser conocido como el Ministerio del Futuro, y esta es su historia.
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As 2020 comes to a close, I wanted to share my annual lists of favorites. I’ll start by sharing my favorite books this year. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did. – fuente2022-08-28T21:16:47.000Z
Summer’s almost over. If you have time to sneak in another book or two – here are a few I recommend. – fuente2021-09-29T00:35:55.000Z
@igb What? I disagree. I stuck with it to the end and I found this book to be a wonderful exercise in optimism. A draft blueprint for how to address climate change. We need less dystopian nightmare sci fi and more of this. – fuente2020-11-30T16:24:54.000Z
There's more to say about the book than I possibly can here, but it's key virtue is it takes our present more seriously than we do. and then it asks questions many are afraid to ask — about capitalism, about the morality of violence, about how we ignore what we already know. – fuente2023-02-25T21:39:51.000Z
Late to this novel, but enjoying it - if you’re convinced, as I am, about the urgency of tackling climate change but want hopeful solutions rather than despair, I’d recommend reading this – fuente2020-12-03T04:45:46.000Z
It's an uncomfortable read. It's a brilliant book. If it indeed turns out to be Stan's last novel (oh please don't let it be Stan's last novel), it will be a fitting capstone. But the subtext of this book is that we are past the point of no return.
36/ – fuente2022-01-01T23:23:11.000Z
@ChelskiLittle @SophieLGilbert much as i love Ministry for the Future, this is my very favorite of his books. There's some Twain in there – fuente2021-02-17T19:06:08.000Z
@KatjaBessonova @_david_ho_ @DrLimnology @dcullenward @DrKWilkinson @ayanaeliza @EricHolthaus Great book! My review for The @Guardian below.
Catch our conversation in a few weeks (March 6) at the Tucson Festival of books: – fuente2021-01-25T22:35:07.000Z
Highly recommend this book because it's a great read that tackles some of the biggest issues facing all of us rn
The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson via @goodreads – fuente2022-05-16T04:16:35.000Z
@DavidInglesTV I recommend reading "the Ministry of the Future" for a futurist taste of this horrible reality – fuente