Los mejores libros sobre ciencia forense
Descubre los secretos de la ciencia forense con estos libros destacados que han sido seleccionados en múltiples blogs y revistas respetadas, presentando el intrincado mundo de la investigación y análisis de escenas del crimen.
26 libros en la lista
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Explore the fascinating world of forensic science with this book. Author Val McDermid delves into the history of the field and introduces the top-level professionals who use it to serve justice. With original interviews and firsthand experiences, you'll discover how forensic scientists can unlock mysteries from the past and even solve crimes today. Learn how tiny pieces of evidence, from maggots to DNA traces, can be used to catch a killer. This book takes you on a journey from the earliest days of forensics to the modern science of today.
Presentado en 7 artículos
This book introduces readers to the technology of modern crime labs for those who are not scientists. It uses clear writing and case studies to capture the energy and enthusiasm of forensic science investigations. The meaning and role of probability in interpreting the evidential significance of scientifically evaluated evidence are discussed, and a new chapter on forensic biometrics is included in this updated edition. This best-selling text is clear and understandable to a broad range of students, including those without a scientific background.
Presentado en 6 artículos

Todo Lo Que Queda
A Renowned Forensic Scientist on Death, Mortality, and Solving Crimes
Dame Sue Black es una de las científicas forenses más reconocidas del mundo y se enfrenta a la muerte todos los días: analiza restos mortales humanos en su laboratorio, en lugares de entierro y en escenas de violencia, asesinatos y desmembramiento criminal. Sus aportaciones en el análisis de muertes en masa debido a guerras, desastres naturales o accidentes han sido fundamentales. La autora revela los muchos rostros de la muerte que ha llegado a conocer, utilizando distintos casos clave y experiencias de su vida personal para explorar cómo se ha desarrollado la ciencia forense. ¿Esperamos que un texto sobre la muerte sea triste? ¿Macabro? Todo lo que queda no es ninguna de las dos cosas. A pesar de la tragedia, el humor impregna estas historias, volviéndolas tan apasionantes como la mejor de las novelas policiacas. Memorias, divulgación científica y una profunda meditación sobre el fin de la vida, este libro es compasivo, sumamente divertido y pone a la muerte bajo una nueva luz.
Presentado en 3 artículos
Recomendado por
Holly Brockwell
Death's Acre
Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales
Explore the world of forensic anthropology with this fascinating book by renowned scientist Dr. Bill Bass. From his groundbreaking creation of The Body Farm to his investigations into the infamous Lindbergh kidnapping, learn about his most intriguing cases and insights on the science of death.
Presentado en 3 artículos

Practical Homicide Investigation
Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques, Fifth Edition (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)
"Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques" is the definitive resource for homicide investigators. This book covers every aspect of a homicide investigation, from initial police response to forensic techniques and everything in between. This fifth edition includes new chapters on the latest DNA technology and equivocal death investigations, as well as updates that reflect modern investigative procedures. With over 920 photos and illustrations, this must-have resource provides the most vital information needed by detectives and police investigators responsible for cases in violent and sudden death.
Presentado en 3 artículos
"Revolutionize Criminal Justice with Forensic Science: A Game-Changing Guide"
This book offers a fresh perspective on criminal investigation and trials, aiming to bring about true justice with the use of modern and ethical forensic science. Bid farewell to outdated, cruel and illegal evidential tools, as this guide provides invaluable insights into the latest technology and techniques in the field.
Presentado en 3 artículos
Explore the captivating world of forensic science through this Very Short Introduction. Delving into the use of forensic science in criminal investigations, it covers the techniques used to recover evidence, how crime scenes are managed, and the challenges of presenting scientific evidence in court. Written by an expert in the field, this book offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of forensic science and its crucial role in serving the criminal justice system.
Presentado en 3 artículos

El asesino sin rostro
One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer
Un magistral relato verídico sobre el Asesino del Estado Dorado, el asesino que aterrorizó a California durante más de una década, de Michelle McNamara, una periodista de gran talento que falleció trágicamente mientras investigaba el caso.
En el transcurso de más de diez años, un misterioso y violento depredador cometió cincuenta agresiones sexuales en el norte de California antes de trasladarse al sur, donde perpetró diez sádicos asesinatos. En 1986 desapareció, evitando que lo detuvieran múltiples organismos policiales y algunos de los mejores inspectores de la zona.
Tres décadas después, Michelle McNamara, periodista especializada en crímenes reales que creó el popular sitio web Diario de Crímenes Reales, decidió dar con el violento psicópata que ella bautizó como «el Asesino del Estado Dorado». Michelle estudió informes policiales, entrevistó a víctimas y entró a formar parte de comunidades online tan obsesionadas como ella con el caso.
Presentado en 2 artículos
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Mara WilsonFor two thousand years, cadavers—some willingly, some unwittingly—have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. They've tested France's first guillotines, ridden the NASA Space Shuttle, been crucified in a Parisian laboratory to test the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, and helped solve the mystery of TWA Flight 800. For every new surgical procedure, from heart transplants to gender reassignment surgery, cadavers have been there alongside surgeons, making history in their quiet way.
In this fascinating, ennobling account, Mary Roach visits the good deeds of cadavers over the centuries—from the anatomy labs and human-sourced pharmacies of medieval and nineteenth-century Europe to a human decay research facility in Tennessee, to a plastic surgery practice lab, to a Scandinavian funeral directors' conference on human composting. In her droll, inimitable voice, Roach tells the engrossing story of our bodies when we are no longer with them.
Presentado en 2 artículos

The Poisoner's Handbook
Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York
Delve into the hazardous world of poison and crime in Jazz Age New York City with The Poisoner's Handbook. Follow the groundbreaking work of forensic scientists Charles Norris and Alexander Gettler as they investigate and solve countless cases involving lethal substances. But it's not just murderers that pose a threat, as toxins can be found everywhere in modern life. This captivating true crime tale is equal parts history, science, and suspense.
Presentado en 2 artículos
Recomendado por
Raychelle BurksPostmortem by Patricia Cornwell
Forensics For Dummies by Douglas P. Lyle
Heridas Por Arma de Fuego by Dimaio
Forensic Pathology by Dominick Dimaio
Forensic Science by Stuart H. James
Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation by Ross M. Gardner, Donna Krouskup
Spitz and Fisher's Medicolegal Investigation of Death by Werner U. Spitz, Francisco J. Diaz
Simpson's Forensic Medicine, 14th Edition by Jason Payne-James
Principles of Forensic Toxicology by Barry S. Levine
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States by National Research Council
Carved in Bone by Jefferson Bass
Testigos del silencio by Kathy Reichs
The Science of Murder by Carla Valentine
18 Tiny Deaths by Bruce Goldfarb
Murder and the Making of English CSI by Ian Burney
Legal Medicine in History by Michael Clark, Catherine Crawford