Thinking in Bets
Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts
Annie Duke
"Thinking in Bets" by Annie Duke is a guide to making better decisions in an uncertain world. Using examples from business, sports, politics, and poker, Duke shows how embracing uncertainty and thinking in probabilities can lead to long-term success. Learn how to assess what you know and don't know, avoid knee-jerk reactions and biases, and become more confident and successful in decision-making.
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Goodreads Rating
Thinking in Bets by @AnnieDuke -- Compact guide to probabilistic domains like poker, or venture capital. Best articulation of "resulting", drawing bad conclusions from confusing process and outcome. Recommend for people operating in the real world. – source2018-07-05T14:55:57.000Z
Amazing point: Would your belief in something stand up to the question, “Wanna bet?” If you had to gamble significant money on that belief, would you still feel 100% about it? Or maybe more honestly 60%? This creates healthy skepticism encouraging you to seek the best information instead of just defending your belief. Now objective accuracy wins instead of argument. – source2020-10-23T20:25:17.000Z
@philreynolds @AnnieDuke I have read Thinking in Bets. Really enjoyed that part especially. Looking for a book with dozens of examples like that, given various contexts. – source2019-03-20T00:00:00.000Z
This book definitely falls in the category I loosely refer to as, “self-help,” which I typically skim more than dive into, but I read this book all the way through because I found the premise so intriguing. – source2018-04-18T02:17:56.000Z
@scott_seiver @AnnieDuke Because (in this order): a) the book is really good and I believe it is a net positive for the world if people read it and b) I have heard both sides of the story unlike almost everyone else which, with all due respect Scott, you haven’t. – source2018-11-02T23:10:13.000Z
If you haven’t bought @AnnieDuke’s book yet, what are you waiting for?!
Heard her speak twice last week in Chapel Hill and they were simply two of best talks on Decision Making, Discipline and Strategy I have ever heard. – source2019-08-16T14:09:30.000Z
An awesome book at an awesome price. Buy and read if you have not already! – source2021-04-06T11:47:59.000Z
Separate decisions from outcomes.
A good decision might still end in an undesirable outcome, and a bad decision might work out great.
This was a massive insight from the book "Thinking in bets". It changed my thinking about decision-making. – source2022-12-27T14:08:28.000Z
I just read QUIT: The Power Of Knowing When To Walk Away by @AnnieDuke. This is the second @AnnieDuke book for me…the first was THINKING IN BETS an ENORMOUSLY helpful book during 2020 COVID decision-making! “Contrary to popular belief, winners quit a lot. That’s how they win.” – source2020-01-19T07:08:22.000Z
@AnnieDuke A lot of Howard's latest memo is attributed to @AnnieDuke book, Thinking in Bets. I reviewed this book last year and would say it's a must read for anyone interested in trading and investing. (11/11) – source