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Daniel Pink

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Daniel H. Pink is an American author. Four of his books have been featured on the New York Times bestsellers' list. He was host and co-executive producer of the 2014 National Geographic Channel social science TV series Crowd Control.
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Black Buck book cover
Black Buck
Mateo Askaripour - 2021-01-05
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In this satirical debut novel, a young black man accidentally impresses a CEO while serving his Starbucks order, leading to a shot at stardom as the lone black salesman at a wildly successful and mysterious startup. But he soon learns that appearances are deceiving, and nothing is as it seems. A must-read for fans of Sorry to Bother You and Wolf of Wall Street.
Daniel Pink
This is one of my favorite novels of the last few years. It’s rollicking fun satire of startup culture and racial politics that — no joke — doubles as a sales guide. #DanielPink #BlackBuck #MateoAskaripour #BookRecommendation      источник
Rule Makers, Rule Breakers book cover
Rule Makers, Rule Breakers
Tight and Loose Cultures and the Secret Signals That Direct Our Lives
Michele Gelfand - 2018-09-11
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Explore the intriguing concept of cultural differences in "Rule Makers, Rule Breakers". Discover how adherence (or lack thereof) to social norms affects the behavior of nations and individuals. This theory will challenge your understanding of cultural interactions and make you question your own beliefs.
Daniel Pink
Once you read this book — which describes the differences between “tight” cultures and “loose” cultures — you’ll never see the world the same way again. #DanielPink #RuleMakersRuleBreakers #MicheleGelfand #BookRecommendation      источник
Мальчишки из «Никеля» book cover
Мальчишки из «Никеля»
A Novel
Colson Whitehead - 2019-07-16
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«Мальчишки из «Никеля» — это история афроамериканского подростка Элвуда Кертиса, мечтавшего стать учителем, но оказавшегося в исправительном школе за преступление, которого не совершал. Жизнь в ней оказывается больше похожа на ад, и единственным спасением Элвуда становится дружба с другим воспитанником — Тернером. Элвуд безнадежно наивен и верит в торжество справедливости, а Тернер убежден в том, что мир был, есть и будет жесток и несправедлив, и этого не изменить. Столкновение идеализма Элвуда с цинизмом Тернера приводит к принятию ими решения, которое будет иметь катастрофические последствия. Роман основан на реальных событиях и «подтверждает ведущее место Колсона Уайтхеда в современной американской литературе» (журнал Time). В 2020 году удостоен Пулитцеровской премии и Премии Оруэлла.
Daniel Pink
Halfway through this novel, I thought to myself, “My grandchildren will be reading this book. That’s how good it is and at least how long it will endure." #DanielPink #ColsonWhitehead #TheNickelBoys #BookRecommendation @colsonwhitehead      источник
Как не ошибаться book cover
Как не ошибаться
Сила математического мышления
Jordan Ellenberg - 2014-05-29
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Суперзвезда от науки (профессор математики и автор статей в New York Times, the Washington Post и Wired) раскрывает внутреннюю красоту и логику, стоящие за нашим миром. В школе мы узнаем, что математика - скучный набор правил, который не поддается обсуждению. В своей книге Джордан Элленберг показывает, как узок подобный взгляд: математика - это не абстрактные идеи, далекие от реальной жизни. Математика пронизывает все, что нас окружает, и позволяет взглянуть за беспорядочную и хаотичную поверхность нашего мира, увидеть скрытые за ней структуры. Это наука о том, как не ошибаться, формировавшаяся веками. Вооружившись математикой, мы можем видеть истинное значение информации, которую считали верной по умолчанию, и критически осмыслять все. Как рано нужно приезжать в аэропорт? Что именно отражает «общественное мнение»? Почему у высоких родителей невысокие дети? Кто в действительности выиграл во Флориде в 2000 году во время президентских выборов? Какова вероятность развития рака? В этой книге представлен математический метод анализа жизни и подобных вопросов, с трудом выработанный научным сообществом - и изложенный в доступной для каждого форме. Элленберг рассказывает о самых разных явлениях и идеях - от рейганомики, лотерейных схем и искусственных языков до развития неевклидовой геометрии, живописи итальянского Ренессанса и того, что Фейсбук может (и что не может) узнать о вас. Математика, как говорит Элленберг, это надстройка к вашему здравому смыслу, которая значительно преумножает его возможности и силу. Вы можете более глубоко понимать мир - и эта книга покажет как.
Daniel Pink
I’m way late to this book, which came out in 2014. But it’s a gem – highly recommended summer reading, especially for anyone in high school or college. @JSEllenberg is a mathematician who can write. #DanielPink #JordanEllenberg #HowNotToBeWrong #Mathematician      источник
Sleepwalk book cover
A Novel
Dan Chaon - 2022-05-24
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A high-speed and darkly comic road trip through a near-future America with a big-hearted mercenary - Sleepwalk follows Will Bear, a man living off the grid with a passion for LSD microdosing. But when a 20-year-old woman claiming to be his biological daughter needs his help, Will finds himself entrenched in a widespread and nefarious plot involving his employers. With haunting emotional realism and fast-paced intrigue, Dan Chaon's Sleepwalk examines where we've been and where we're going, and the connections that bind us, no matter how far we travel.
