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Peter King

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Peter King is an American sportswriter. He wrote for Sports Illustrated from 1989 to 2018, including the weekly multiple-page column Monday Morning Quarterback. He is the author of five books, including Inside the Helmet. He has been named National Sportswriter of the Year three times
15 книг в списке
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The Bona Fide Legend of Cool Papa Bell book cover
The Bona Fide Legend of Cool Papa Bell
Lonnie Wheeler - 2021-02-09
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This biography explores the incredible life of James "Cool Papa" Bell, a legendary Negro Leaguer and Hall of Famer known for his lightning fast speed on the field. From his humble beginnings as the son of sharecroppers in Mississippi to his pivotal role on some of the greatest Negro League teams in history, author Lonnie Wheeler captures the ups and downs of Bell's life and career. With rich historical context and fascinating anecdotes, this book is a must-read for baseball fans and anyone interested in the history of the sport.
Peter King
Attaway, Tim. Lonnie's the best. So glad there's one last book to celebrate his greatness.      источник
Знай мое имя book cover
Знай мое имя
A Memoir
Chanel Miller - 2019-09-24
Рейтинг Goodreads
История о травме, преодолении и силе слова. Бестселлер New York Times, бестселлер Amazon, выбор читателей GoodReads 2019. Она была известна миру как Эмили Доу, когда ошеломила миллионы людей своим «Заявлением жертвы». Брока Тернера, изнасиловавшего ее в кампусе Стэнфорда, приговорили к шести месяцам тюремного заключения. Открытое письмо Шанель было опубликовано на BuzzFeed, где оно сразу стало вирусным — за четыре дня его прочитали одиннадцать миллионов человек, оно было переведено на множество языков и зачитано в Конгрессе; это привело к изменениям в калифорнийском законодательстве и отзыву судьи, который вел дело Шанель. Glamour признал Эмили Доу женщиной года за то, что она «изменила ход дискуссии насчет сексуальных преступлений». Тысячи женщин сказали, что благодаря ей нашли в себе смелость впервые рассказать о насилии, которое пережили сами. Теперь она открывает лицо, чтобы поведать свою историю о травме, преодолении и силе слова. Дело Шанель казалось очень простым — были и свидетели, и вещественные доказательства, обвиняемый сбежал. Но история ее борьбы с изоляцией и стыдом во время следствия и суда показывает, с чем сталкиваются жертвы изнасилования даже в самых «удачных» случаях. Книга Шанель — обвинение системе, которая предпочитает защищать преступников и терзать пострадавших, и вместе с тем — яркий образец отваги, которая позволяет преодолеть любые испытания и вернуться к полноценной жизни. «Знай мое имя» навсегда изменит наш взгляд на сексуальное насилие и представления о том, что приемлемо, а что нет. Это правдивый рассказ о тяжелом пути исцеления. И кроме того, это знакомство с новой выдающейся писательницей, чьи слова уже изменили наш мир. Эти мемуары, сочетающие в себе боль, стойкость и юмор, должны стать современной классикой. Признана лучшей книгой 2019 года по версиям New York Times Book Review, Washington Post, Npr, People, Parade, Time, Glamour, Chicago Tribune, Marie Claire, Elle, Fortune, Library Journal, Kirkus, Daily Mail, Baltimore Sun, She Reads, Man Repeller, Bookriot. Победитель премии Национального круга книжных критиков 2019 года в номинации «Автобиография».
Peter King
Please save some reading time for my review of “Know My Name” and interview with author Chanel Miller. One of the most impactful books I have read.      источник
The Boy from the Woods book cover
The Boy from the Woods
Harlan Coben - 2020-03-17
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A man with a mysterious past, known only as Wilde, is tasked with finding a missing teenage girl before her disappearance causes catastrophic consequences. Living in the woods and disconnected from society, Wilde must return to the community he's never fit into to uncover dangerous secrets and solve the case. Written by the bestselling author of Run Away, this thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page.
Peter King
Fathers Day book recommendations: -“Know My Name,” by Chanel Miller. (Powerful account of Stanford rape case.) -“The Boy From the Woods,” by Harlan Coben. -“The Body: A Guide for Occupants,” by Bill Bryson. -“The Hot Hand: The mystery and science of streaks,” by Ben Cohen.      источник
Rob Delaney
The Hot Hand book cover
The Hot Hand
The Mystery and Science of Streaks
Ben Cohen - 2020-03-10
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Discover the truth about whether streaks actually exist and how they can impact our everyday lives in this fascinating investigation. From sports to business to life and death decisions, this rising star at the Wall Street Journal explores the science behind the "hot hand" and other possible streaks, revealing how they can be both beneficial and dangerous. Packed with entertaining anecdotes and insights from Nobel Prize winners, The Hot Hand is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the mystery of streaks.
