Libros similares a Hijos de sangre y hueso
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This captivating debut follows the story of two poor and ambitious Indian girls, Poornima and Savitha, as they navigate the obstacles of their culture and society. When a cruel fate separates them, Poornima embarks on a harrowing journey to reunite with her friend, facing danger and despair along the way. Told from the alternating perspectives of the two heroines, Girls Burn Brighter is an emotional and inspiring tale of determination and hope that will stay with you long after you finish reading.
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Experience the inspiring true story of Artemisia Gentileschi, a talented painter in Rome's male-dominated art scene in 1610. When faced with the choice of a life in a convent or grinding pigment for her father's paint, Artemisia chose to follow her passion for art. But after a traumatic event, she must decide whether to remain silent or speak the truth, no matter the cost. Through it all, Artemisia remains determined to showcase the power of women through her incredible paintings.
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Experience the thrilling climax of one of the greatest political battles in American history: the ratification of the constitutional amendment that granted women the right to vote. Follow the story of suffragists as they face opposition from politicians, clergy, corporations, and women who oppose their own enfranchisement. Through betrayal, blackmail, and courage, witness a confrontation that changed the course of history. The Woman's Hour tells the gripping story of how America's women won their own freedom and opened the door for the great twentieth-century battles for civil rights.
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Recomendado por
Ryan Holiday
I Have the Right To
A High School Survivor's Story of Sexual Assault, Justice, and Hope
This memoir tackles the heavy topic of sexual assault, justice, and healing through the gripping story of a young survivor. It sheds light on the staggering statistics surrounding sexual assault and the institutions that often turn a blind eye. The author’s bravery in reporting her assault and shedding anonymity to help other survivors find their voice offers powerful solutions to upend rape culture. This remarkable young woman’s story of survival, advocacy, and hope in the face of trauma is sure to inspire readers.
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Ask Me About My Uterus
A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women's Pain
This inspiring memoir chronicles a woman's journey to discover the cause of her chronic pain and endometriosis. Her story sheds light on the dismissive nature of the medical field towards women's health issues and advocates for a change in attitude towards women's bodies. It's time to rewrite the narrative and recognize that women's health needs are just as important as men's.
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La casa de los ángeles rotos es una saga familiar épica, encabezada por el patriarca Angelote, que transcurre durante la última fiesta de cumpleaños que este celebra en su casa de San Diego con ocasión de su inminente muerte a manos de un cáncer letal.
Pero cuando la madre de Angelote, mamá America, fallece en fechas cercanas a la fiesta, este debe organizar también su funeral y decide celebrar dos actos familiares en el mismo fin de semana: una doble despedida. Entre los asistentes está su tocayo Angelín, que vuela desde Seattle para presentar sus respetos y despedirse, y que se encuentra con la gente con la que comparte un progenitor pero, como el fin de semana no para de recordarle, no su vida.
Esta es la historia de Angelote y Angelín, de lo que implica ser mexicano en Estados Unidos, haber vivido dos vidas y cruzado una frontera, y sobre cómo la muerte hace emerger las partes de tu vida que habías olvidado, haya sido o no por elección propia. "La casa de los ángeles rotos", un retrato finamente cincelado de esta familia profundamente compleja, es Urrea en su más pura esencia: brillante y rebosante de humor, auténtica en cada giro, esta novela consolida a Urrea como el maestro narrador de la verdad sobre la experiencia mexicoamericana.
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This heartfelt novel follows Autumn, Shay, and Logan as they navigate life and love after loss. Told from three diverse perspectives, the story explores how these characters find themselves and each other through their shared love of music. As tragedy strikes each of them, they must find a way to move forward and connect with each other. This poignant tale has been praised by Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give, and is sure to stay with you long after you finish reading.
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A talented but unknown musician dreams of following in her father's footsteps as a rock star. When he unexpectedly dies, she struggles with grief and her identity. But in a new city, she has the chance to reinvent herself as a confident singer-songwriter with a cool best friend. However, her newfound happiness is threatened when secrets come to light.
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Estos conmovedores poemas hablan de lucha, de rabia, de violación pero también de esperanza y resiliencia. Alientan a las mujeres a tomar el control de sus propias historias, a apoyar a otras mujeres, a luchar en la defensa del feminismo y la aceptación personal.
La bruja se convierte aquí en un símbolo de empoderamiento para las mujeres: sus enemigos tratarán de juzgarla, oprimirla y marginarla, pero la bruja no se quema en esta historia. Segundo volumen de la serie Women are some kind of magic.
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If I Die Tonight by Alison Gaylin
How Luck Happens by Janice Kaplan
El hambre by Alma Katsu
Awayland by Ramona Ausubel
Bachelor Nation by Amy Kaufman
Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
Broad Band by Claire L. Evans