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Quentin Tarantino

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Quentin Jerome Tarantino is a filmmaker and actor. His films are characterized by nonlinear storylines, aestheticization of violence, extended scenes of dialogue, ensemble casts, references to popular culture and a wide variety of other films
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Employment of Negro Troops book cover
Employment of Negro Troops
Ulysses Lee - 2016-12-24
This historical study delves into the employment of African American troops during World War II, written by qualified military captain Ulysses Lee. The book analyzes the Army's policies regarding African American soldiers and explores the difficulties and prejudices they faced during their service. Lee focuses on the deployment of African American soldiers overseas and the challenges they encountered while serving in ground combat units or service units. Despite being written well before the Civil Rights movement, Lee's work continues to be praised for its authority, objectivity, and longevity.
Quentin Tarantino
The most profound thing I’ve ever read on both the war and racist America of the 1940s, commissioned by the U.S. Army to examine the effectiveness of their employment of black soldiers. Lee came up with such damning information about the military that it was withheld from public view until 1966. Powerful.      fuente
Occupation book cover
The Ordeal of France 1940-1944
Ian Ousby - 2000-04-03 (publicado por primera vez en 1998)
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Explore the complex reality of the Nazi occupation of France in a new historical account that uncovers a more human and moving narrative than the myths that have emerged. Ian Ousby delves into the late arrival of resistance, the initial correctness of the Germans turning to brutality, and the universal presence of the resistance that the French like to imagine. From famous figures to forgotten heroes, Occupation blends compelling detail with moving eyewitness accounts.
Quentin Tarantino
A very good overview that answered all of my questions about life in Nazi-occupied France.      fuente
The Ministry of Illusion book cover
The Ministry of Illusion
Nazi Cinema and Its Afterlife
Eric Rentschler - 1996-10-01
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Explore the captivating world of German cinema during the Third Reich with this eye-opening book. Eric Rentschler delves beyond the stereotypical Nazi propaganda films and reveals the vast majority of unpolitical productions that emanated from the Ministry of Illusion rather than the Ministry of Fear. From melodramas to biopics to frothy entertainments, these films provide a glimpse into the sophisticated media culture of the era and demonstrate the potent and destructive powers of fascination and fantasy. Discover why these films remain relevant today and how entertainment is often much more than innocent pleasure.
Quentin Tarantino
A wonderful critical reexamination of German cinema under Joseph Goebbels.      fuente
Memorias book cover
Leni Riefenstahl - 1995-01-15 (publicado por primera vez en 1987)
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Leni Riefenstahl es una de las personalidades más controvertidas del siglo XX. Admirada y odiada por igual, se le considera una de las cineastas más innovadoras de su tiempo, gracias, principalmente, a los documentales que rodó para Hitler. Tras muchos años de descrédito por su cercanía al Führer, en 1987 Leni Riefenstahl decidió contar su versión de los hechos en unas memorias fascinantes, que constituyen en sí mismas un viaje por un siglo atroz. En un tono franco y desafiante, la mujer cuenta sus inicios como bailarina, sus tormentosas relaciones sentimentales, sus deseos de ser actriz, posteriormente frustrados por su entrega a la dirección cinematográfica, arte que revolucionaría con obras como El triunfo de la voluntad, sobre un congreso del partido nazi, y Olympia, el documental sobre los juegos olímpicos celebrados en Berlín en 1936. La directora revela sin tapujos su admiración por la personalidad de Hitler, sus sonados enfrentamientos con Goebbels o su amistad con Albert Speer y Josef von Sternberg, recordando el esplendor y la gloria que vivió en los años treinta y luego la larga travesía por el desierto de la postguerra, que terminó con su carrera y con sus sueños. Polémicas y absorbentes, tensas en todo momento, estas memorias, que vuelven a las librerías a los diez años de la muerte de su autora, conforman el autorretrato de una mujer de excepcional talento cuyas afinidades electivas ensombrecieron para siempre su vida y su obra.
Quentin Tarantino
Mesmerizing. Though you can’t believe half of it. That still leaves half to ponder. Her descriptions of normal friendly conversations with Hitler are amazing and ring of truth.      fuente