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The Drama of the Gifted Child book cover

The Drama of the Gifted Child

The Search for the True Self, Revised Edition

Alice Miller

Discover the enduring effects of childhood trauma with this wise and profound book. Learn why many successful people struggle with feelings of emptiness and alienation through the experiences of millions of readers. Author Alice Miller delves into how we learn to hide our true selves and adapt to meet our parents' expectations, even in the face of abuse. Miller believes that this adaptability is what allowed us to survive. Yet, surviving is not enough. The Drama of the Gifted Child helps readers reclaim their lives by uncovering their crucial needs and their own truth.
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publicado por primera vez en 1979
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If you’re a creative person, if you have any kind of anxiety or discomfort, just read it.      fuente
@theashleyray It depends on the school (more intense ones teach high school algebra in 6th grade) but mostly the issue is yes, how gifted kids are treated and pressured by parents and teachers. It genuinely changes mental health. This is a great book to understand it btw:      fuente
All about the fact that stuff happens to us as children, negative things happen. Then, we adapt to those things by taking on certain defensive ways of being. And then, we live the rest of our lives from those defensive modes.      fuente