23 книг в списке
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Prisoners of Geography
Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (1) (Politics of Place)
This acclaimed book examines how geography shapes global politics, using ten crucial regions to explain the strategies of world powers. The author provides unique perspectives on Russia, China, the US, Latin America, and more, exploring how each country's physical characteristics impact their leadership and decision-making. Whether through ancient maps or Google Earth, this compelling read reveals how geography always plays a role in shaping our world.
Rob Delaney
2022-04-25T15:57:16.000Z"Independent People" by Halldor Laxness is a timeless masterpiece that won the author the 1955 Nobel Prize in Literature. This epic novel set in early twentieth-century Iceland follows Bjartur of Summerhouses, an ordinary sheep farmer with an unwavering thirst for independence. The story is both heroic and bleakly comic, as father and daughter engage in an intense battle of wills that is both harsh and touching. This richly detailed and emotionally charged narrative is a stirring homage to Iceland's medieval epics and classic literature like Sigrid Undset's "Kristin Lavransdatter". "Independent People" is a must-read for any book lover looking to journey deep into a compelling story.
Rob Delaney
2022-03-01T10:57:54.000ZExperience a unique and urgent exploration of the social media landscape with this genre-defying book. Follow a woman who grapples with an unshakable conviction that a vast chorus of voices is now dictating her thoughts, while existential threats loom. As reality collides with the increasingly absurd antics of the portal, the woman confronts a world that seems to contain both empathy and injustice. Written in a fragmentary and omniscient style, No One Is Talking About This offers a profound meditation on love, language, and human connection from a singular voice in American literature.
Rob Delaney
2021-07-02T23:22:47.000ZExperience the world of illusion and magic with Charles Carter, also known as Carter the Great. This young master performer's skill surpasses even that of the legendary Houdini. But when he is faced with his greatest stunt yet, starring President Warren G. Harding, Carter's reputation is put on the line. Filled with historical references of the Roaring Twenties and pre-Depression America, immerse yourself in this complex and illuminating tale of a man's journey through a magical and dangerous world where illusion is the key to everything.
Rob Delaney
Amy Winehouse
The Jakarta Method
Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World
Explore the shocking hidden history of the United States' involvement in wanton slaughter across Indonesia, Latin America, and beyond. In his bold and comprehensive new history, Vincent Bevins uncovers how the U.S. government helped the Indonesian military kill one million innocent civilians in 1965 - a pivotal moment in the Cold War. The Jakarta Method sheds light on the disturbing legacy that spans the globe and reveals how the brutal extermination of unarmed leftists was a fundamental part of Washington's final triumph in the Cold War.
Rob Delaney
2021-04-27T16:44:19.000ZExplore the unbelievable story of how Russia went from an autocratic monarchy to the first socialist state in world history in just nine months in February and October of 1917. From Nobel Prize nominee China Miéville, this book delves into the intricate details of the individuals and forces that made this epic transformation possible. Meet familiar names such as Lenin and Trotsky and their opponents like Kornilov and Kerensky, while exploring the squabbles of urban activists and forgotten villages. This is not just a political event of lasting consequence but also a captivating story of passion and drama, perfect for those new to the events.
"Лживая взрослая жизнь" – это захватывающий, психологически тонкий и точный роман о том, как нелегко взрослеть. Главной героине, она же рассказчица, на самом пороге юности приходится узнать множество семейных тайн, справиться с грузом которых было бы трудно любому взрослому. Предательство близких, ненависть и злобные пересуды, переходящая из рук в руки драгоценность, одновременно объединяющая и сеющая раздоры… И первая любовь, и первые поцелуи, и страстное желание любить и быть любимой… Как же сложно быть подростком! Как сложно познавать мир взрослых, которые, оказывается, уча говорить правду, только и делают, что лгут… Автор книги, Элена Ферранте, – личность загадочная, предпочитающая оставаться в тени своих книг. Неизвестно даже, пользуется ли она псевдонимом или пишет под собственным именем. Ее романы переведены на 40 языков, и в 2016 году она вошла в список 100 самых влиятельных людей мира по версии еженедельника Time.
Rob Delaney
Waleed ShahidМногие представляют себе воспитание детей как прогулки по цветущим лугам, пикники и беззаботное веселье. Однако после рождения ребенка понимают, что на самом деле это круглосуточный тяжелый труд, требующий огромной отдачи.
Книга известного психотерапевта Филиппы Перри отвечает на самые главные вопросы мам и пап — от беременности до общения со взрослыми детьми — и дарит столь необходимую поддержку и понимание. Перри призывает избавиться от бремени "идеального родителя" и обратить внимание на действительно важные вещи. Вы начнете принимать и разделять чувства ребенка, забудете о манипуляциях и научитесь разрешать конфликты, а главное — сможете создать теплые и доверительные отношения с детьми, которые продлятся всю жизнь. Множество историй и случаев из практики автора подтверждают: ночной плач, кризис трех лет и подростковые бунты пройдут — а сохранить любовь и близость в ваших силах.
Rob Delaney
Richard OsmanIn "Lincoln in the Bardo," the Civil War has begun, and President Lincoln's son, Willie, tragically dies at the age of eleven. Author George Saunders takes this historical event and transforms it into a vivid and unforgettable story of familial love and loss that transcends time and reality. Within the "bardo," a Tibetan transitional state, young Willie's soul is fiercely contested by ghosts, resulting in a thrilling exploration of humanity's ability to love in the face of mortality. This bold and daring novel is a testament to the power of fiction and a must-read for those seeking an imaginative and thought-provoking work of literature.
Rob Delaney
2020-12-16T10:39:44.000ZThis chilling novel delves into the origins of one of the most infamous literary villains of all time. Hannibal Lecter emerges from the horrors of the Eastern Front as a young boy, haunted by his past. Taken in by his uncle in France, Hannibal is able to flourish and even becomes the youngest person ever admitted to medical school. But his demons still torment him, and as he discovers new gifts, he becomes the prodigy of death. Explore the evolution of evil in this haunting new classic.
Rob Delaney
2020-09-01T11:09:44.000ZКомандир и штурман by Patrick O'Brian
The Boy from the Woods by Harlan Coben
Crippled by Frances Ryan
Once More We Saw Stars by Jayson Greene
The Show That Never Ends by David Weigel
Чужак by Stephen King
Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans by Brian Kilmeade
Alan Partridge by Alan Partridge
Neapolitanskij kvartet by Elena Ferrante
Duck, Death and the Tulip by Wolf Erlbruch
Billy, Me & You by Nicola Streeten
Michael Rosen's Sad Book by Michael Rosen
Ten In The Bed by Penny Dale