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Read This Twice

Shauna Niequist

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37 книг в списке
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Heavy book cover
An American Memoir
Kiese Laymon - 2022-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
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This memoir is a powerful exploration of the impact of secrets, lies, and deception on a black family, individuals, and a country on the brink of moral collapse. The author lays bare his complicated childhood in Mississippi, including experiences of sexual violence and his complex relationship with his mother, with unflinching honesty. Through personal stories and piercing intellect, Laymon asks us to confront the terrifying possibility that few in this nation actually know how to responsibly love and become free. Defiant yet vulnerable, Heavy is an insightful and comical examination of identity, art, friendship, family, and the weight that we all carry.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew.      источник
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Ученица book cover
Предать, чтобы обрести себя
Tara Westover - 2018-02-20
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У Тары странная семья. Отец готовится к концу света – консервирует персики на случай массового голода и скупает оружие, которым можно уничтожить целую деревню. Мать лечит ожоги и раздробленные кости настойкой лаванды, а братья и сестры не ходят в школу и работают на свалке. Тара знает, как обращаться с винтовкой и управлять строительным краном, но с трудом может читать и писать. Но однажды ее жизнь меняется. Втайне от родителей Тара готовится к поступлению в колледж…
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew.      источник
Когда дыхание растворяется в воздухе book cover
Когда дыхание растворяется в воздухе
Иногда судьбе всё равно, что ты врач
Paul Kalanithi - 2016-01-12
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Пол Каланити - талантливый врач-нейрохирург, и он с таким же успехом мог бы стать талантливым писателем. Более десяти лет он учился на нейрохирурга и всего полтора года отделяли его от того, чтобы стать профессором. Он уже получал хорошие предложения работы, у него была молодая жена и совсем чуть-чуть оставалось до того, как они наконец-то начнут настоящую жизнь, которую столько лет откладывали на потом. Полу было всего 36 лет, когда смерть, с которой он боролся в операционной, постучалась к нему самому. Диагноз - рак легких, четвертая стадия - вмиг перечеркнул всего его планы. Кто, как не сам врач, лучше всего понимает, что ждет больного с таким диагнозом? Пол не опустил руки, он начал жить! Он много времени проводил с семьей, они с женой родили прекрасную дочку Кэди, реализовалась мечта всей его жизни - он начал писать книгу, и он стал профессором нейрохирургии.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew.      источник
Sound Of Gravel book cover
Sound Of Gravel
Ruth Wariner - 2016-01-05
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This true story follows one girl's coming-of-age in a polygamist cult, where authorities turn a blind eye to the community practices. Growing up on a rural farm without indoor plumbing or electricity, Ruth Wariner is the thirty-ninth of her father's 42 children. After her father is brutally murdered, her mother remarries and they move back and forth between Mexico and the United States for government assistance and odd jobs. Despite her love for her siblings, Ruth begins to doubt her family's beliefs and question her mother's choices, struggling to forge a better life for herself. This intimate and gripping tale of triumph, courage, and resilience is recounted from the perspective of a hopeful child.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew.      источник
Просто дети book cover
Просто дети
Patti Smith - 2010-01-19
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Патти Смит - американская рок-певица и поэт, подруга и любимая модель фотографа Роберта Мэпплторпа. В своих воспоминаниях она рисует точный и в то же время глубоко личный портрет эпохи. Нью-Йорк конца шестидесятых - начала семидесятых, атмосфера "Фабрики" Энди Уорхола и отеля "Челси", встречи с великими поэтами-битниками и легендарными музыкантами - все это неразрывно переплетено с историей взросления и творческого роста самой Патти, одной из самых ярких представительниц поколения. "Просто дети" - это не только бесценное свидетельство о времени и щемящее признание в любви ушедшему другу. Это глубокая, выверенная, образная проза поэта, выходящая далеко за рамки мемуарного жанра.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew.      источник
Lit book cover
A Memoir (P.S.)
