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Vinod Khosla

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Vinod Khosla is an Indian American billionaire businessman and venture capitalist. He is a co-founder of Sun Microsystems and the founder of Khosla Ventures. In 2014, Forbes named him amongst the 400 richest people in the United States.
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Чайка Джонатан Ливингстон book cover
Чайка Джонатан Ливингстон
Richard Bach - 2006-02-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1970)
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Невероятно, но ни в одной из книг Ричарда Баха нет предисловия или послесловия с его биографией. Да и зачем? Все, что нам нужно знать о Чайке по имени Ричард Бах, мы знаем из его книг... Он не придумал "Чайку". Он услышал ее целиком и записал, и это полностью изменило его жизнь. И теперь вы можете прочесть эту чудо-сказку, которая ответит вам на самые важные в жизни вопросы.
Vinod Khosla
One of my favorite books when I was a teenager! I still keep it around the house and periodically look at it.      источник
Willful Blindness book cover
Willful Blindness
Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril
Margaret Heffernan - 2011-03-01
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Willful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan delves into the reasons behind our tendency to turn a blind eye towards impending disasters, whether they be personal or corporate. Through anecdotes and interviews with psychologists, neuroscientists, and whistleblowers, Heffernan explains how and why certain people see what others don't, and proposes solutions for individuals and groups to overcome the phenomenon of willful blindness. This thought-provoking read challenges readers to confront their biases and become more mindful of the world around them.
Vinod Khosla
Highly recommended reading if you value the need speak up and as I say "brutal honesty (polite) over hypocritical politeness". Politeness can do a lot of harm: Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril      источник
Against Empathy book cover
Against Empathy
The Case for Rational Compassion
Paul Bloom - 2016-12-06
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Discover why Yale researcher Paul Bloom argues against the common belief that empathy is the ultimate source of goodness in society. In Against Empathy, Bloom uses groundbreaking scientific findings to reveal how empathy is a capricious and irrational emotion that leads to inequality and immorality. Instead of relying on empathy, he encourages a more distanced compassion for clearer, fairer, and ultimately more moral decisions and choices in all aspects of our lives. This urgent and humane book shows that limiting our impulse towards empathy may be the most compassionate choice we can make.
Vinod Khosla
@paulbloomatyale @JohnNosta Great book. Highly recommended.      источник
The Score Takes Care of Itself book cover
The Score Takes Care of Itself
My Philosophy of Leadership
Bill Walsh - 2009-08-20
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Discover the ultimate lecture on leadership by the NFL's greatest coach - Bill Walsh. Renowned for transforming the San Francisco 49ers from the worst franchise to a legendary dynasty, Walsh shares his advanced leadership strategies that can be applied to any profession. With additional insights from Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana and others, this book will inspire and enlighten leaders seeking to improve their skills.
Vinod Khosla
MY 2012 BOOKS: The Score Takes acre of itself : Walsh 5 STARS- among the best books! A way of living, working & commitment to excellence      источник
A Mathematician's Lament book cover
A Mathematician's Lament
How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form
Paul Lockhart - 2009-04-01
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Mathematics education is reimagined through the eyes of a passionate teacher in this eye-opening read. A brilliant research mathematician and dedicated K-12 teacher, the author reveals math to be creative and beautiful, challenging anxiety-producing teaching methods in a witty and accessible way. With praise from NPR’s math columnist, this controversial approach is sure to provoke spirited debates among educators and parents alike.
Vinod Khosla
2011Books Mathematician's Lament: better way to teach math. Wish he had ideas to fit state curriculums. Important book      источник
Cognitive Surplus book cover
Cognitive Surplus
How Technology Makes Consumers into Collaborators
Clay Shirky - 2010-06-10
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Explore how new digital technology is unleashing a wave of creative production that is transforming our world. Discover how people are using new media to pool their efforts at low cost, creating mind-expanding reference tools like Wikipedia and life-saving Web sites like Ushahidi.com. Cognitive Surplus shows what's possible when people unite to use their intellect, energy, and time for the greater good.
Vinod Khosla
Really good book if you want to understand social media & people as an app: Cognitive Surplus      источник
Chris AndersonTyler CowenTed Hope
What You Do Is Who You Are book cover
What You Do Is Who You Are
How to Create Your Business Culture
Ben Horowitz - 2019-10-29
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Explore how to build and sustain a purposeful culture with "What You Do Is Who You Are" by a leading venture capitalist and management expert. Through historical figures and modern case-studies, the book offers surprising advice and guidance for executives to shape their organization's culture and make purposeful decisions. Discover how to understand your company's strategy and become the kind of leader others want to follow. It's not just about the values you list, but about what you do.
Vinod Khosla
Shows the value of having principles an organization and its leaders believe in and can stick with when it gets hard to do so and real tradeoffs are involved.      источник
Lifespan book cover
Why We Age―and Why We Don't Have To
David A. Sinclair - 2019-09-10
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Discover the groundbreaking theory that aging is a disease and is treatable in this fascinating book by a leading authority on genetics and longevity. Exploring research from Harvard, the author reveals how activating vitality genes can slow down or even reverse aging. Prepare to be enlightened on this bold new approach to aging.
Vinod Khosla
Reveals incredible scientific breakthroughs about aging and ways we can slow down, or even reverse, the process.      источник
Универсалы book cover
Как талантливые дилетанты становятся победителями по жизни
David Epstein - 2019-05-28
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Эта книга перевернет ваши представления о пути к профессиональному успеху! Революционный подход Дэвида Эпштейна, магистра экологических наук и журналистики, ставит под сомнение идею 10 000 часов. Он исследовал примеры самых успешных спортсменов, художников, музыкантов, нобелевских лауреатов и ученых и обнаружил, что в большинстве областей ранняя и узкая специализация – не синоним результата. Именно универсалы — изобретательные и гибкие люди с широким кругозором и большим жизненным опытом — рулят в мире больших скоростей.
Vinod Khosla
Discovers that in most fields , generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel. Every high school and college student should read it.      источник
Безумные идеи book cover
Безумные идеи
Как не упустить кажущиеся бредовыми идеи, способные выигрывать войны, искоренять болезни и менять целые отрасли
Safi Bahcall - 2019-03-19
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В своей книге физик и предприниматель Сафи Бэколл рассказывает о том, почему хорошие команды на корню губят великолепные идеи, почему мудрость масс превращается в тиранию, как небольшие изменения в структуре групп способны повлиять на их поведение и что может рассказать о человеческой природе и мировой истории стакан воды. На примерах из разных сфер жизни и реальных историях о замечательных людях автор показывает, каким образом современная наука поможет разобраться в функционировании компаний и судьбах империй. Все это вооружит вас инструментами, которые позволят стать инициатором перемен, а не жертвой новшеств, научат не отступать от истины и настойчиво идти к цели. Адресована тем, кто хочет понять, как безумные идеи меняют мир.
Vinod Khosla
A key to understanding why Silicon Valley culture is changing the world.      источник
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