The Ministry for the Future
A Novel
Kim Stanley Robinson
This near-future novel explores the impacts of climate change, technology, politics, and human behavior. The Ministry for the Future was established to advocate for future generations and protect all living creatures. Through fictional eyewitness accounts, Kim Stanley Robinson weaves a visionary and powerful story of a future that is almost upon us. This impactful and original book presents both hope and despair in equal measure, making it one of the most powerful novels on climate change ever written.
Publish Date
Goodreads Rating
As 2020 comes to a close, I wanted to share my annual lists of favorites. I’ll start by sharing my favorite books this year. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did. – source2022-08-28T21:16:47.000Z
Summer’s almost over. If you have time to sneak in another book or two – here are a few I recommend. – source2021-09-29T00:35:55.000Z
@igb What? I disagree. I stuck with it to the end and I found this book to be a wonderful exercise in optimism. A draft blueprint for how to address climate change. We need less dystopian nightmare sci fi and more of this. – source2020-11-30T16:24:54.000Z
There's more to say about the book than I possibly can here, but it's key virtue is it takes our present more seriously than we do. and then it asks questions many are afraid to ask — about capitalism, about the morality of violence, about how we ignore what we already know. – source2023-02-25T21:39:51.000Z
Late to this novel, but enjoying it - if you’re convinced, as I am, about the urgency of tackling climate change but want hopeful solutions rather than despair, I’d recommend reading this – source2020-12-03T04:45:46.000Z
It's an uncomfortable read. It's a brilliant book. If it indeed turns out to be Stan's last novel (oh please don't let it be Stan's last novel), it will be a fitting capstone. But the subtext of this book is that we are past the point of no return.
36/ – source2022-01-01T23:23:11.000Z
@ChelskiLittle @SophieLGilbert much as i love Ministry for the Future, this is my very favorite of his books. There's some Twain in there – source2021-02-17T19:06:08.000Z
@KatjaBessonova @_david_ho_ @DrLimnology @dcullenward @DrKWilkinson @ayanaeliza @EricHolthaus Great book! My review for The @Guardian below.
Catch our conversation in a few weeks (March 6) at the Tucson Festival of books: – source2021-01-25T22:35:07.000Z
Highly recommend this book because it's a great read that tackles some of the biggest issues facing all of us rn
The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson via @goodreads – source2022-05-16T04:16:35.000Z
@DavidInglesTV I recommend reading "the Ministry of the Future" for a futurist taste of this horrible reality – source