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Employment of Negro Troops book cover

Employment of Negro Troops

Ulysses Lee

This historical study delves into the employment of African American troops during World War II, written by qualified military captain Ulysses Lee. The book analyzes the Army's policies regarding African American soldiers and explores the difficulties and prejudices they faced during their service. Lee focuses on the deployment of African American soldiers overseas and the challenges they encountered while serving in ground combat units or service units. Despite being written well before the Civil Rights movement, Lee's work continues to be praised for its authority, objectivity, and longevity.
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The most profound thing I’ve ever read on both the war and racist America of the 1940s, commissioned by the U.S. Army to examine the effectiveness of their employment of black soldiers. Lee came up with such damning information about the military that it was withheld from public view until 1966. Powerful.      fuente