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Esther Dyson

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Esther Dyson is a Swiss-born American investor, journalist, author, businesswoman, commentator and philanthropist. She is a leading angel investor focused on health care, open government, digital technology, biotechnology, and outer space.
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From Bacteria to Bach and Back book cover
From Bacteria to Bach and Back
The Evolution of Minds
Daniel C. Dennett - 2018-02-20 (впервые опубликовано в 2017)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the evolution of the human mind in From Bacteria to Bach and Back by Daniel C. Dennett. Dennett builds on recent discoveries from biology and computer science to show how our ability to share memes resulted in the development of a comprehending mind through a mindless process of natural selection. Discover how competition among memes produced thinking tools powerful enough that our minds don’t just perceive and react, they create and comprehend. An agenda-setting read for philosophers and scientists alike, From Bacteria to Bach and Back is a must-read for those curious about how the mind works.
Esther Dyson
How consciousness arises, and how much it depends on a sense of past, present, and future (plus a lot of other interesting insights).      источник
Vinod Khosla
Scarcity book cover
Sendhil Mullainathan - 2013-09-03
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover how scarcity affects every aspect of our lives, from poverty to procrastination, and how our flawed responses to it shape our society and culture. In this intriguing examination of cutting-edge research from behavioral science and economics, the authors reveal a similar psychology in everyone struggling to manage with less than they need. Learn how understanding scarcity can help individuals and organizations better manage scarcity for greater success and satisfaction.
Esther Dyson
An explanation of scarcity for rich intellectuals, showing how poor people do stupid things for lack of money, while rich people do stupid things for lack of time.      источник
Daniel PinkSara Goldrick-Rab