Mary Karr - 2009-11-03
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This memoir is a masterclass on the art of writing that tells the story of a woman's life journey of getting drunk, getting sober, becoming a mother, and learning to write by learning to live. Lit is a poignant and unforgettable sequel to The Liars’ Club and Cherry that has been critically acclaimed by The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and Susan Cheever. It is a must-read for anyone interested in compelling personal stories that transmute into the highest art.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew.      источник
Everything Belongs book cover
Everything Belongs
The Gift of Contemplative Prayer
Richard Rohr - 2023-03-06 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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Discover the power of contemplation with this popular and bestselling book. The renowned Franciscan urges readers to move beyond their comfort zone and connect with God to find true freedom and certainty. Learn how "everything belongs" and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist—today: books that have shaped my faith. I feel like I could have added a million more, of course, but these are five that God has used in my life in such deep ways—and I can’t wait to hear yours.      источник
Learning to Walk in the Dark book cover
Learning to Walk in the Dark
Barbara Brown Taylor - 2014-04-08
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Discover the power of exploring spirituality in the dark with this New York Times Bestseller. In Learning to Walk in the Dark, the author challenges our preconceptions about lightness and darkness, and encourages us to embrace "lunar spirituality." Through darkness, we gain courage, new perspectives, and a deeper understanding of God's presence in our lives. With warmth and wisdom, this guide illuminates how to find strength and hope in times of uncertainty.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist—today: books that have shaped my faith. I feel like I could have added a million more, of course, but these are five that God has used in my life in such deep ways—and I can’t wait to hear yours.      источник
To Bless the Space Between Us book cover
To Bless the Space Between Us
A Book of Blessings
John O'Donohue - 2008-03-04
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Experience the beauty of Celtic spiritual traditions with this collection of inspiring blessings by Irish teacher and poet, John O'Donohue. In To Bless the Space Between Us, O'Donohue offers readers insightful guidance on life's milestones, from getting married to starting a new job. But more than that, he shows us how we can transform our whole world through the lens of blessing. Perfect for those seeking wisdom and encouragement on their journey through life.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist—today: books that have shaped my faith. I feel like I could have added a million more, of course, but these are five that God has used in my life in such deep ways—and I can’t wait to hear yours.      источник
Orthodoxy book cover
G. K. Chesterton - 2007-01-10 (впервые опубликовано в 1908)
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Discover a witty and engaging defense of the Christian faith that appeals to both the heart and the mind. Anticipating modern theology, this book argues that a belief system must resonate with personal experience in order to be credible. Written by a renowned Christian apologist, this timeless classic delves into the philosophy of belief in a set of mental pictures rather than a series of deductions. With an illuminating introduction and brief notes, this edition is a must-read for anyone seeking to explore the essence of Christianity.
Shauna Niequist
Another day, another booklist—today: books that have shaped my faith. I feel like I could have added a million more, of course, but these are five that God has used in my life in such deep ways—and I can’t wait to hear yours.      источник
Jon Gabriel
When God Made the World by Matthew Paul Turner
Такой забавный возраст by Kiley Reid
Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff
Miracles and Other Reasonable Things by Sarah Bessey
Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons
The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall
Эвви Дрейк все начинает сначала by Linda Holmes
Цирцея by Madeline Miller
When God Made Light by Matthew Paul Turner
Брак по-американски by Tayari Jones
Hallelujah Anyway by Anne Lamott
One by Deidra Riggs
Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst
Хюгге, или уютное счастье по-датски by Helen Russell
Between the Dark and the Daylight by Joan Chittister
The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp
An Everlasting Meal by Tamar Adler
Preparing for Christmas by Richard Rohr
The Advent Book by Jack Stockman
A Cook's Tour by Anthony Bourdain
The Supper of the Lamb by Robert Farrar Capon
Comfort Me with Apples by Ruth Reichl
Crossing the Unknown Sea by David Whyte
Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott
Home Cooking by Laurie Colwin
Мудрость эннеаграммы by Don Richard Riso
The Gastronomical Me by M. F. K. Fisher