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Jim Kwik

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Jim Kwik is an American entrepreneur and business coach. He is the Founder and CEO of Kwik Learning, an online brain training and learning firm based in Los Angeles.
16 книг в списке
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Интроверты book cover
Как использовать особенности своего характера
Susan Cain - 2012-01-24
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Эта книга – о том, как реализовать свои таланты и амбиции, будучи интровертом, как оказывать влияние на людей, руководить ими и направлять, сохраняя при этом свое личное пространство. Всегда есть альтернативные рецепты успеха, которые действуют хотя бы потому, что никто не ждет удара с неожиданной стороны. Здесь вы найдете многие из них.
Jim Kwik
Love Susan and her book.      источник
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind book cover
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed on Your Own Terms
Vishen Lakhiani - 2016-05-10
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Break free from the limiting beliefs that hold you back and create new rules for your life with this revolutionary book. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind challenges conventional ideas of relationships, mindfulness, happiness, and meaning, providing a powerful framework for re-coding yourself for an extraordinary life. Author and personal growth entrepreneur Vishen Lakhiani blends computational thinking, personal stories, and humor to reveal the 10 laws to an extraordinary life, based on interviews with legendary leaders like Elon Musk and Arianna Huffington. Once you discover this code, you'll find yourself operating at an extraordinary level of happiness, purpose, fulfillment, and love. Don't just read a book, join a movement and unlock an immersive experience to dive even deeper into this life-changing philosophy.
Jim Kwik
Great book. Esp page 99      источник
Alexander Aranda
Set Your Voice Free book cover
Set Your Voice Free
How to Get the Singing or Speaking Voice You Want
Roger Love - 2003-08-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1999)
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Upgrade your vocal presence and achieve success with SET YOUR VOICE FREE by a world-renowned vocal coach with over 30 years of experience. Your ability to speak clearly and confidently can greatly impact how others perceive you, whether it's during a presentation, a date, or in the online world of YouTube and podcasting. This updated edition includes innovative techniques and exercises to help you bring emotion, range, and power to the way you speak, allowing you to sound authentic, persuasive, distinctive, and real in a world that demands nothing less.
Jim Kwik
Highly recommend you get your copy of Roger Love's new book - and discover how to use your voice with ease and confidence in front of any audience!      источник
The Brain's Way of Healing book cover
The Brain's Way of Healing
Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity
Norman Doidge - 2015-01-27
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Discover the amazing advances in brain injury and illness treatment in this bestseller! Learn about the process of neuroplastic healing and how non-invasive methods like light, sound, and movement can awaken the brain's own healing capacities. Explore real-life cases where chronic pain, autism, and other conditions were alleviated through these approaches. This book presents cutting-edge science and practical principles that can help improve your brain's performance and health.
Jim Kwik
Highly recommend the book "The Brain's Way of Healing" by Norman Doidge      источник
The Rise of Superman book cover
The Rise of Superman
Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance
Steven Kotler - 2014-03-04
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Uncover the secrets of ultimate human performance as extreme athletes break physical barriers and enter the state of consciousness known as “flow.” Bestselling author Steven Kotler explores this fascinating topic, drawing on his research and interviews with top action sports athletes. Discover how flow can help us perform at our best and unlock our own potential. This groundbreaking book presents a world of profound possibilities, challenging our beliefs about what we can achieve.
Jim Kwik
A must read for unleashing super powers and living in flow.      источник
Marc AndreessenJason SilvaAusten Allred
Bluefishing book cover
The Art of Making Things Happen
Steve Sims - 2017-10-17
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Learn how to achieve your goals and transform your life with Bluefishing. Founder of luxury concierge service, Bluefish, Steve Sims shares practical tips and techniques to gain a new perspective and sharpen your mind. From getting a client married in the Vatican to connecting with Elon Musk, Sims reveals how to make the impossible possible. Through inspiring stories and succinct advice, discover how to break down any door and step onto the glamorous stage that awaits you.
Jim Kwik
As the founder of luxury concierge company Bluefish , Steve Sims has helped his clients fulfill some of their wildest dreams - like getting married in the Vatican. In this book , he reveals exactly how he does that, and it all starts with one thing,your relationship.      источник
The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self book cover
The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self
21 Days to Releasing Self-Doubt, Cultivating Inner Peace, and Creating a Life You Love
Nick Ortner - 2017-10-03
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Manifesting Your Greatest Self is a transformative guide to living your best life. Through a 21-day process of self-discovery and development, author Nick Ortner uses the practice of Tapping to help readers overcome roadblocks and awaken as their greatest selves. Drawing on wisdom from Aristotle to Dr. Seuss, Ortner’s engaging storytelling and daily challenges make this book a fun and inspiring read. Take your time with it and sign up for exclusive email reminders to support you along the way. Let your light shine brighter than ever before and create the life experiences you deserve and desire.
Jim Kwik
Tapping at yourself seems crazy at first , but this relaxation technique has done wonders for my own anxiety around public speaking . In this book, tapping pioneer Nick Ortner guides you a through a 21-day program designed to help you heel your trauma and live at your highest potential .      источник
Jack Canfield
High Performance Habits book cover
High Performance Habits
How Extraordinary People Become That Way
Brendon Burchard - 2017-09-19
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Discover the six habits that can make you extraordinary in all areas of your life with this science-backed, heart-centered guide. After extensive research and working as the world's highest-paid performance coach, the author reveals the most effective habits for long-term success. Based on one of the largest surveys ever conducted on high performers, this book provides real-world practices and exercises to help you achieve success and vibrant well-being. With powerful vignettes and cutting-edge science, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to increase productivity, develop influence, and demonstrate courage.
Jim Kwik
Brendon Burchard is coach to some of the highest-archieving people on the planet. In this book , he doesn't just distill their success into 6 habits they all follow -he also explains why they work and how to implement them      источник
UnderstandingUnderstanding book cover
Richard Saul Wurman - 2017-07-30
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"Understanding Understanding" takes readers on a journey of exploration, showing that before any learning takes place, we must first understand. This book celebrates the art of conversation and delves into the intricate connections between how we think, talk, explain, and visualize. With inspiring musings and idiosyncratic paths of understanding, readers will be taken on a journey of discovery that leads to creation. Dip into this book to embrace your interests and expand your understanding.
Jim Kwik
What does it mean to understand something? TED founder Richard Saul Wurman asked 25 experts like architect Frank Gehry exactly that. Their answers make up this massive tome, which will show you to see the world in a whole new life.      источник
Манифест мотиваций by Brendon Burchard
The Charge by Brendon Burchard
Начни с вопроса «Почему?» by Simon Sinek
Сказать жизни "Да!" by Viktor E. Frankl
7 навыков высокоэффективных людей by Stephen R. Covey
Измените свой мозг - изменится и жизнь! by Daniel G. Amen
Искусство мыслить масштабно by David J Schwartz