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Peep Laja

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Сотрудникам необходима обратная связь. Основа успеха компании – хорошая корпоративная культура. Без стратегического планирования целей не достичь. Компетентность сотрудников необходимо постоянно оценивать, а их слабые стороны – непременно усиливать. Управлять можно только тем, что измеримо. Многие десятилетия данные управленческие подходы считаются непререкаемыми аксиомами. Однако на деле эти методы не просто малоэффективны, они вызывают негатив и неудовлетворенность со стороны сотрудников, которые вынуждены подстраиваться под укоренившиеся правила, выполнять спущенный сверху план, не имеющий ничего общего с действительностью, соответствовать искусственно выработанным оценкам, стремиться к целям, которые никак не соотносятся с их личными устремлениями. Один из авторов бестселлера «Сначала, нарушьте все правила», признанный эксперт в области менеджмента Маркус Бакингем и старший вице-президент по исследованиям лидерства и команд в Cisco Systems Эшли Гуделл, опираясь на последние исследования в сфере работы персонала, доказывают, почему многие популярные методы управления не работают. Авторы предлагают совершенно иной, осмысленный подход к управлению людьми. Опираясь на него, смелые свободомыслящие лидеры смогут получать максимум от каждого члена команды, предостерегать их от ошибок, но при этом давать им возможность экспериментировать и учиться.
Peep Laja
@be3d Loved that book      источник
Tom Peters
Brand Relevance book cover
Brand Relevance
Making Competitors Irrelevant
David A. Aaker
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Branding guru Aaker shows how to eliminate the competition and become the lead brand in your market This ground-breaking book defines the concept of brand relevance using dozens of case studies-Prius, Whole Foods, Westin, iPad and more-and explains how brand relevance drives market dynamics, which generates opportunities for your brand and threats ...
Peep Laja
@theweirdgene @DavidAaker I'm a big fan of that book. The sad reality is that very, very few win anything on relevance today as very few are creating any subcategories.      источник
Unlocking Hypergrowth book cover
Unlocking Hypergrowth
Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity
Frank Slootman - 2022-01-13
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This book guides leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs on how to optimize their organization for hyper growth and scale. With advice from the only CEO to take three companies public, readers will learn essential mindsets and tactics that challenge the status quo, avoid incrementalism, and focus resources for true potential. Though difficult and uncomfortable, embracing these principles will lead to great rewards.
Peep Laja
2. Amp It Up by Frank Slootman. I know I'm late to the party with this book, but it's worth the hype. Any company can improve its performance by having higher standards and more speed. Great book on building culture, excellent food for thought for any business leader.      источник
Noah Kagan
Story 10x book cover
Story 10x
Turn the Impossible Into the Inevitable
Michael Margolis - 2019-10-08
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Become a better leader by becoming a better storyteller. Story 10x teaches readers how to craft an Undeniable Story, a 3-step narrative framework used by companies like Google and Facebook to communicate breakthrough ideas. With a fresh approach to storytelling, the book shows readers how to navigate hypergrowth and win over even the most reluctant audience. Invest in your story and learn how to inspire and influence in the digital age.
Peep Laja
@MarijanaKay @aprildunford Storyworthy is excellent, but not exactly "business storytelling". The best business storytelling book I've come across Story 10x, but it's also not a 1-2-3 manual, echoes a lot of Andy Raskin line of thinking      источник
The Storyteller book cover
The Storyteller
Tales of Life and Music
Dave Grohl - 2021-10-05
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Memoirs of a legendary rockstar and musician, chronicling his life from his humble upbringing in Virginia to his rise to fame with Scream, Nirvana, and Foo Fighters. Dave Grohl shares personal stories of jamming with musical icons, performing at the Academy Awards, and even bedtime stories with Joan Jett. Take a peek into the wild and exhilarating life of a true storyteller.
