Recuerda que vas a morir. Vive
Paul Kalanithi
Recuerda que vas a morir. Vive es una inolvidable reflexión llena de vida de lo que significa enfrentarse a la muerte.
«Cuatro palabras de Samuel Beckett empezaron a repetirse en mi cabeza: No puedo seguir. Seguiré.»
A la edad de treinta y seis años, y a punto de acabar una década de residencia para obtener un puesto fijo como neurocirujano, a Paul Kalanithi se le diagnosticó un cáncer de pulmón. Pasó de ser un doctor que trataba casos graves a ser un paciente que luchaba por vivir. En este libro, cargado de positivismo, Kalanithi reflexiona sobre las grandes cuestiones de la vida mientras se enfrenta a la muerte.
“La realidad de la muerte es inquietante, pero no hay otra manera de vivir”, Paul Kalaniti
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@Jonathandolman "When Breath Becomes Air" - very good book written by a doctor battling cancer – fuente2016-07-11T22:17:48.000Z
"When Breath Becomes Air" is one of the best books I've read in years. All best to you, Lucy. – fuente2019-01-01T14:38:11.000Z
This one, the writings of a young and brilliant medical doctor, who was practicing medicine while battling terminal illness (cancer), may make you cry. He writes about his final days. Then died at 37-years old before finishing the book. His wife wrote an epilogue. – fuente2022-01-02T13:20:04.000Z
@khushbooverma_ @warikoo One of the most impactful books I’ve ever read. Changed my life. – fuente2016-01-07T07:06:00.000Z
Extraordinary @nytimes revu of Paul Kalinithi's book, "When Breath Becomes Air" "Intimate, illuminating, unmissable" – fuente2017-02-02T02:02:00.000Z
@rocketgirlmd When Breath Meets Air is an intellectual companion to Emperor of All Maladies and Ken Burns film. A "must read" book – fuente2019-11-16T23:09:58.000Z
More Shabbat reading recommendations: This book was breathtaking and such a powerful advertisement for the joy of parenthood. – fuente2020-05-08T14:34:13.000Z
Another day, another booklist. Today: memoir—I loooooooove memoirs. As ever, please reply with your favorites so we can all add them to our reading lists. :) Also: Happy Friday. Phew. – fuente2019-11-30T02:07:11.000Z
@satishd @dksf @patrick_oshag God yes this book was amazing and also broke my heart. All the best ones do. Thanks @zsims, the gifter – fuente2018-10-20T11:16:49.000Z
Death comes for all of us. Yet we never suspect our own fragility. Everyone needs to read this book. – fuente