Daniel Pink
This week’s book recommendation is a propulsive and dystopian thriller from the one and only @Danchaon. A compelling summer read #DanielPink #DanChaon #BookRecommendation      источник
Biased book cover
Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do
Jennifer L. Eberhardt - 2019-03-26
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Learn about the subtle and dramatic effects of implicit racial bias in Biased, a personal examination of one of the most powerful cultural issues of our time. Through both scientific research and personal experience, one of the leading experts on unconscious racial bias explores how ingrained stereotypes can infect our visual perception, attention, memory, and behavior, leading to disparities in housing, education, employment, and the criminal justice system. With practical suggestions for reform and interviews with law enforcement professionals, Biased offers an insightful look into the pervasive nature of racial bias in modern society, and how we can all play a role in solving this human problem.
Daniel Pink
Today’s recommendation is a staggering book that examines the science of “us and them” — particularly when it comes to race. Implicit bias is pernicious, but it’s not inevitable. Eberhardt shows what everyone can do to reduce bias, to widen the circle of who constitutes “us.”      источник
Jeff Raikes
Scarcity book cover
Sendhil Mullainathan - 2013-09-03
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Discover how scarcity affects every aspect of our lives, from poverty to procrastination, and how our flawed responses to it shape our society and culture. In this intriguing examination of cutting-edge research from behavioral science and economics, the authors reveal a similar psychology in everyone struggling to manage with less than they need. Learn how understanding scarcity can help individuals and organizations better manage scarcity for greater success and satisfaction.
Daniel Pink
This is one of the most underrated books of the last 10 years. It profoundly changed my thinking about thinking. #DanielPInk #Scarcity #EldarShafir #BookRecommendation      источник
Esther DysonSara Goldrick-Rab
The Stoic Challenge book cover
The Stoic Challenge
A Philosopher's Guide to Becoming Tougher, Calmer, and More Resilient
William B. Irvine - 2019-09-03
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"The Stoic Challenge" is a practical guide that combines ancient Stoic principles with modern psychology to help us overcome everyday obstacles. Author William B. Irvine uses lessons from thinkers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca to create a simple strategy for dealing with life's unpleasant surprises, from minor setbacks to major ones experienced by people like Stephen Hawking and Bethany Hamilton. By adopting this updated Stoic mindset, we can become calmer, tougher, and more resilient. A valuable resource for anyone looking to better cope with the stresses of modern living.
Daniel Pink
Life is full of frustration. (That might be its default setting.) This book helped me contend with that reality. Now, I always try to reframe frustration not as a problem, but as a test of my resilience and creativity. Just like the Stoics. #DanielPink #TheStoicChallenge      источник
Не работайте с м*даками book cover
Не работайте с м*даками
И что делать, если они вокруг вас
Robert I. Sutton - 2007-02-22
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The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work. What an asshole! How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford University professor Robert I. Sutton builds on his acclaimed Harvard Business Review article to show you the best ways to deal with assholes...and why they can be so destructive to your company. Practical, compassionate, and in places downright funny, this guide offers: Strategies on how to pinpoint and eliminate negative influences for good Illuminating case histories from major organizations A self-diagnostic test and a program to identify and keep your own inner jerk from coming out The No Asshole Rule is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Business Week bestseller.
Daniel Pink
As we head back to the office, this book by @work_matters is essential reading. It’ll explain why you should never tolerate a-holes at work & help you find out if you might be one yourself. (It’s also my wife’s favorite business book, including those written by her husband.)      источник
Mark HertlingLaszlo Bock
Как привести дела в порядок book cover
Как привести дела в порядок
Искусство продуктивности без стресса
David Allen - 2002-12-31 (впервые опубликовано в 2001)
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With first-chapter allusions to martial arts, "flow," "mind like water," and other concepts borrowed from the East (and usually mangled), you'd almost think this self-helper from David Allen should have been called Zen and the Art of Schedule Maintenance. Not quite. Yes, Getting Things Done offers a complete system for downloading all those free-floating gotta-do's clogging your brain into a sophisticated framework of files and action lists--all purportedly to free your mind to focus on whatever you're working on. However, it still operates from the decidedly Western notion that if we could just get really, really organized, we could turn ourselves into 24/7 productivity machines. (To wit, Allen, whom the New Economy bible Fast Company has dubbed "the personal productivity guru," suggests that instead of meditating on crouching tigers and hidden dragons while you wait for a plane, you should unsheathe that high-tech saber known as the cell phone and attack that list of calls you need to return.) As whole-life-organizing systems go, Allen's is pretty good, even fun and therapeutic. It starts with the exhortation to take every unaccounted-for scrap of paper in your workstation that you can't junk, The next step is to write down every unaccounted-for gotta-do cramming your head onto its own scrap of paper. Finally, throw the whole stew into a giant "in-basket" That's where the processing and prioritizing begin; in Allen's system, it get a little convoluted at times, rife as it is with fancy terms, subterms, and sub-subterms for even the simplest concepts. Thank goodness the spine of his system is captured on a straightforward, one-page flowchart that you can pin over your desk and repeatedly consult without having to refer back to the book. That alone is worth the purchase price. Also of value is Allen's ingenious Two-Minute Rule: if there's anything you absolutely must do that you can do right now in two minutes or less, then do it now, thus freeing up your time and mind tenfold over the long term. It's commonsense advice so obvious that most of us completely overlook it, much to our detriment; Allen excels at dispensing such wisdom in this useful, if somewhat belabored, self-improver aimed at everyone from CEOs to soccer moms (who we all know are more organized than most CEOs to start with). --Timothy Murphy
Daniel Pink
This book had a bigger effect on my day-to-day practices and productivity than any book I've ever read. (It's also why I, like every GTD aficionado, treasure my label-making machine.) #DanielPink #DavidAllen #GettingThingsDone      источник
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