Peep Laja
I've been listening to the author-narrated autobiography by Dave Grohl (@foofighters / Nirvana)... and it's 🔥. If you grew up on Nirvana and punk rock, this first-account storytelling is mindblowing. Super addictive, great fucking stories. The book is called The Storyteller.      источник
Duncan Weldon
Storyworthy book cover
Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling
Matthew Dicks - 2018-06-12
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Learn how to tell captivating stories with Storyworthy. This book, written by a five-time Moth GrandSLAM winner and best-selling novelist, shows how storytelling plays a crucial role in our daily lives. With engaging tips and techniques for creating and delivering compelling stories, Matthew Dicks teaches readers that everyone has something "storyworthy" to share. Discover how the act of storytelling can empower and enhance your life.
Peep Laja
I finally did it - I found the one amazing, instructional, engaging, interesting, useful, very good book on storytelling. After reading maybe 20 boring ones. You absolutely need to pick up "Storyworthy" by @MatthewDicks. I did the audio version, it was great.      источник
The Innovation Stack book cover
The Innovation Stack
Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time
Jim McKelvey - 2020-03-10
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Discover the secret to building a resilient, world-changing company in "The Innovation Stack." Follow the journey of Jim McKelvey as he co-founds Square with Jack Dorsey, overcoming obstacles and questioning industry assumptions to create a groundbreaking platform for small merchants to accept credit card payments on their mobile phones. Learn from McKelvey's experience as he explores the strategy behind Square's success and the pattern of entrepreneurship that is rare but repeatable. This thrilling business narrative is a call to action for us all to find the entrepreneur within ourselves and fix unsolved problems - one crazy idea at a time.
Peep Laja
Let's be honest, most business books are serious and even dull. Not this one. I'm really enjoying the captivating storytelling, humor and excellent narration (by author) of this one: The Innovation Stack by Jim McKelvey. Highly recommended for founders and product leaders.      источник
Kenneth Cukier
Mind Management, Not Time Management book cover
Mind Management, Not Time Management
Productivity When Creativity Matters (Getting Art Done Book 2)
David Kadavy - 2020-10-27
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Discover a revolutionary approach to productivity in Mind Management, Not Time Management. Instead of squeezing blood from a stone with traditional time management techniques, author David Kadavy offers a fresh approach to effortlessly getting more out of your mind. The book delves into how to be truly productive in a constantly changing world, making it a must-read for anyone feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted.
Peep Laja
If you're looking for a new perspective on getting more organized, get this book. A good deal right now      источник
Принцип ставок book cover
Принцип ставок
Как принимать решения в условиях неопределенности
Annie Duke - 2018-02-06
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Чемпионка в покере и бизнес-консультант Энни Дьюк рассказывает о том, как принимать лучшие решения в условиях неопределенности. Мы каждый день принимаем решения в уверенности, что учли все факторы, и рассчитываем на хороший результат. В действительности мы всегда действуем в условиях неопределенности, а результат зависит, в конечном счете, от двух главных факторов: нашего мастерства и удачи. Как в покере. Но эта книга не о карточной игре, а о том, чем полезно мышление по принципу ставок вне игорного стола и как его использовать. Энни Дьюк - известный игрок в покер - предлагает относиться к решениям как к ставкам. Принцип ставок поможет: - научиться отделять качество решения от его результата; - различать удачу и мастерство; - точнее анализировать результаты; - шире смотреть на мир; - принимать более эффективные решения. Эти навыки пригодятся в бизнесе, личных отношениях и планировании - везде, где нужно осваивать новое и делать выбор.
Peep Laja
Separate decisions from outcomes. A good decision might still end in an undesirable outcome, and a bad decision might work out great. This was a massive insight from the book "Thinking in bets". It changed my thinking about decision-making.      источник
Obsessed by Emily Heyward
Универсалы by David Epstein
7 Powers by Hamilton Helmer
The Brand Flip by Marty Neumeier
The Half-Life of Facts by Samuel Arbesman
Как достичь цели by Chris McChesney
Хорошая стратегия, плохая стратегия by Richard Rumelt
Zag by Marty Neumeier
Разрыв бренда by Marty Neumeier
Стратегия голубого океана by W. Chan Kim
22 непреложных закона маркетинга by Al Ries