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In this satirical debut novel, a young black man accidentally impresses a CEO while serving his Starbucks order, leading to a shot at stardom as the lone black salesman at a wildly successful and mysterious startup. But he soon learns that appearances are deceiving, and nothing is as it seems. A must-read for fans of Sorry to Bother You and Wolf of Wall Street.
Daniel Pink
Rule Makers, Rule Breakers
Tight and Loose Cultures and the Secret Signals That Direct Our Lives
Explore the intriguing concept of cultural differences in "Rule Makers, Rule Breakers". Discover how adherence (or lack thereof) to social norms affects the behavior of nations and individuals. This theory will challenge your understanding of cultural interactions and make you question your own beliefs.
Daniel Pink
2022-07-17T19:00:48.000Z«No soy negro, soy hombre.» Elwood Curtis se toma muy en serio las palabras de Martin Luther King y, al igual que él, sueña con hacer de este mundo un lugar más justo. Tras ser abandonado por sus padres y criado por su querida pero estricta abuela, este adolescente se ha convertido en un chico prometedor que ve en los estudios su única salida. Pero de poco sirve ser un buen estudiante en la Academia Nickel. Cuando, a causa de un malentendido, le encierran en este reformatorio, Elwood no tarda en darse cuenta de ello.
La Academia Nickel se vanagloria de convertir a sus internos en «hombres hechos y derechos» gracias a la instrucción «física, intelectual y moral» necesaria, pero este lugar oculta un brutal secreto y una realidad corrupta, respaldada por muchos y obviada por todos. El adolescente Elwood intentará sobrellevarlo con la ayuda de su buen amigo Turner, que piensa que la única forma de sobrevivir en la Nickel es emular la crueldad y el cinismo de sus opresores. Elwood, en cambio, prefiere seguir las enseñanzas del doctor King: «Enviadnos a la cárcel, y os querremos igual». El escepticismo de uno y el idealismo de otro les llevarán a tomar una decisión que tendrá inevitables repercusiones en su futuro.
Basada en el estremecedor caso real de un reformatorio de Florida que estuvo en funcionamiento durante más de un siglo y destrozó la vida de miles de niños, Los chicos de la Nickel es una novela devastadora que, a caballo entre el momento actual y el del final de la segregación racial estadounidense, en los años sesenta, muestra la genialidad de un escritor en la cima de su carrera.
Daniel Pink
2022-07-11T19:01:11.000ZDiscover the hidden beauty and logic of the world through math in How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg. Math isn't just a dull set of rules, but a tool that touches everything we do. With this knowledge, we can see through to the true meaning of information we take for granted, and understand the world in a deeper, more meaningful way. Ellenberg chases mathematical threads through a vast range of time and space, from the everyday to the cosmic, exposing the hard-won insights of the academic community to the layman - minus the jargon. Are you ready to multiply your common sense?
Daniel Pink
2022-07-06T19:01:19.000ZA high-speed and darkly comic road trip through a near-future America with a big-hearted mercenary - Sleepwalk follows Will Bear, a man living off the grid with a passion for LSD microdosing. But when a 20-year-old woman claiming to be his biological daughter needs his help, Will finds himself entrenched in a widespread and nefarious plot involving his employers. With haunting emotional realism and fast-paced intrigue, Dan Chaon's Sleepwalk examines where we've been and where we're going, and the connections that bind us, no matter how far we travel.
Daniel Pink
2022-06-07T16:03:00.000ZLearn about the subtle and dramatic effects of implicit racial bias in Biased, a personal examination of one of the most powerful cultural issues of our time. Through both scientific research and personal experience, one of the leading experts on unconscious racial bias explores how ingrained stereotypes can infect our visual perception, attention, memory, and behavior, leading to disparities in housing, education, employment, and the criminal justice system. With practical suggestions for reform and interviews with law enforcement professionals, Biased offers an insightful look into the pervasive nature of racial bias in modern society, and how we can all play a role in solving this human problem.
