Kenneth Cukier
Рекомендованные Книги
Kenneth Neil Cukier is an American journalist and author of books on technology and society. He is best known for his work at The Economist and the book Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Work, Live and Think, coauthored with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2013.
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Explore metaphysics, nihilism, and psychedelic phenomenology in this thought-provoking collection of essays and notes by philosopher Peter Sjöstedt-H. The book covers topics such as the sentience of cells, the constrictions of consciousness, the magic of mushrooms, and the neologism of neo-nihilism. Tracing the fall of western morality through famous philosophers, this book is perfect for both the thoughtful lay-reader and specialist alike.
Kenneth Cukier
Atlas of AI
Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence
"Atlas of AI" by Kate Crawford explores the hidden costs of artificial intelligence. From natural resources and labor to privacy, equality, and freedom, Crawford delves into how AI is shaping our societies and political life. Drawing on over a decade of research and science, Crawford reveals the darker side of AI and how it fuels undemocratic governance, increased racial and gender inequality, and the exploitation of workers. This is a political and material perspective on AI that sheds light on the urgent need for accountability and ethical considerations in the development and use of technology.

Как меняться
Наука, которая поможет преодолеть внутренние препятствия на пути перемен
На пути к переменам ваш главный враг сидит у вас в голове. Может быть, это забывчивость, или недостаток уверенности в себе, или лень, или склонность поддаваться соблазнам. Каким бы ни был вызов, лучшие тактики — в спорте и в жизни — всегда оценивают своего противника и играют соответственно.
Цель этой книги — помочь вам сделать именно это. Вы узнаете, как распознать противника и понять, каким именно образом этот противник пытается помешать вашему прогрессу, и как применить против него научно доказанные методики, специально настроенные на борьбу с ним. Каждая глава будет посвящена одному из внутренних препятствий, стоящих между вами и успехом. К концу чтения вы будете знать, как следует распознавать эти препятствия и что может помочь вам преодолевать их.
Kenneth Cukier
2021-04-27T22:31:30.000ZThis book explores the theme of innovation, its impact on society, and the mystery surrounding its process. The author argues that innovation is a bottom-up, collaborative and experimental phenomenon that happens naturally as a result of the human habit of exchange. He tells stories of dozens of innovations spanning millions of years, from the steam engine to artificial intelligence, and how they succeeded or failed. A fascinating read that reveals the nuances of a crucial aspect of our modern age.
Kenneth Cukier
The Innovation Stack
Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time
Discover the secret to building a resilient, world-changing company in "The Innovation Stack." Follow the journey of Jim McKelvey as he co-founds Square with Jack Dorsey, overcoming obstacles and questioning industry assumptions to create a groundbreaking platform for small merchants to accept credit card payments on their mobile phones. Learn from McKelvey's experience as he explores the strategy behind Square's success and the pattern of entrepreneurship that is rare but repeatable. This thrilling business narrative is a call to action for us all to find the entrepreneur within ourselves and fix unsolved problems - one crazy idea at a time.
Kenneth Cukier
Peep Laja