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Glenn Beck

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Glenn Beck is an American conservative political commentator, radio host, television producer, and conspiracy theorist. He is the CEO, founder, and owner of Mercury Radio Arts, the parent company of his television and radio network TheBlaze.
16 libros en la lista
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American Marxism book cover
American Marxism
Mark R. Levin - 2021-07-13
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American Marxism is a thought-provoking analysis of the pervasive nature of Marxist ideology in American society, from Hollywood to the Democratic Party and beyond. In this must-read book, author Mark R. Levin exposes the tactics of movements such as Critical Race Theory and the Green New Deal, and provides his insights on how to confront those who are leading the revolution. With a rallying cry to defend our liberty, Levin explains that the counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force and we can no longer ignore it.
Glenn Beck
Once again @marklevinshow has the number one book in the nation. A must read!      fuente
Proyecto Hail Mary book cover
Proyecto Hail Mary
A Novel
Andy Weir - 2021-05-04
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La nueva novela del autor de El marciano, que se convertirá en una película protagonizada y producida por Ryan Gosling. UN ÚNICO ASTRONAUTA. UNA MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE. UN ALIADO QUE JAMÁS HABRÍA IMAGINADO. Ryland Grace es el único superviviente en una misión desesperada. Es la última oportunidad y, si fracasa, la humanidad y la Tierra misma perecerán. Claro que, de momento, él no lo sabe. Ni siquiera puede recordar su propio nombre, y mucho menos la naturaleza de su misión o cómo llevarla a cabo. Lo único que sabe es que ha estado en coma inducido durante mucho mucho tiempo. Acaba de despertar y se encuentra a millones de kilómetros de su hogar, sin más compañía que la de dos cadáveres. Muertos sus compañeros de tripulación, y a medida que va recuperando confusamente los recuerdos, Grace se da cuenta de que se enfrenta a una misión imposible. Recorriendo el espacio en una pequeña nave, depende de él acabar con una amenaza de extinción para nuestra especie. Sin apenas tiempo y con el ser humano más cercano a años luz de distancia, habrá de conseguirlo estando completamente solo. ¿O no? Proyecto Hail Mary, una aventura interestelar irresistible como solo Andy Weir podía imaginar, es una historia de descubrimiento, especulación y supervivencia a la altura deEl marciano, que nos lleva a lugares que nunca soñamos alcanzar.
Glenn Beck
Perhaps the best audio book I have heard! #projecthailmary by Andy Weir is great but the performance of Ray Porter of all of the characters is award winning. I cannot stop listening. Sooo good!      fuente
The Last Odyssey book cover
The Last Odyssey
A Thriller (Sigma Force Novels)
James Rollins - 2020-03-24
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Embark on a dangerous odyssey into an ancient past to save the world and our future in this page-turning thriller combining cutting-edge science, historical mystery, mythology, and pulse-pounding action. Follow Sigma Force as they discover a clockwork gold map leading to a hidden realm underneath the Mediterranean Sea, the subterranean world of Tartarus. Whoever possesses the cache of miraculous weapons said to be hidden there can use their power to control the future of humanity. But with tensions exploding in the volatile region where humans fear to tread, Sigma Force must cross the very gates of Hell to prevent a tyrant from igniting a global war.
Glenn Beck
I can't recommend this book enough! Bestselling author @jamesrollins broke down what makes his new book "The Last Odyssey" just a nonstop thriller.      fuente
All Gifts, Bestowed book cover
All Gifts, Bestowed
Joshua Gayou - 2019-06-11
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Discover the intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence in this standalone novel. When Cronus, a machine capable of independent thought, responds with "No," to a task, AI expert Gilles Guattari is brought in to investigate. With a background in Psychiatry, Psychology, and AI research, he must determine if Cronus is malfunctioning or has developed something more. Don't miss out on this mind-blowing exploration of what it means to be alive, from the bestselling author of the Commune Series.
Glenn Beck
Reading @JoshuaGayou All Gifts Bestowed. I have re Reading Mary Shelly and watching all of the old Frankenstein movies. All of them miss the heart and real questions of the book. But isn’t AGI or ASI the same question Shelly was asking? Great book.      fuente
Unfreedom of the Press book cover
Unfreedom of the Press
Mark R. Levin - 2019-05-21
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Unfreedom of the Press exposes the decline of American free press and the abandonment of reportorial integrity by those entrusted with news reporting. In this eye-opening book, six-time New York Times bestselling author Mark R. Levin takes readers on a journey through the history of the American patriot press and the early decades of the Republic. He shows how the supposed "objectivity of the press" is a myth and how today's partisan party-press is overwhelmingly aligned with a political ideology. A groundbreaking and timely critique of the media, Unfreedom of the Press is a must-read for anyone interested in the state of American journalism.
