29 libros en la lista
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El Ministerio del Futuro una obra maestra de la imaginación. Narra a través de testimonios ficticios cómo nos afectará a todos el cambio climático. Su visión no es la de un mundo desolado y apocalíptico, sino la de un futuro que ya se nos echa encima… y cuyos desafíos tal vez consigamos superar por los pelos.
Es una novela actual e impactante, descorazonadora y esperanzadora a partes iguales, y es uno de los libros más poderosos y originales que jamás se hayan escrito sobre el cambio climático.
Creado en el año 2025, el objetivo del nuevo organismo era sencillo: Defender a las futuras generaciones de la humanidad y proteger a todos los seres vivos, del presente y del futuro. Enseguida empezó a ser conocido como el Ministerio del Futuro, y esta es su historia.
Nicola Sturgeon
Two Victorian marriages, two dangerous love affairs, one extraordinary partnership . . .
London, 1894. After a lifetime spent navigating his desires, John Addington, married to Catherine, has met Frank, a working-class printer.
Meanwhile Henry Ellis's wife Edith has fallen in love with Angelica - and Angelica wants Edith all to herself.
Nicola Sturgeon
2023-01-28T16:26:45.000ZThis darkly comic political parable explores the dynamics within a family and a divided country. The Big Guy loves his family, money, and country, but is undone by the 2008 presidential election. He taps a group of like-minded men to reclaim their version of the American Dream while facing turbulence within his own family. A.M. Homes prompts a reconsideration of truth, freedom, and democracy, exploring the explosive consequences of what happens when the same words mean such different things to people living under one roof in this stunning alternative history that is both terrifyingly prescient, deeply tender, and devastatingly funny.
Nicola Sturgeon
2022-10-29T16:31:04.000ZLa vida no es fácil en un college de Nueva Inglaterra si eres un chico modesto y falto de afecto que llega de California, y Richard Papen lo sabe; por eso agradece que lo admitan en un pequeño grupo de cinco estudiantes capitaneados por un profesor de literatura clásica con mucho carisma y pocos escrúpulos.
Los chicos sueltan comentarios en griego y se ríen de la ingenuidad y la torpeza de los demás, pero bien mirado se pasan el día bebiendo y engullendo pastillas, hasta que un mal día lo que parecían chiquilladas se convierten en asuntos donde la muerte tiene algo que decir. Es entonces cuando Richard y su pandilla descubren qué difícil es vivir sin máscaras y qué fácil es matar sin remordimientos.
Nicola Sturgeon
2022-10-15T15:48:19.000ZThis book follows an eighty-year-old woman who experiences a deep depression after her husband's death, but emerges with a new lease on life. She defies convention by forming a friendship with a hijra woman, confusing her bohemian daughter who thinks of herself as more modern. Together they travel to Pakistan, confront the trauma of Partition, and explore what it means to be a mother, daughter, woman, and feminist. Through playful prose, this book protests against the damaging impact of borders and boundaries, between religions, countries, and genders.
Nicola Sturgeon
2022-07-19T17:18:38.000ZThis epic and intimate novel delves into the family behind the infamous John Wilkes Booth, exploring their lives in a secret cabin hidden away just northeast of Baltimore. As the country teeters towards secession and civil war, the Booths share triumphs, scandals, and devastating disasters amidst their dramatic rise to fame as a leading theatrical family. Booth offers a vivid portrayal of the ties that make and break a family during a time of immense change in American history.
Nicola Sturgeon
How a Pandemic Changed the World & How to Stop the Next One
Preventable is an illuminating book that explores how politics influence global health crises. Professor Devi Sridhar compares the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world and examines why certain countries have suffered far worse losses than others. This book combines science, politics, ethics, and economics to showcase the deep-seated social and economic inequalities that shape our fate. Sridhar presents lessons learned from past and present outbreaks and sets out a vision for how we can better protect ourselves from future health crises. An urgent read that will challenge, inspire, and outrage readers.
Nicola Sturgeon
2022-04-21T18:54:03.000ZA coming-of-age novel that explores the profound themes of life, death, and friendship. Set in a small Scottish town in 1986, two friends, James and Tully, make a vow to live life differently. Thirty years later, Tully's news forces them to confront mortality and examine their obligations to each other. Mayflies is a poignant examination of human connection and the meaning of love in the face of tragedy.
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Nate BerkusSet in 1979 during the winter of discontent, this award-winning and internationally bestselling crime novel follows the story of Allie Burns - a bold investigative journalist on the hunt for her first big scoop. Along with fellow reporter Danny Sullivan, they uncover corruption, terror, and murder, making powerful enemies along the way. With intriguing insight into both the past and present, this novel marks the first in Val McDermid's newest series of crime novels.
Nicola Sturgeon
2021-07-15T19:26:47.000ZEn un convulso 1974, mientras el ejército turco ocupa el norte de Chipre, Kostas, un griego cristiano, y Defne, una turca musulmana, se reúnen en secreto bajo las vigas ennegrecidas de la taberna La Higuera Feliz, donde cuelgan ristras de ajos, cebollas y pimientos. Allí, lejos del fragor de la guerra, crece a través de una cavidad en el techo una higuera, testigo del amor de los dos jóvenes, pero también de sus desencuentros, de la destrucción de Nicosia y de la trágica separación de los amantes. Décadas más tarde, en el norte de Londres, Ada Kazantzakis acaba de perder a su madre. A sus dieciséis años, nunca ha visitado la isla en la que nacieron sus padres y está desesperada por desenredar años de secretos, división y silencio. La única conexión que tiene con la tierra de sus antepasados es un Ficus carica que crece en el jardín de su casa.
La isla del árbol perdido es una historia llena de magia sobre la pertenencia y la identidad, el amor y el dolor, y la asombrosa capacidad de regeneración a través de la memoria.
Nicola Sturgeon
2021-07-15T19:26:47.000ZEl trueno en el reino by Hilary Mantel
La mitad evanescente by Brit Bennett
We Are Attempting To Survive Our Time by A.L. Kennedy
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell
Los mejores años by Kiley Reid
Celestial Bodies by Jokha Alharthi
Dominicana by Angie Cruz
Los optimistas by Rebecca Makkai
The Female Persuasion by Meg Wolitzer
Niña, mujer, otras by Bernardine Evaristo
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World by Elif Shafak
Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan
Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie
Less by Andrew Sean Greer
Mr. Loverman by Bernardine Evaristo
La flor púrpura by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld
Poor Things by Alasdair Gray