Jessie Frazelle
Рекомендованные Книги
Jessie Frazelle is a independent consultant. She is a computer programmer who has worked at GitHub, Microsoft, Google, Docker and various companies and startups before that. She's worked on a lot of the open source projects in the container ecosystem as well as having a few projects of her own.
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Discover a world of wonder where immortality is real, but not what you'd expect. In Permutation City, you'll explore the lives of digital selves as they navigate a virtual reality program. Follow Paul Durham as he grapples with his Copies' changing minds and Maria Deluca, an Autoverse addict, who indulges in a world that lives and breathes by mathematical laws. Join them on their journey as they navigate the question of what really makes you "you." From the brilliant mind of Greg Egan comes a novel that will keep you questioning your own existence.
Jessie Frazelle
Невероятные приключения Лавлейс и Бэббиджа
(Почти) правдивая история первого компьютера
Встречайте двух викторианских гениев: Аду Лавлейс — математика, заядлого игрока, протопрограммиста, дочь лорда Байрона, и Чарльза Бэббиджа — эксцентричного, но неудачливого изобретателя.
Прочитав в 1842 году описание планов Бэббиджа относительно гигантской вычислительной машины, Лавлейс добавила к этой работе комментарии — по объему они оказались в три раза длиннее исходного текста. В ее заметках содержатся первые идеи программирования — и это за сто лет до создания компьютера! К сожалению, Лавлейс умерла от рака спустя десять лет после публикации своих наблюдений, а Бэббидж так и не построил свою машину.
Но не отчаивайтесь! «Невероятные приключения Лавлейс и Бэббиджа» — графический роман об альтернативной вселенной, где наши герои достроили свою машину. Они используют ее, чтобы преодолевать сумасшедшие экономические кризисы, сражаться с бичом орфографических ошибок, исследовать пределы математики и, конечно же, бороться с преступностью — на благо Лондона и науки!
Этот комикс полон любопытных исторических фактов (которые сопровождаются отсылками к реальным документам) и закрученных схем устройства парового компьютера Бэббиджа. Захватывающее и крайне необычное фантастическое чтение.
Jessie Frazelle
The Mysterious Affair at Olivetti
IBM, the CIA, and the Cold War Conspiracy to Shut Down Production of the World's First Desktop Computer
Explore the never-before-told true account of the design and development of the first desktop computer by the world's most famous high-styled typewriter company. This book delves into the human, business, design, engineering, cold war, and tech story of how the Olivetti company came to be, including its survival during two world wars and its significant role in bringing a ravaged Italy back to life. Follow along as Olivetti enters the fierce electronics race and develops its first desktop computer, catching up with and surpassing IBM within 18 months. Learn how Olivetti made inroads into the US market by taking control of Underwood of Hartford CT as an assembly plant for Olivetti's own typewriters and future miniaturized personal computers, and how the legendary idealist, socialist, visionary, heir to the company, Adriano Olivetti, built the company into a fantastical dynasty while his brilliant young engineer, who had assembled Olivetti's superb team of electronic engineers, was killed in a suspicious car crash.
Explore how to build and sustain a purposeful culture with "What You Do Is Who You Are" by a leading venture capitalist and management expert. Through historical figures and modern case-studies, the book offers surprising advice and guidance for executives to shape their organization's culture and make purposeful decisions. Discover how to understand your company's strategy and become the kind of leader others want to follow. It's not just about the values you list, but about what you do.
Jessie Frazelle