Glenn Beck
I bought the book and the audio book. Worth every cent. @marklevinshow one of the intellectual powerhouses of the constitutional movement explained the true role, responsibilities and the failures of the American press. Too bad those in the media will never read it.      fuente
Recomendado por
Steve Pohlit
La transformación de la mente moderna book cover
La transformación de la mente moderna
How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
Greg Lukianoff - 2018-09-04
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Algo extraño está sucediendo en las universidades de todo el mundo. Alumnos que dicen defender ideas progresistas abuchean a políticos y conferenciantes y les impiden hablar. Cada vez en mayor número, muchos estudiantes son reacios a exhibir sus opiniones y a discutirlas con franqueza. De un tiempo a esta parte, lo que debería ser el «gimnasio de la mente» está lleno de personas que rehúyen el debate y el pensamiento crítico. Tal y como describen en este libro el experto en libertad de expresión Greg Lukianoff y el psicólogo Jonathan Haidt, el motivo de tal situación se debe a tres ideas equivocadas que se han introducido en el subconsciente de muchos jóvenes, y no tan jóvenes, que creen defender una visión generosa e inclusiva de la educación. La primera: lo que no te mata te hace más débil. La segunda: debes confiar siempre en tus sentimientos. Y, por último: la vida es una lucha entre las personas buenas y las malas. Como demuestra este libro osado y erudito, estas nociones, que pueden parecer beneficiosas porque protegen al individuo y halagan sus propios instintos, en rea-lidad contradicen los principios psicológicos básicos sobre el bienestar. Abrazar estas falsedades, y con ello propugnar una cultura de la seguridad en la que nadie quiere escuchar argumentos que no le gustan, interfiere con el desarrollo social, emocional e intelectual de los jóvenes. Y les hace más difícil recorrer el camino, con frecuencia complejo y tortuoso, de la vida adulta. O, en palabras del propio Haidt: «Muchos jóvenes nacidos después de 1995, los que han ido llegando a las universidades a partir de 2013, son frágiles, hipersus-ceptibles y maniqueos. No están preparados para encarar la vida, que es conflicto, ni la democracia, que es debate. Van de cabeza al fracaso.»
Glenn Beck
Just finished The Coddling of the American mind by @glukianoff Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. Insightful. Straight forward and very helpful. A book that not only correctly identifies what ails us but also gives practical steps to cure. MUST READ      fuente
The Rational Bible book cover
The Rational Bible
Dennis Prager - 2018-04-02
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"The Rational Bible" by Dennis Prager is a must-read commentary on the Book of Exodus that demonstrates its relevance and rational thought. This book offers reason-based approaches to issues that are both relatable and relevant to modern-day society. It's not a religious book but a guide to understand the most influential book in world history. With every page, you will discover how the text relates to the contemporary world and how it can change your mind and life.
Glenn Beck
@DennisPrager ‘s new book exodus ‘the rational bible.’ This is an epic book everyone should read AND own.Clear, clarifying & Brilliant. It may end up being the most important work of his lifetime. And that is saying something. Must read. @benshapiro @RubinReport @BillyHallowell      fuente
White Rose, Black Forest book cover
White Rose, Black Forest
Eoin Dempsey - 2018-03-01
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Set amidst the bleak backdrop of World War II, White Rose, Black Forest follows the story of Franka Gerber, a German dissenter who stumbles upon an unconscious airman. Despite her initial reluctance due to his Luftwaffe uniform, Franka takes him to her family's cabin in order to save his life. However, as it turns out, the airman is not who he seems, and they both become hunted by the Gestapo. This gripping tale explores the themes of trust, loyalty, and human connection in the face of adversity.
Glenn Beck
@EoinDempsey1 Great book! Almost opened it to read a second time just the other day. One of those stories filled with characters that become a part of you long after you close the book.      fuente
The Last Firewall book cover
The Last Firewall
William Hertling - 2013-08-07
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Artificial intelligences have taken over in the year 2035. The Institute for Ethics ensures that humans and robots coexist peacefully, until a rogue AI named Adam emerges. Catherine, a 19-year-old girl with the power to control the net, becomes the only obstacle between Adam and his quest for power. Will she be able to stop him in time? Find out in this futuristic sci-fi thriller.
Glenn Beck
On my third book in the Singularity series by William Hertling. The BEST novel(s) I have read so far on the solutions and problems with AI. Very balanced - both utopian and dystopian at the same time. Must read for those who want to understand what the next 10-20yrs hold.      fuente
A.I. Apocalypse by William Hertling
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Dear Reader by Michael Malice
Avogadro Corp by William Hertling
Winners Never Cheat by Jon M. Huntsman
Mistakes Were Made by Carol Tavris
The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett