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Как принимать решения в условиях неопределенности

Annie Duke

Чемпионка в покере и бизнес-консультант Энни Дьюк рассказывает о том, как принимать лучшие решения в условиях неопределенности. Мы каждый день принимаем решения в уверенности, что учли все факторы, и рассчитываем на хороший результат. В действительности мы всегда действуем в условиях неопределенности, а результат зависит, в конечном счете, от двух главных факторов: нашего мастерства и удачи. Как в покере. Но эта книга не о карточной игре, а о том, чем полезно мышление по принципу ставок вне игорного стола и как его использовать. Энни Дьюк - известный игрок в покер - предлагает относиться к решениям как к ставкам. Принцип ставок поможет: - научиться отделять качество решения от его результата; - различать удачу и мастерство; - точнее анализировать результаты; - шире смотреть на мир; - принимать более эффективные решения. Эти навыки пригодятся в бизнесе, личных отношениях и планировании - везде, где нужно осваивать новое и делать выбор.
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Рейтинг Goodreads
Thinking in Bets by @AnnieDuke -- Compact guide to probabilistic domains like poker, or venture capital. Best articulation of "resulting", drawing bad conclusions from confusing process and outcome. Recommend for people operating in the real world.      источник
The first chapter alone will change your life.      источник
Amazing point: Would your belief in something stand up to the question, “Wanna bet?” If you had to gamble significant money on that belief, would you still feel 100% about it? Or maybe more honestly 60%? This creates healthy skepticism encouraging you to seek the best information instead of just defending your belief. Now objective accuracy wins instead of argument.      источник
@philreynolds @AnnieDuke I have read Thinking in Bets. Really enjoyed that part especially. Looking for a book with dozens of examples like that, given various contexts.      источник
This book definitely falls in the category I loosely refer to as, “self-help,” which I typically skim more than dive into, but I read this book all the way through because I found the premise so intriguing.      источник
@scott_seiver @AnnieDuke Because (in this order): a) the book is really good and I believe it is a net positive for the world if people read it and b) I have heard both sides of the story unlike almost everyone else which, with all due respect Scott, you haven’t.      источник
A great book!      источник
If you haven’t bought @AnnieDuke’s book yet, what are you waiting for?! Heard her speak twice last week in Chapel Hill and they were simply two of best talks on Decision Making, Discipline and Strategy I have ever heard.      источник
An awesome book at an awesome price. Buy and read if you have not already!      источник
Separate decisions from outcomes. A good decision might still end in an undesirable outcome, and a bad decision might work out great. This was a massive insight from the book "Thinking in bets". It changed my thinking about decision-making.      источник
I just read QUIT: The Power Of Knowing When To Walk Away by @AnnieDuke. This is the second @AnnieDuke book for me…the first was THINKING IN BETS an ENORMOUSLY helpful book during 2020 COVID decision-making! “Contrary to popular belief, winners quit a lot. That’s how they win.”      источник
@AnnieDuke A lot of Howard's latest memo is attributed to @AnnieDuke book, Thinking in Bets. I reviewed this book last year and would say it's a must read for anyone interested in trading and investing. (11/11)      источник
#todaysgoodread Superb book      источник