The Horus Heresy SeriesПредать, чтобы обрести себя
Tara Westover
У Тары странная семья. Отец готовится к концу света – консервирует персики на случай массового голода и скупает оружие, которым можно уничтожить целую деревню. Мать лечит ожоги и раздробленные кости настойкой лаванды, а братья и сестры не ходят в школу и работают на свалке. Тара знает, как обращаться с винтовкой и управлять строительным краном, но с трудом может читать и писать. Но однажды ее жизнь меняется. Втайне от родителей Тара готовится к поступлению в колледж…
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I thought I was pretty good at teaching myself—until I read Tara Westover’s memoir Educated. Her ability to learn on her own blows mine right out of the water. I was thrilled to sit down with her recently to talk about the book. – источник2019-02-09T00:00:00.000Z
Sat down in my plane seat, didn't feel take-off, 6 hours of flying, or landing. Unreal. Thank you, Tara Westover. Consider me educated. – источник2020-01-03T00:39:46.000Z
Just finished reading “Educated”.This was an amazing book that shows the role culture plays in a person’s life & the importance of an education.@tarawestover personal account of no formal education to receiving a PhD from Cambridge is extraordinary.Inspiring & touching read! – источник2019-07-27T19:34:55.000Z
If you read or listen to only one book this summer, this is it. Bloody brilliant! Every word, every sentence. Rarely do I go through a book with such a rollecoaster of emotion, from love to hate. Thank you for sharing @tarawestover #Educated – источник2019-05-16T22:59:45.000Z
@dhaber @tarawestover @gauravkapadia The best book I read last year ( thanks Obama quite literally ) – источник2019-02-06T05:15:56.000Z
The books of my life. I’ve been wanting to assemble them for a long time. The stack is not complete, but each one of these books is written into my mind and heart and soul. Each one is a little part of who I am. Thank you, authors. – источник2020-05-08T14:34:13.000Z
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew. – источник2022-08-20T12:31:01.000Z
@derjue You’ve probably already read “Educated,” by Tara Westover, one of the best books of the past 10 years. – источник