Los mejores libros sobre ingresos pasivos
Alcanza la independencia financiera a través de la sabiduría encontrada en estos libros mejor calificados sobre ingresos pasivos. Destacados en numerosos blogs de libros y plataformas financieras, estos títulos son muy apreciados por sus estrategias y orientación sobre cómo crear flujos de ingresos pasivos.
29 libros en la lista
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Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement
The Secret to Freedom, Flexibility, and Financial Independence (& how to get started!)
Achieve financial freedom earlier than expected through passive income with Rachel Richards' helpful guide. Learn about 28 proven streams of passive income, and gain the knowledge needed to retire early without penny-pinching. With realistic advice and strategies, you'll discover ways to create residual income and live life on your terms. Whether you're a beginner or not, Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement will teach you everything you need to know to get started. Join the movement towards financial independence and start living the life you love.
Presentado en 12 artículos

La semana laboral de 4 horas
Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Olvídate del trasnochado concepto de jubilación y deja de aplazar tu vida. Si tu sueño es dejar de depender de un sueldo, viajar por el mundo a todo tren, ingresar más de 10.000 euros al mes, o simplemente, vivir más y trabajar menos, este libro es la brújula que necesitas. En esta guía paso a paso sobre cómo diseñar tu vida descubrirás: Cómo Tim pasó de ganar 40.000 dólares al mes trabajando 80 horas semanales a 40.000 dólares mensuales en 4 horas por semana. Cómo subcontratar a ayudantes virtuales y dedicarte a hacer lo que quieras. Que existen ejecutivos de grandes empresas recorriendo el mundo sin dejar su trabajo.
Presentado en 11 artículos

100€ Startup
Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future
Cuando las puertas se cierran por todas partes, es fácil dejarse ganar por el pánico y no ver las oportunidades de los momentos difíciles. ¡Ponte en marcha: presta atención a este libro! Chris Guillebeau enseña cómo convertirse en emprendedor y reinventar el futuro. Puedes dedicarte incluso al sueño de toda tu vida si avanzas con astucia. Sabemos que las soluciones no se pueden comprar; sí se pueden, en cambio, encontrar con perseverancia y meditación. Este es un manual repleto de ideas y consejos prácticos para crear tu propia forma de negocio.
Presentado en 9 artículos
Retire early and live life on your terms with this bold and contrarian guide to financial independence. Learn how to build a million-dollar portfolio, survive bear markets, and use proven strategies to cut down on spending without sacrificing your quality of life. With a reproducible formula and a no-nonsense approach, Quit Like a Millionaire is the ultimate guide to quitting the rat race and achieving your financial goals.
Presentado en 7 artículos
Discover the freedom of Passive Income! This book provides 23 Step-by-Step Blueprints to make Passive Income achievable for everyone, even beginners. Learn solid, proven strategies for financial freedom without get-rich-quick schemes. If you're ready to pursue your passions and escape the rat race, this book is for you. Get a Tour-de-Force Ride through the many realms of passive income entrepreneurship and choose the best path for you with an action plan in place. Get excited about your financial future with this fun and engaging read!
Presentado en 7 artículos

Passive Investing Made Simple
How to Create Wealth and Passive Income Through Apartment Syndications
Passive Investing Made Simple is the ultimate guide for busy professionals who want to invest their money but don't have the time, energy, or desire to actively manage a portfolio of rentals. This book teaches you how to invest in Multifamily Apartment Syndications, an investment vehicle that for decades has only been available to the top 10% of the population. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to build generational wealth, create additional passive income streams, and reduce your yearly tax burden all by investing in commercial real estate. Authors Anthony Vicino and Dan Krueger, founders of Invictus Capital, share decades worth of experience and insight investing in commercial real estate. Best of all, passive investing in apartment buildings is quite simple and this book breaks down the process step-by-step. With over 300 pages worth of real estate wisdom, simplified strategies, and actionable tactics, Passive Investing Made Simple is your key to financial security.
Presentado en 6 artículos

The Unemployed Millionaire
Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss and Live Life on YOUR Terms!
Learn the secrets of turning your great ideas into million-dollar businesses, even if you're not smart, lucky, or rich. In The Unemployed Millionaire, Matt Morris shares the step-by-step formula that made him a self-made millionaire by the age of 29. He shatters the myth that it takes money to make money, proving instead that anyone can start a business and market their products to millions of customers worldwide. With specific success principles and a 12-month plan, Morris equips you to achieve your dreams of financial freedom.
Presentado en 6 artículos

The Lifestyle Investor
The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom
Looking for a system to achieve financial freedom and live life on your terms? Look no further than The Lifestyle Investor, a #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller! With a proven system for low-risk cash flow investing, Justin Donald shows you how to create passive income streams, reduce your investment risk, and multiply your wealth. His 10 Commandments of Lifestyle Investing© will help you replace your job with profitable investments, just like he did before his 40th birthday. Join the ranks of super-achievers and start experiencing wealth and freedom today!
Presentado en 6 artículos

Buy Buttons
The Fast-Track Strategy to Make Extra Money and Start a Business in Your Spare Time
Discover novel income streams and learn how to boost your earning potential without leaving your day job with "Buy Buttons." Nick Loper guides readers towards maximizing their earning power through marketplaces that are already established. You'll receive insights on how to diversify your revenue sources while navigating through over 300 selling platforms. You'll be in good company with countless SideHustleNation.com readers who have implemented Nick's strategy, resulting in thousands of dollars a month in side income. Start generating revenue today and grab your copy of Buy Buttons!
Presentado en 5 artículos

Fire Your Boss
How to quit your job, stop selling your time and start making passive income while you sleep…and possibly move to a tropical island (Serve No Master)
Learn how to break free of the underpaying labor market and start your journey to financial and emotional freedom with Fire Your Boss. This book provides actionable tips on building up passive revenue streams that can support you when shocks hit the market and the economy turns against you. Discover the power of controlling your income and start chasing your dreams without letting stress and fear hold you back. Join this amazing journey and take control of your destiny by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!
Presentado en 5 artículos
The Power of Passive Income by Nightingale-Conant, The Staff of Entrepreneur Media
The Book on Rental Property Investing by Brandon Turner
Why Doctors Don't Get Rich by Tom Burns
The Ultimate Tutorial for Generating Passive Online Income by Anthony Johnson
The Simple Path to Wealth by J L Collins
El millonario automatico by David Bach
How to Make $100,000 per Year in Passive Income and Travel the World by Chase Andrews
Padre rico, padre pobre by Robert T Kiyosaki
El pequeño libro para invertir con sentido común by John C. Bogle
Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing by Michael Blank
Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
Passive Income Freedom + Influencer Fast Track + Online Marketing Boot Camp by Gundi Gabrielle
Make Money While You Sleep by Michelle Kulp
The Passive Income Playbook by Raza Imam
Finanzas familiares by David Bach
Click Millionaires by Scott Fox
Passive Income Ideas by Frank Coles
Kaching by Joel Comm
The Six-Figure Second Income by David Lindahl