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Nikki Haley

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Nimrata "Nikki" Haley is an American diplomat, businesswoman, author, and politician. A Republican, Haley is a former South Carolina state legislator, a former governor of South Carolina, and a former United States ambassador to the United Nations.
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Everything Will Be Okay book cover
Everything Will Be Okay
Life Lessons for Young Women (from a Former Young Woman)
Dana Perino - 2021-03-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Empowering Young Women to Overcome the Quarter-Life Crisis: A Bestselling Author's Advice on Success, Career, Life, and Relationships. Written by a Beloved Fox News Co-Host, this book offers practical tips and tools for navigating the challenges of early adulthood with confidence and resilience."
Nikki Haley
This is a must read for young women everywhere. I gave @DanaPerino’s book #EverythingWillBeOkay to my daughter Rena as she prepares to graduate from college and start her professional career. Parents, this is a great gift! Rena loves it. #StrongWomen 💗      источник
Ученица book cover
Предать, чтобы обрести себя
Tara Westover - 2018-02-20
Рейтинг Goodreads
У Тары странная семья. Отец готовится к концу света – консервирует персики на случай массового голода и скупает оружие, которым можно уничтожить целую деревню. Мать лечит ожоги и раздробленные кости настойкой лаванды, а братья и сестры не ходят в школу и работают на свалке. Тара знает, как обращаться с винтовкой и управлять строительным краном, но с трудом может читать и писать. Но однажды ее жизнь меняется. Втайне от родителей Тара готовится к поступлению в колледж…
Nikki Haley
Just finished reading “Educated”.This was an amazing book that shows the role culture plays in a person’s life & the importance of an education.@tarawestover personal account of no formal education to receiving a PhD from Cambridge is extraordinary.Inspiring & touching read!      источник