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Read This Twice

Christopher Harris

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15 книг в списке
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My Life in Heavy Metal book cover
My Life in Heavy Metal
Steve Almond - 2003-03-11 (впервые опубликовано в 2002)
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This collection of 12 stories explores the often messy and passionate world of young love and longing. From hookups and drunken kisses to failed passes and sour relationships, the characters stumble through the choreography of modern love. Despite the aggressive sexual tone, the stories contain heart and the characters wear their sloppy passions on their rumpled sleeves. With humor and honesty, Steve Almond captures the flirty banter of office life, a doomed cross-party affair, and the struggles of a music critic navigating the late-eighties hair bands circuit. Overall, this debut from Almond shows promise for more great stories to come.
Christopher Harris
Today’s book from the Shelves to read a bit of is from @stevealmondjoy, his very first collection, “My Life In Heavy Metal.” High recommendation from me, he’s a good man, plus check out his new novel “All The Secrets Of The World.”      источник
Generation X book cover
Generation X
Douglas Coupland - 1996-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
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Explore the lives of three disillusioned twenty-somethings who have abandoned their mundane jobs and headed to the California desert in search of a more meaningful existence. Douglas Coupland's Generation X is a fascinating tale of love, death, and nuclear waste, set against the backdrop of American cultural memory. Experience a world populated with dead TV shows and semi-disposable Swedish furniture, where the characters' fanatical independence and unsatisfied longing for permanence and love shines a dark spotlight on the anxieties of a generation with nowhere to turn.
Christopher Harris
Today’s book off the Shelves to read a bit of is the novel that coined the term: “Generation X” by Douglas Coupland. Slackers trying to strip away unnecessary things in the desert. If you’ve never read, I highly recommend.      источник
Dave Elitch
This Must Be the Place book cover
This Must Be the Place
Anna Winger - 2008-08-14
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In Berlin during the fall of 2001, two unlikely friends in a forgotten corner of the city forge a deep connection as they uncover the secrets of their building and confront painful memories. Against the backdrop of a once divided city, they reconcile their past with their hopes for the future in this moving story of friendship and self-discovery.
Christopher Harris
Today’s random Shelf grab is “This Must Be The Place” by Anna Winger, a conversational book that made me want to visit Berlin.      источник
Jesus' Son book cover
Jesus' Son
Stories (Picador Modern Classics)
Denis Johnson - 1993-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
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This powerful work of American fiction follows the stories of those on the fringes of society: addicts, dreamers, and lost souls. Through themes of grief, redemption, and transcendence, readers embark on a journey of raw beauty and boundless energy, making it a must-read for any lover of twentieth-century literature.
Christopher Harris
@VittasNick Awesome! That makes me really happy, Nick. Jesus' Son is probably my favorite book in the world.      источник
James GunnJames Altucher
The Magus book cover
The Magus
John Fowles - 2001-01-04 (впервые опубликовано в 1965)
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A literary thriller set on a remote Greek island, The Magus follows Nicholas Urfe, a young Englishman who befriends a local millionaire. But what starts out as a friendship soon turns into a dangerous game, with reality and fantasy intentionally blurred. Full of suspense and eroticism, this novel is an international bestseller and has cemented John Fowles's reputation as a top-tier writer.
Christopher Harris
When I did a Top 10 list for fave books a while back, “The Magus” by John Fowles was on it. It’s a magical humbling of a novel, an upper-crusty snob just getting *messed* with, I love it. (If you ever read it, get the 1977 Revised Edition, which is how Fowles intended it to be.)      источник
Emma WatsonJonny Geller
Underworld book cover
A Novel
Don Delillo - 1999-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
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This powerful and riveting novel explores the second half of the 20th century in America, following the intertwining lives of an artist and an executive in New York during the 1950s and 90s. With appearances from famous figures like Frank Sinatra and Jackie Gleason, this dazzling work of art is a finalist for the National Book Award and a must-read for those interested in American history and culture.
Christopher Harris
Today’s random grab-and-read from The Bookshelves is a li’l ol’ 850-page American freakout, Underworld by Don DeLillo. If you’ve never read the first 60 or so pages (they were later sold separately as a novella) about the NY Giants Shot Heard Round The World, you should!      источник
Lincoln in the Bardo book cover
Lincoln in the Bardo
A Novel
George Saunders - 2017-02-14
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In "Lincoln in the Bardo," the Civil War has begun, and President Lincoln's son, Willie, tragically dies at the age of eleven. Author George Saunders takes this historical event and transforms it into a vivid and unforgettable story of familial love and loss that transcends time and reality. Within the "bardo," a Tibetan transitional state, young Willie's soul is fiercely contested by ghosts, resulting in a thrilling exploration of humanity's ability to love in the face of mortality. This bold and daring novel is a testament to the power of fiction and a must-read for those seeking an imaginative and thought-provoking work of literature.
Christopher Harris
Today is a cheat because I didn’t pull it down randomly from The Shelves but rather just finished reading it for the first time, but it’s very good, sort of a purgatory stage play imagining Abe Lincoln in mourning through the perspective of ghosts who don’t know they’re ghosts.      источник
Bill GatesRob DelaneyLinda Liukas
The Moviegoer book cover
The Moviegoer
Walker Percy - 1998-04-08 (впервые опубликовано в 1960)
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A young New Orleans stockbroker yearns for spiritual redemption amidst the chaos of his daily life. Binx Bolling surveys the world with a detached gaze of a Bourbon Street dandy, but after a life-changing event during Mardi Gras, he goes on a quest that endangers his family and leaves him reeling through the French Quarter. Wry, wrenching, ironic, and romantic, this novel is considered a genuine American classic.
Christopher Harris
Today’s book cover is falling apart which shows how many times I’ve read it. “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy. It’s just one of my faves. Binx Bolling and his search. Gets me every time.      источник
Ryan Holiday
The Golden Apples book cover
The Golden Apples
Eudora Welty - 1956-09-14 (впервые опубликовано в 1949)
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Explore the intricacies of Southern life in this collection of seven stories set in Mississippi. Delve into the lives of families such as the MacLains, the Starks, and the Moodys in the fictitious town of Morgana. According to the New Yorker, "I doubt that a better book about 'the South' - one that more completely gets the feel of the particular texture of Southern life and its special tone and pattern - has ever been written."
Christopher Harris
Today’s eyes-closed random grab is another great book of short stories… The Golden Apples by Eudora Welty. (It’s really almost a novel — the stories are interconnected, about the same town.) “Beware of a man with manners.”      источник
Дом листьев by Mark Z. Danielewski
Бесконечная шутка by David Foster Wallace
Подлинная история банды Келли by Peter Carey
Criers & Kibitzers, Kibitzers & Criers by Stanley Elkin
A Fan's Notes by Frederick Exley
End Zone by Don Delillo