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Bethany S. Mandel

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Bethany Shondark Mandel is a conservative American author and political and cultural commentator who writes for The Federalist, The Jewish Daily Forward and Acculturated. She was named one of "36 under 36" by The Jewish Week in 2013 and one of the "Forward 50" in 2015
14 libros en la lista
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La transformación de la mente moderna book cover
La transformación de la mente moderna
How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
Greg Lukianoff - 2018-09-04
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Algo extraño está sucediendo en las universidades de todo el mundo. Alumnos que dicen defender ideas progresistas abuchean a políticos y conferenciantes y les impiden hablar. Cada vez en mayor número, muchos estudiantes son reacios a exhibir sus opiniones y a discutirlas con franqueza. De un tiempo a esta parte, lo que debería ser el «gimnasio de la mente» está lleno de personas que rehúyen el debate y el pensamiento crítico. Tal y como describen en este libro el experto en libertad de expresión Greg Lukianoff y el psicólogo Jonathan Haidt, el motivo de tal situación se debe a tres ideas equivocadas que se han introducido en el subconsciente de muchos jóvenes, y no tan jóvenes, que creen defender una visión generosa e inclusiva de la educación. La primera: lo que no te mata te hace más débil. La segunda: debes confiar siempre en tus sentimientos. Y, por último: la vida es una lucha entre las personas buenas y las malas. Como demuestra este libro osado y erudito, estas nociones, que pueden parecer beneficiosas porque protegen al individuo y halagan sus propios instintos, en rea-lidad contradicen los principios psicológicos básicos sobre el bienestar. Abrazar estas falsedades, y con ello propugnar una cultura de la seguridad en la que nadie quiere escuchar argumentos que no le gustan, interfiere con el desarrollo social, emocional e intelectual de los jóvenes. Y les hace más difícil recorrer el camino, con frecuencia complejo y tortuoso, de la vida adulta. O, en palabras del propio Haidt: «Muchos jóvenes nacidos después de 1995, los que han ido llegando a las universidades a partir de 2013, son frágiles, hipersus-ceptibles y maniqueos. No están preparados para encarar la vida, que es conflicto, ni la democracia, que es debate. Van de cabeza al fracaso.»
Bethany S. Mandel
A wonderful book, but the response to the damage that we have done to children over the last two years is not that they are coddled. Especially not when it is coming in response to policies that impact their emotional development.      fuente
Educar sin mitos ni complicaciones book cover
Educar sin mitos ni complicaciones
Una guía rigurosa para aprender a tomar decisiones sin miedo a equivocarse
Emily Oster - 2019-04-09
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Educar sin mitos ni complicaciones ofrece una serie de datos contrastados que te permitirán tomar mejores decisiones en la crianza de tus hijos. A partir de la llegada del bebé, los padres deben afrontar un sinfín de elecciones sobre lactancia, vacunas, horarios para dormir… y, en general, cuentan con un montón de información, muchas veces contradictoria, que les proporcionan amigos, familiares, médicos y hasta blogs en Internet. Esta situación puede generar mucho estrés, ya que a menudo no saben qué elegir ni a quién creer. Para solucionar este problema que ella misma vivió como madre, la galardonada economista Emily Oster decidió indagar sobre los temas que generan más dudas entre los padres y recogió todas sus conclusiones en estas páginas llenas de valiosos datos contrastados. Entre sus descubrimientos está la desmitificación de la lactancia materna, la elección del mejor método para dormir a los niños o para que dejen el pañal y la verdad sobre la relación entre la inteligencia y el desarrollo del lenguaje, además de una gran variedad de consejos sobre cómo reincorporarse al trabajo y cómo ser padres y pareja al mismo tiempo. En definitiva, esta es una guía rigurosa y actualizada sobre crianza para que los padres primerizos se sientan más seguros a la hora de tomar decisiones, lo que les permitirá vivir esta etapa de una forma mucho más relajada.
Bethany S. Mandel
And that’s a whole other conversation; the very questionable benefits of breastfeeding. I recommend @ProfEmilyOster ‘s book on this subject especially. And given the wider conversation; maybe she could free up that chapter on her substack?      fuente
Recomendado por
Celeste Ng
The Read-Aloud Family book cover
The Read-Aloud Family
Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids
Sarah MacKenzie - 2018-03-27
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This book is all about how reading aloud can help parents connect deeply with their kids and increase academic success. The author, a mother of six and founder of the Read-Aloud Revival podcast, offers practical strategies and age-appropriate book lists to start a read-aloud movement in any home. From toddlers to teenagers, reading aloud can become a meaningful family ritual that has the power to change lives and even change the world.
Bethany S. Mandel
Another favorite in this genre is this from the Read Aloud Queen 👑 Sarah Mackenzie. I know what you’re thinking. “Do I really need three books about reading our loud to my kids?” Yes, yes you do.      fuente
Irreversible Damage book cover
Irreversible Damage
The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
Abigail Shrier - 2020-06-30
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Uncover the mystery behind the rise of gender dysphoria in teenage girls with Irreversible Damage. Abigail Shrier presents alarming statistics and real family stories that highlight the "transgender craze" in America and the West. From disfiguring their own bodies to undermining parents and intimidating dissenters in science, the author uncovers the hidden consequences of this cultural phenomenon. This book is a must-read for anyone with skeptical thoughts about the non-binary future.
Bethany S. Mandel
Abigail knew she’d be under assault for writing this book. She did it anyway. It’s incredibly important work. You can buy it and see for yourself:      fuente
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons book cover
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Siegfried Engelmann - 1986-06-15 (publicado por primera vez en 1983)
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Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is the ultimate guide to helping your child gain essential reading skills. Through a step-by-step program, parents will be able to teach their children to read in just 20 minutes a day, resulting in a second-grade reading level within 100 teaching days. The program is easy to follow and enjoyable for both parent and child, with full illustrations and 100 lessons that cover all the basic and advanced skills needed for reading. No complicated tools or directions are required, just you and your child learning together.
Bethany S. Mandel
This book also worked for us very well. This is where we started from absolute scratch outside of knowing basic letter sounds.      fuente
Recomendado por
Michael Petrilli
Frederick Douglass book cover
Frederick Douglass
Prophet of Freedom
David W. Blight - 2018-10-16
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This Pulitzer Prize-winning historical biography covers the extraordinary life of Frederick Douglass, the most important African-American of the nineteenth century. Born a slave, Douglass escaped and went on to become the greatest orator of his day and a leading abolitionist and writer. David Blight's captivating narrative draws upon new information and recently discovered issues of Douglass's newspapers to paint a cinematic portrait of his complex extended family and his two marriages. This is a powerful portrait of one of the most important American voices of the nineteenth century.
Bethany S. Mandel
I’ve gotten into these obscenely long biographies of great Americans in the last year. Also loved Chernow’s Washington and the Frederick Douglass book by David Blight. Plan to dive into Hamilton by Chernow next. Other recommendations along these lines?      fuente
Washington book cover
A Life
Ron Chernow - 2010-10-05
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Explore the life of the first president of the United States with a gripping, well-researched portrait by celebrated biographer Ron Chernow. From Washington's adventurous early years to his heroic exploits during the Revolutionary War and his presidency, this groundbreaking work shatters stereotypes and vividly brings to life a passionate man of fiery opinions and many moods. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Biography, it's been called the most comprehensive and balanced single-volume biography ever written about Washington. Perfect for history buffs and fans of Lin-Manuel Miranda's smash hit musical, Hamilton.
Bethany S. Mandel
I’ve gotten into these obscenely long biographies of great Americans in the last year. Also loved Chernow’s Washington and the Frederick Douglass book by David Blight. Plan to dive into Hamilton by Chernow next. Other recommendations along these lines?      fuente
Grant book cover
Ron Chernow - 2017-10-10
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A sweeping and dramatic portrait of Ulysses S. Grant, one of America's most underappreciated presidents. Chernow's masterful biography sheds light on Grant's military genius and his lifelong struggle with alcoholism, as well as his work to seek justice for black Americans. With meticulous research and literary brilliance, Chernow brings to life the man that Walt Whitman called "the greatest hero." A must-read for anyone interested in American history. Named one of the best books of the year by Goodreads, Amazon, The New York Times, and more.
Bethany S. Mandel
This book is obscenely long and sometimes dragged. But at the end when you find out Grant had chosen Union and Confederate generals to be his pallbearers, I cried. He was a great American.      fuente
Balloons over Broadway book cover
Balloons over Broadway
The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade (Bank Street College of Education Flora Stieglitz Straus Award (Awards))
Melissa Sweet - 2011-11-01
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Get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most beloved holiday traditions in America: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! With stunning collage art, this award-winning book tells the story of Tony Sarg, the inventive puppeteer who brought the parade's iconic balloons to life. Discover the history, genius, and playful spirit of the man who forever changed the way we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Bethany S. Mandel
With thanksgiving coming up, we’ve been reading this great book nonstop. First heard about it from Read Aloud Revival (if you have kids look her up ASAP)      fuente
Recuerda que vas a morir. Vive by Paul Kalanithi
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
Expecting Better by Emily Oster
Jim Trelease's Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease
For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer MacAulay