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Как талантливые дилетанты становятся победителями по жизни

David Epstein

Эта книга перевернет ваши представления о пути к профессиональному успеху! Революционный подход Дэвида Эпштейна, магистра экологических наук и журналистики, ставит под сомнение идею 10 000 часов. Он исследовал примеры самых успешных спортсменов, художников, музыкантов, нобелевских лауреатов и ученых и обнаружил, что в большинстве областей ранняя и узкая специализация – не синоним результата. Именно универсалы — изобретательные и гибкие люди с широким кругозором и большим жизненным опытом — рулят в мире больших скоростей.
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Рейтинг Goodreads
In this fascinating book, he argues that although the world seems to demand more and more specialization—in your career, for example—what we actually need is more people “who start broad and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives while they progress.” His examples run from Roger Federer to Charles Darwin to Cold War-era experts on Soviet affairs. I think his ideas even help explain some of Microsoft’s success, because we hired people who had real breadth within their field and across domains. If you’re a generalist who has ever felt overshadowed by your specialist colleagues, this book is for you.      источник
Discovers that in most fields , generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel. Every high school and college student should read it.      источник
After a mental block of not being able to read a book properly for 2 years, got started on this one after several recommendations and now can’t stop reading.      источник
The best books I read this year. Thanks @austinkleon and @susanorlean and among others. If you want reading recommendations, sign up for the reading list email at Can’t believe it is in its tenth year.      источник
Range: how generalists triumph in a specialized world If you want the class generalist vs specialist question answered, this is the book for you. @DavidEpstein has written a beauty. One of the best reads of the year for me.      источник
@AdeshraNikunj Excellent book. He made a great argument on how different people in by taking different approaches.      источник
@DavidEpstein’s book, Range shows us that despite common beliefs, being a generalist and focusing on many different tasks or interests at the same time pays off. The world’s top performers are usually generalists.      источник
@AGuyInOKC Driving back across America from visiting Kid at college, I listened to this, cannot recommend it enough. @DavidEpstein wrote a fascinating and perspective changing book which, among other things, talks about just that.      источник
@isvictoriousss @DavidEpstein REALLY good book!      источник
@kushal_mehra kaun khel raha hai. btw great book if you havent read/heard it already Range      источник
When an actually useful book like Range by David Epstein breaks through to best seller lists, it makes me smile.      источник
@wendynather @Bosefina I read Range back in March while on vacation. Excellent book, filled with relevant stories, that spoke to value of generalists in connecting the dots. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, would recommend.      источник
I am re-reading @DavidEpstein's wonderful book "Range" and was reminded of Karl Weick's argument that "Generalists should be the the upbeat, positive people in the profession while specialists should be their grouchy, negative counterparts." Here's Karl's complete quote      источник
I avoid all modern pop psychology books, but this contrarian book is really good & actually eye-opening. Highly recommend. Range by @DavidEpstein      источник
@YashimVG @web Pick up the book "Range". When young, go broad instead of narrow. Keep exploring until you find that one thing you can't get enough of. The best marketers have a lot of breadth.      источник
Great line from the new book (Range) by @DavidEpstein: "Compare yourself to yourself yesterday, not to younger people who aren't you."      источник
One of the best books I’ve read in a while: Range by @DavidEpstein. It’s the kind of book that actually changes how you think about the world.      источник
@richreadalot @FlyingEyeBooks @NobrowPress @Alibrarylady @EdRoundtables @one_to_read @teacher_mr_r @MrHtheteacher @rumena_aktar @bouncemarketing @jonnybid @iwstoryfestival Got Ancient Games from @FlyingEyeBooks today to finish my set... these are just brilliant books.      источник
… the chat came off the back of the release of David’s awesome best-selling book Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World. It’s a must-read for ALL who work in sport, at ALL levels ⤵️      источник
@hmmrmedia @BillGates @DavidEpstein Great Book      источник