Daniel Pink
2022-05-18T19:01:03.000ZRecomendado por
Jeff RaikesAcademic essay that takes shortage as a explanatory model to show the correlation between decision making and the administration of economic and time resources when solving problems effectively. For example, they find a strong correlation between poverty and failure with the affirmation that failure causes poverty. The behavioral economist, Sendhil Mullainathan and cognitive psychologist, Eldar Shafir, offer daily life examples in order to understand how shortage can be good, allowing to momentously focus, while at the same time it can be harmful because more important matters can be left untreated. Shortage grits the mind, proroguing a tunnel effect that is difficult to break out of, but not impossible to avoid.
Daniel Pink
The Stoic Challenge
A Philosopher's Guide to Becoming Tougher, Calmer, and More Resilient
"The Stoic Challenge" is a practical guide that combines ancient Stoic principles with modern psychology to help us overcome everyday obstacles. Author William B. Irvine uses lessons from thinkers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca to create a simple strategy for dealing with life's unpleasant surprises, from minor setbacks to major ones experienced by people like Stephen Hawking and Bethany Hamilton. By adopting this updated Stoic mindset, we can become calmer, tougher, and more resilient. A valuable resource for anyone looking to better cope with the stresses of modern living.
Daniel Pink
2022-04-26T19:01:09.000ZLearn how to deal with insensitive colleagues, corporate bullies, and bosses who just don't get it in this essential guide to building a civilized workplace. Stanford professor Robert Sutton provides practical advice for handling difficult individuals and maintaining your own professionalism in the face of abrasive behavior. Don't let toxic coworkers destroy your workplace - read this definitive book and learn how to survive and succeed in a challenging environment.
Daniel Pink
2022-04-05T19:01:30.000ZEste libro tiene un objetivo demostrar que existe un sistema de organización del trabajo que nos permite liberar la mente de las tensiones que inhiben nuestra creatividad, y que nos hace más eficaces en todos los aspectos de la vida. David Allen sostiene que nuestra mente tiene una capacidad limitada para almacenar información y propone una serie de fórmulas prácticas para eliminar las tensiones e incrementar nuestra capacidad de trabajo y nuestro rendimiento. Organízate con eficacia se fundamenta en unas sencillas normas básicas de organización del tiempo, como por ejemplo la necesidad de determinar cuál es el siguiente paso a dar en cada uno de nuestros proyectos, o la regla de los dos minutos (si surge una tarea pendiente y se puede hacer en menos de dos minutos, debe hacerse inmediatamente). El sistema propuesto por Allen soluciona ansiedades y desconciertos, y nos permite transformar nuestro modo de trabajar y la manera de percibir nuestros retos cotidianos.
Daniel Pink
2022-03-27T19:00:43.000ZThe Sum of Us by Heather McGhee
Leif and the Fall by Allison Sweet Grant
El gran farol by Maria Konnikova
Sunny Days by David Kamp
Juntos by Vivek H Murthy
Piensa como un científico espacial by Ozan Varol
Learning by Heart by Tony Wagner
Weird by Olga Khazan
The Cactus League by Emily Nemens
Overground Railroad by Candacy Taylor
Los mejores años by Kiley Reid
The Fearless Organization by Amy C. Edmondson
Creadores de hits by Derek Thompson
Armas de titanes by Timothy Ferriss
Prohibido nacer by Trevor Noah
Infomocracy by Malka Older
Cumulus by Eliot Peper
Rituales cotidianos by Mason Currey
Dar y recibir by Adam Grant
El poder de los introvertidos en un mundo incapaz de callarse by Susan Cain
The Progress Principle by Teresa Amabile
La semana laboral de 4 horas by Timothy Ferriss
Influencia. La psicología de la persuasión by Robert B. Cialdini
El hombre en busca de sentido by Viktor E. Frankl
Eso no puede pasar aquí by Sinclair Lewis
La conjura contra América by Philip Roth
Los 7 habitos de la gente altamente efectiva by Stephen R. Covey
The Path Between the Seas by David McCullough
La Guerra del Arte by Steven Pressfield
Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
A Sense of Where You Are by John McPhee
Rebelión en la granja by George Orwell
Pájaro a pájaro by Anne Lamott
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
Los Niveles del Juego by John McPhee
El gran Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald