16 книг в списке
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Learn how to navigate the new economy with Information Rules. Authors Shapiro and Varian apply classic economic concepts to the information age and provide insight for managers looking to develop effective strategies. Discover how to evaluate the consequences of pricing, protecting, and planning new versions of information products, services, and systems to succeed in the information technology industry. This is the ultimate guide to winning moves in the information economy.
Tren Griffin
2022-04-14T02:31:12.000ZLearn the philosophies behind Warren Buffett's successful investment decisions with Warren Buffett: Inside the Ultimate Money Mind by Robert G. Hagstrom. This deep analysis breaks down Buffett's essential wisdom, which he calls a Money Mind, into a way of thinking about financial issues and a mindset for investing in today's fast-paced stock markets. In this thinking book, Hagstrom explains the contributions of self-reliance, stoicism, rationalism, and pragmatism to intelligent investments, and outlines the building blocks of a Money Mind. Discover the defining traits of successful active management and see the surprising aspects of a Money Mind, including its contributions to sportsmanship, teaching, and art. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to incorporate the principles of a Money Mind in their pursuit of a life of value.
Tren Griffin
2021-08-14T05:35:36.000ZExplore the fascinating world of complexity and how seemingly unrelated phenomena are linked through the science of this intricate system. From the sudden disappearance of ancient species to the organization of galaxies, discover how single elements spontaneously come together to form complicated structures. Join the scientific luminaries at The Santa Fe Institute, including Nobel Laureates Murray Gell-Mann and Kenneth Arrow, as they make groundbreaking discoveries that could change the face of science forever. Brimming with insights, this book by M. Mitchell Waldrop takes you on an engaging journey into the scientific revolution of complexity.
Tren Griffin
2021-03-22T14:57:00.000ZThe Innovative University
Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out
Innovating higher education: This book explores how universities can respond to disruptive innovation, using Harvard and BYU-Idaho as examples. It offers hope and insights on how traditional universities can change for the future, including dealing with faculty, enrollment, retention, and campus facilities. It breaks down a strategic model for economic vitality and uncovers how universities can thrive by building on their strengths while breaking with tradition.
Tren Griffin
2021-03-06T03:48:02.000ZExplore the science of self-organized criticality and discover a new way of understanding nature. This theory explains the complex patterns found throughout the natural world and delves into the fundamental question of why nature is complex, not simple. With applications ranging from the study of black holes to the evolution of life, this groundbreaking theory reveals how catastrophes can occur without any external triggers. How Nature Works is the first book to delve into this fascinating subject, presenting a simple yet profound idea and its impact on our understanding of the world around us.
Tren Griffin
2021-01-23T20:29:56.000Z«Психологию влияния» знают и рекомендуют в качестве одного из лучших учебных пособий по социальной психологии, конфликтологии, менеджменту все западные, а теперь уже и отечественные психологи. Книга Роберта Чалдини выдержала в США четыре издания, ее тираж превысил полтора миллиона экземпляров. Эта работа, подкупающая читателя легким стилем и эффектной подачей материала, является тем не менее серьезным трудом, в котором на самом современном научном уровне анализируются механизмы мотивации, усвоения информации и принятия решений.
Unlock the secret to identifying value-price gaps in the stock market with Expectations Investing. Authors Rappaport and Mauboussin provide readers with everything they need to utilize the discounted cash flow model while suggesting a new approach: start by estimating the expectations embedded in a company's stock price. Learn how to trace the process of value creation and assess the likelihood of expectations revisions with the "expectations infrastructure" framework. Whether you're an investor or a manager, Expectations Investing will give you a new way to evaluate and improve your approach to the stock market.
Tren Griffin
2020-11-29T18:35:20.000ZВ своей новой книге автор знаменитой «Фрактальной геометрии природы» (1982 год) Бенуа Мандельброт вновь подрывает устои. На сей раз — современной финансовой теории, той самой, которую преподают в самых престижных школах бизнеса мира, и на которой построена глобальная финансовая система. Это совершенно новый, революционный взгляд на финансы, могущий перевернуть наши представления о них с ног на голову. В книге показано, как применимы авторские концепции самоповторения в масштабе, долгосрочной зависимости, бурной случайности, мультифрактального анализа и многие другие к миру бизнеса. Очевидно, «Непослушные рынки» просто обязаны прочесть все, кто причастен к финансам, бизнесу, производству. Но не только: любой человек, интересующийся тем, как устроен наш мир, насколько он упорядочен или хаотичен, надежен или опасен, после прочтения книги посмотрит вокруг себя другими глазами. «Непослушные рынки» — книга научно-популярная, совершенно не перегруженная математическими выкладками. О глобальных, мировоззренческих вещах рассказано чрезвычайно увлекательно, простым, доступным, с изрядной долей юмора языком.
Tren Griffin
2020-11-21T03:45:11.000ZExplore the wireless revolution from every angle with this insightful analysis. From applications to technology, economics to system engineering, experience a comprehensive look at the impact of wireless access on the local telephone network.
Tren Griffin
2020-09-05T17:28:46.000ZDigital Cellular Radio by George Calhoun
Secrets of Sand Hill Road by Scott Kupor
Универсалы by David Epstein
Продавец обуви by Phil Knight
Правила лучших CEO by William N. Thorndike
Конкурентная стратегия by Michael E. Porter
Les Schwab Pride in Performance by Les Schwab