Peter King
Fathers Day book recommendations: -“Know My Name,” by Chanel Miller. (Powerful account of Stanford rape case.) -“The Boy From the Woods,” by Harlan Coben. -“The Body: A Guide for Occupants,” by Bill Bryson. -“The Hot Hand: The mystery and science of streaks,” by Ben Cohen.      источник
Alexis Ohanian
Тело book cover
Руководство пользователя
Bill Bryson - 2019-10-15
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Новая книга Билла Брайсона, автора международного бестселлера "Краткая история почти всего на свете", - это обязательный к прочтению путеводитель по устройству человеческого организма. Автор приглашает в захватывающую экскурсию по чудесам и достопримечательностям нашего "внутреннего космоса". Простым и доступным языком, с помощью исторических анекдотов и парадоксальных фактов Брайсон наглядно показывает, как устроено человеческое тело, объясняет принципы, по которым оно работает, и причины, по которым начинает сбоить.
Peter King
Fathers Day book recommendations: -“Know My Name,” by Chanel Miller. (Powerful account of Stanford rape case.) -“The Boy From the Woods,” by Harlan Coben. -“The Body: A Guide for Occupants,” by Bill Bryson. -“The Hot Hand: The mystery and science of streaks,” by Ben Cohen.      источник
Ball Four book cover
Ball Four
The Final Pitch
Jim Bouton - 1990-07-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1970)
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This classic book shook up the sports world when it was first published in 1970. With a new prologue by the author, it remains an important social document and beloved by fans. Though once considered a traitor and "social leper," Bouton's book is still being read today, even by those who don't typically follow baseball.
Peter King
RIP Jim Bouton, author of “Ball Four,” the greatest sports book of all time.      источник
Bobby Kennedy book cover
Bobby Kennedy
A Raging Spirit
Chris Matthews - 2017-10-31
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This in-depth portrait of Robert F. Kennedy goes beyond previous biographies, bringing readers closer to the man behind the historical figure. Author Chris Matthews, an esteemed Kennedy expert, sheds light on both the public and private life of the great American politician, highlighting his pragmatic approach to getting things done while still being an unwavering idealist. The book covers RFK's early years, his role as attorney general under his brother's administration, and his tragic run for president. Drawing on extensive research and interviews, Bobby Kennedy is destined to become a political classic.
Peter King
My 5 picks: 1 “Beartown,” by Fredrik Backman 2 “Bobby Kennedy,” by Chris Matthews 3 “Killers of the Flower Moon,” by David Grann 4 “The Rooster Bar,” by John Grisham 5 "Tiger Woods,” by Jeff Benedict and Armen Keteyian      источник
The Rooster Bar book cover
The Rooster Bar
A Novel
John Grisham - 2017-10-24
Рейтинг Goodreads
This legal thriller delves into the story of three friends who realize their law school has been scamming them. They borrowed heavily to attend a for-profit law school that rarely produces successful graduates. To make matters worse, their school is owned by a shady hedge-fund operator who also owns a bank specializing in student loans. The trio decides to quit school and expose the scam to make a few bucks. But, will they succeed? Follow their journey through this exciting novel that combines humor and suspense.
Peter King
My 5 picks: 1 “Beartown,” by Fredrik Backman 2 “Bobby Kennedy,” by Chris Matthews 3 “Killers of the Flower Moon,” by David Grann 4 “The Rooster Bar,” by John Grisham 5 "Tiger Woods,” by Jeff Benedict and Armen Keteyian      источник
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Tiger Woods book cover
Tiger Woods
Jeff Benedict - 2018-03-27
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the captivating and searing biography of one of the world's most famous athletes in this #1 New York Times bestseller. Based on years of reporting and interviews with over 250 people from every corner of his life, this biography delves behind the headlines to reveal the true face of Tiger Woods. Discover the mixed-race child programmed by his father and mother to be the "chosen one," and the devastating cost of his success. With revealing insights and captivating storytelling, this definitive biography is sure to leave a lasting impact on readers.
Peter King
Fathers Day book 5 “Tiger Woods,” by Jeff Benedict and Armen Keteyian. If I taught a reporting class, I’d make young students read this. How could our most written-about athlete have so many skeletons, so much we didn't know? Take a bow, Benedict and Keteyian. This book is great.      источник
Noah Kagan
Убийцы цветочной луны by David Grann
Медвежий угол by Fredrik Backman
Когда дыхание растворяется в воздухе by Paul Kalanithi
Billy Martin by Bill Pennington
Without You, There Is No Us by Suki Kim
Sports Illustrated PACKERS by The Editors of Sports Illustrated