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Scott Barry Kaufman

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Scott Barry Kaufman is an American humanistic psychologist, author, podcaster, and popular science writer. His writing and research focuses on intelligence, creativity, and human potential.
22 книг в списке
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Let Your Light Shine book cover
Let Your Light Shine
How Mindfulness Can Empower Children and Rebuild Communities
Ali Smith, Atman Smith, Andres Gonzalez - 2022-10-18
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This story of three men's work helping traumatized kids in one of America’s most underserved cities reveals how mindfulness tools can help children and communities not only survive but thrive...
Scott Barry Kaufman
@Bugimus That’s beautiful. This is one of my favorite books:      источник
Goodnight Moon book cover
Goodnight Moon
Margaret Wise Brown - 2007-01-23 (впервые опубликовано в 1947)
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Say goodnight to everything in the cozy, softly lit room with the little bunny tucked away in bed. This classic children's book is a perfect lullaby for the end of the day. With its quiet poetry and soothing illustrations, it's no wonder Goodnight Moon is a beloved favorite for generations of readers and a must-have for every bookshelf. Perfect for baby showers and other special events!
Scott Barry Kaufman
"It’s a blueprint for peace in a time of chaos... The cozy light, the fresh pajamas, the promise of rest and dreams, the chance to do it all again tomorrow? It was always within reach, and it didn’t last long. But it was enough." I still love this book.      источник
Neurosis and Human Growth book cover
Neurosis and Human Growth
The Struggle Towards Self-Realization
Karen Horney - 1991-05-18 (впервые опубликовано в 1950)
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An insightful exploration of the neurotic process as a hindrance to healthy growth, written by esteemed psychiatrist Karen Horney. With keen insight, Horney delves into the different stages and emotional attitudes associated with neurosis, unveiling how these attitudes may limit one's full potential. This 40th Anniversary Edition features a new preface by esteemed psychoanalysts Stephanie Steinfeld and Jeffrey Rubin.
Scott Barry Kaufman
@alephlove Such a good book. My pleasure.      источник
The Varieties of Spiritual Experience book cover
The Varieties of Spiritual Experience
21st Century Research and Perspectives
David B. Yaden, Andrew Newberg - 2022-09-01
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Discover the elusive yet profound inner events of spiritual experiences with this cutting-edge guide to the psychology and neuroscience behind them. Renowned scientists take readers on a journey inside contemporary labs around the world, exploring phenomena ranging from divine revelations to paranormal experiences, to life-changing moments of unity. Modern science is interwoven with personal accounts from believers and non-believers alike, making this a deeply personal and transformative read on the subjects of spiritual experiences.
Scott Barry Kaufman
This is a great book. Check out this update on William James.      источник
Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy book cover
Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
A Simple Path to Healing, Hope, and Peace
Seth J. Gillihan - 2022-12-06
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An innovative approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that blends mindfulness, spirituality, and science to effectively overcome negative thoughts, achieve deep healing, and attain lasting peace. Dr. Seth Gillihan's mindful CBT method integrates the therapeutic process with insights from Stoicism, Christian mysticism, and daily practices to help retrain the mind, banish stubborn lies, and focus on accepting our imperfections and deserving love.
Scott Barry Kaufman
I am SOOOOO excited for this book! I am a huge fan of Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well as @sethgillihan, so this book is the perfect combination of both. :)      источник
Bittersweet book cover
How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole
Susan Cain - 2022-04-05
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Discover the power of a bittersweet outlook on life with this thought-provoking masterpiece. The same author who brought us the bestselling phenomenon, Quiet, delves into the importance of acknowledging our sorrows, longings, and the passing of time. Through personal stories, research, and memoir, we explore bittersweetness as a way of being, a storied heritage that can help us transcend pain and connect with others. At a time of discord and anxiety, this book will bring you unexpected insights and kinship.
Scott Barry Kaufman
Such a great book. Resonated with my soul as well.      источник
Интроверты book cover
Как использовать особенности своего характера
Susan Cain - 2012-01-24
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Эта книга – о том, как реализовать свои таланты и амбиции, будучи интровертом, как оказывать влияние на людей, руководить ими и направлять, сохраняя при этом свое личное пространство. Всегда есть альтернативные рецепты успеха, которые действуют хотя бы потому, что никто не ждет удара с неожиданной стороны. Здесь вы найдете многие из них.
Scott Barry Kaufman
@nicoleshannon Have you read @susancain's excellent book on the topic?      источник
Yes, And book cover
Yes, And
How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration--Lessons from The Second City
Kelly Leonard - 2015-02-03
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Learn how to develop innovators, encourage adaptable leaders, and build transformational businesses with the help of improvisational techniques from The Second City comedy theater in Chicago. Through eight principles of improvisation, including co-creation, embracing failure, and leading by listening, "Yes, And" provides a new toolkit for individuals and organizations to thrive in today's fast-paced and socially connected world. Discover invaluable leadership skills and unleash your team's creativity with this must-read book.
Scott Barry Kaufman
I highly recommend this book by @KLsecondcity:      источник
I Wonder book cover
I Wonder
Annaka Harris - 2013-10-15
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This inspiring children's book, filled with art and storytelling, teaches crucial lessons in emotional intelligence such as being secure in the face of uncertainty. The main character, Eva, embarks on a journey of discovery about the mysteries of life and our world, while embracing the beauty in everything. Parents and children alike will benefit from sharing this wondrous book that celebrates the power of curiosity and awe in learning.
Scott Barry Kaufman
@annakaharris @JeffreyDavis108 I love that book!      источник
Lifespan book cover
Why We Age―and Why We Don't Have To
David A. Sinclair - 2019-09-10
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Discover the groundbreaking theory that aging is a disease and is treatable in this fascinating book by a leading authority on genetics and longevity. Exploring research from Harvard, the author reveals how activating vitality genes can slow down or even reverse aging. Prepare to be enlightened on this bold new approach to aging.
Scott Barry Kaufman
David’s book on why we age and the latest science of longevity is so fascinating and exciting.      источник
Learned Hopefulness by Dan Tomasulo
Weird by Olga Khazan
Квантовые миры и возникновение пространства-времени by Sean Carroll
Максимум by Anders Ericsson
Wired to Create by Scott Barry Kaufman
Waking Up by Sam Harris
Straightforward Statistics by Glenn Geher
What Intelligence Tests Miss by Keith E. Stanovich
The Robot's Rebellion by Keith E. Stanovich
Explaining Psychological Statistics by Barry H. Cohen
Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus
The Sciences of the Artificial by Herbert A. Simon